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Review Article

Ann Nutr Metab Received: August 27, 2020

Accepted: March 17, 2021
DOI: 10.1159/000516398 Published online: June 9, 2021

Role of the Gut Microbiota in Stroke

Pathogenesis and Potential Therapeutic
Kazuo Yamashiro a Naohide Kurita a Takao Urabe a Nobutaka Hattori b

of Neurology, Juntendo University Urayasu Hospital, Chiba, Japan; bDepartment of Neurology,
Juntendo University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan

Keywords and trimethylamine N-oxide), and the immune and nervous

Cerebral ischemia · Dysbiosis · Gut microbiota · systems. Clinical studies have reported that patients with
Inflammation · Stroke acute ischemic stroke exhibit gut dysbiosis, which is associ-
ated with host metabolism and inflammation, as well as
functional outcomes. Modulation of the gut microbiota or its
Abstract metabolites improves conditions related to stroke patho-
Background: Major advances have been made in stroke genesis, including inflammation, cardiometabolic disease,
treatment and prevention in the past decades. However, the atherosclerosis, and thrombosis. Key Messages: Accumulat-
burden of stroke remains high. Identification of novel targets ing evidence indicates that the gut microbiota plays a pos-
and establishment of effective interventions to improve sible role in stroke pathogenesis. Modulation of the gut mi-
stroke outcomes are, therefore, needed. Recent research crobiota may provide a novel therapeutic strategy for the
highlights the contribution of the gut microbiota to stroke treatment and prevention of stroke.
pathogenesis. Summary: Compositional and functional al- © 2021 The Author(s)
terations of the gut microbiota, termed dysbiosis, are linked Published by S. Karger AG, Basel

to stroke risk factors, such as obesity, metabolic diseases,

and atherosclerosis. In acute cerebral ischemia, the gut mi-
crobiota plays a key role in bidirectional interactions be- Introduction
tween the gut and brain, referred to as the microbiota-gut-
brain axis. Gut dysbiosis prior to ischemic stroke affects out- Major advances have been made in the treatment and
comes. Additionally, the brain affects the gut microbiota prevention of stroke in the past few decades including
during acute ischemic brain injury, which in turn impacts endovascular thrombectomy, thrombolysis with intrave-
outcomes. Interactions between the gut microbiota and nous alteplase, improvement in vascular risk factor man-
stroke pathogenesis are mediated by several factors includ- agement, and development of new antithrombotic drugs
ing bacterial components (e.g., lipopolysaccharide), gut mi- such as direct oral anticoagulants [1]. Although stroke
crobiota-related metabolites (e.g., short-chain fatty acids mortality rates decreased sharply from 1990 to 2016, the © 2021 The Author(s) Correspondence to: Published by S. Karger AG, Basel Kazuo Yamashiro, kazuo-y @
This is an Open Access article licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-4.0 International License (CC BY-NC)
(, applicable to
the online version of the article only. Usage and distribution for com-
mercial purposes requires written permission.
Color version available online
Stroke risk factors Acute cerebral ischemia

Systemic Systemic
inflammation inflammation


Post stroke infection

Bacterial metabolites Bacterial metabolites Immune cells

Bacterial translocation HPA axis ANS
• TMAO ↑ • SCFAs ↓ • T cells
Bacterial molecules (Th1, Th17, γδ T)

Dysbiosis/Gut dysfunction

Fig. 1. Gut microbiota and stroke pathogenesis. Alteration of gut cells (e.g., T cells), or bacterial translocation. Additionally, the
microbiota (dysbiosis) contributes to the development of stroke ischemic brain influences the gut microbiota composition via ei-
risk factors such as systemic inflammation, cardiometabolic dis- ther the neural or hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal pathways,
eases, and atherosclerosis. In acute cerebral ischemia, dysbiosis in- which in turn also contribute to stroke outcomes. ANS, autonom-
duces neuroinflammation, systemic inflammation, and infection, ic nervous system; HPA, hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal; LPS, li-
which affect stroke outcomes. These interactions are mediated by popolysaccharide; SCFAs, short-chain fatty acids; TMAO, tri-
several pathways including bacterial components (e.g., LPS), gut methylamine N-oxide.
microbiota-related metabolites (e.g., SCFAs and TMAO), immune

decrease in incidence has been less steep, and the burden ischemic stroke. Dysbiosis possibly exerts systemic harm-
of stroke remains high [2]. Identification of novel targets ful effects with development of the systemic inflamma-
and establishment of effective interventions to improve tory response after an ischemic stroke [6]. Recent re-
stroke outcomes are, therefore, needed. search has explored the effects of the gut microbiota on
The human gut harbors diverse microbes that play a ischemic brain injury through multiple factors including
fundamental role in host health and physiology [3]. Var- bacterial components, metabolites, and the immune and
ious factors including diet, xenobiotics, pathogens, and neural systems. Here, we focus on the microbial mole-
genetics influence the composition of the gut microbiota cules and discuss the current knowledge about the role of
[4]. Compositional and functional alterations of the gut the gut microbiota in stroke pathogenesis and the poten-
microbiota, termed dysbiosis, are associated with the tial for the gut microbiota as a novel therapeutic target for
pathogenesis of both intestinal and extra-intestinal disor- the treatment and prevention of stroke.
ders, and these alterations modulate stroke risk factors
such as obesity, metabolic diseases, and atherosclerosis
[4]. The microbiota plays a key role in bidirectional gut- Microbial Signaling Molecules
brain interactions. This communication is referred to as
the microbiota-gut-brain axis [5]. Emerging evidence The gut microbiota plays a key role in host health and
suggests that the microbiota-gut-brain axis plays a role as disease through signals that are either structural compo-
a central regulator of the immune system after an acute nents of the bacteria or metabolites produced by the gut

2 Ann Nutr Metab Yamashiro/Kurita/Urabe/Hattori

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microbiota [7]. These signals affect conditions related to creased abundance of Enterobacteriaceae, which are a
stroke pathogenesis such as systemic inflammation, car- large family of Gram-negative bacteria that includes op-
diometabolic diseases, and atherosclerosis (Fig.  1). portunistic pathogens such as Escherichia. coli, Klebsiella,
Among bacterial components, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and Salmonella. After experimental stroke, db/db mice
has been extensively examined for its association with gut have an increased infarct volume and higher expression
dysbiosis and disease pathogenesis. LPS is a major com- levels of LPS, toll-like receptor 4, and inflammatory cyto-
ponent of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria kines in the ischemic brain, as well as more severe neuro-
and is a potent inflammatory stimulus for the innate im- logical impairments and reduced survival rates than non-
mune response via toll-like receptor activation [8]. Gut diabetic mice [24].
dysbiosis and impaired intestinal barrier functions lead to Chronic systemic inflammation, known as inflam-
translocation of LPS into the circulatory system and con- maging, develops with aging and contributes to the patho-
tribute to the development of obesity and diabetes, a con- genesis of age-related diseases [25]. Age-related changes
dition known as metabolic endotoxemia [9]. Metabolic in the gut microbiota are associated with the inflamma-
endotoxemia elicits chronic systemic inflammation, tory status and include a decrease in SCFA-producing
which may result in high cardiovascular risk and target bacteria [26]. Spychala and colleagues [27] examined the
organ damage [10]. influence of age-related dysbiosis on stroke outcomes.
Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are the major metabo- The ratio of Firmicutes to Bacteroides is increased in aged
lites produced by bacterial fermentation of dietary fibers. mice compared to young mice. Aged mice have lower fe-
Acetic acids, propionic acid, and butyric acid are the most cal levels of SCFAs such as acetate and propionate. Fecal
prominent in the colon. SCFAs serve as not only an en- transplantation of microbiota from aged mice to young
ergy source for epithelial cells but also signaling mole- mice leads to negative outcomes and enhanced systemic
cules via activation of G-protein-coupled receptors or in- inflammation after stroke.
hibition of histone deacetylases [11]. SCFAs regulate in- Benakis and colleagues [28] showed that commensal
flammation [12], glucose metabolism [13, 14], and blood bacteria affect stroke outcomes by regulating some im-
pressure [15], and in the brain, SCFAs affect maintenance mune cells in mice. Antibiotic-induced dysbiosis in-
of the blood-brain barrier [16] and maturation and acti- creases the number of regulatory T cells in the lamina
vation of microglia [17]. propria of the small intestine and suppresses the devel-
Trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) is another impor- opment of interleukin-17-positive γδ T cells. This results
tant gut microbiota-dependent metabolite generated in suppression of trafficking of interleukin-17-positive
from dietary phosphatidylcholine and L-carnitine, which γδ T cells from the intestine to the leptomeninges after
are abundant in the Western diet [18–20]. TMAO is a stroke, thereby reducing inflammation-related ischemic
novel predictor of adverse cardiovascular events includ- injury.
ing stroke [18, 19]. The potential mechanism linking In addition to the effects of prestroke gut dysbiosis on
TMAO to ischemic stroke includes atherosclerotic plaque stroke outcomes, gut dysbiosis induced by large stroke le-
formation [21], thrombosis due to enhanced platelet hy- sions is detrimental to stroke outcomes. Poststroke dys-
peractivity [22], and atrial fibrillation [23]. biosis induces pro-inflammatory Th1- and Th17-cell po-
larization in the intestine [29]. Migration of intestinal
lymphocytes to the ischemic brain may be associated with
Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis in Acute Cerebral an increased infarct volume [29]. Another experimental
Ischemia study showed that stroke induces gut dysbiosis that in-
volves a decrease in the levels of Peptococcaceae and an
The microbiota is a key component of bidirectional increase in the level of Prevotellaceae via altered auto-
gut-brain interactions in acute cerebral ischemia (Fig. 1). nomic activity and mucoprotein production [30]. A study
We previously reported that metabolic endotoxemia is that examined the mucosal microbiota composition
associated with LPS-induced neuroinflammation and showed that the main characteristics of stroke-induced
worse stroke outcomes after focal cerebral ischemia in ge- changes are an increased abundance of Akkermansia mu-
netically diabetic (db/db) mice [24]. db/db mice exhibit ciniphila and an excessive abundance of clostridial spe-
gut dysbiosis, increased intestinal permeability, and high- cies [31]. Stroke-induced gut dysbiosis changes the pre-
er plasma LPS levels than nondiabetic mice. The gut mi- dicted functional potential of the gut microbiota, with
crobiota composition shows changes including an in- significant increases in pathways associated with infec-

Gut Microbiota and Stroke Ann Nutr Metab 3

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tious diseases, membrane transport, xenobiotic degrada- composition and fecal organic acid concentration in a
tion, lipid metabolism, and signaling [31]. Japanese cohort of ischemic stroke patients and age- and
Infections that present subsequent to stroke compli- sex-matched controls [39]. Ischemic stroke is associated
cate up to a third of cases of stroke and may worsen out- with increased bacterial counts of Atopobium cluster and
comes [32]. Recently, translocation and dissemination of Lactobacillus ruminis and decreased numbers of the Lac-
bacteria from the host-gut microbiota has been revealed tobacillus sakei subgroup. Changes in the fecal number of
as a mechanism leading to poststroke infection. Stanley Lactobacillus ruminis are positively correlated with serum
and colleagues [33] showed that the majority of the mi- interleukin-6 levels. Further, ischemic stroke is associated
croorganisms detected in infected stroke patients are with decreased acetic acid concentrations and with in-
commensal bacteria that normally reside in the intestinal creased valeric acid concentrations. Changes in acetic
tracts. Moreover, using animal models of ischemic stroke, acid concentrations are negatively correlated with the lev-
they showed that the source of the bacteria forming the els of glycated hemoglobin and low-density lipoprotein
microbial community in the lung of poststroke mice is the cholesterol, whereas changes in valeric acid concentra-
host small intestine. Stroke-induced gut barrier permea- tions are positively correlated with the level of high-sen-
bility and dysfunction precede bacterial translocation sitivity C-reactive protein and white blood cell counts.
[33]. Wen and colleagues [34] showed that aging exacer- These findings suggest that gut dysbiosis in patients with
bates intestinal barrier dysfunction after experimental ischemic stroke is associated with altered host metabo-
stroke, which promotes bacterial translocation and con- lism and systemic inflammation.
tributes to increased lung infection in mice. Another Yin and colleagues [40] reported that patients with large-
study showed that stroke induces gut permeability and artery atherosclerotic stroke have more opportunistic patho-
bacterial translocation in both young and aged mice, but gens, such as Enterobacter, Megasphaera, and Desulfovibrio
only young mice are able to resolve these changes [35]. and fewer commensal or beneficial genera including Bacte-
Aged mice have prolonged sepsis with immune dysfunc- roides, Prevotella, and Faecalibacterium. In particular, Fae-
tion and worse outcomes after stroke [35]. Moreover, im- calibacterium is a critical butyrate acid-producing beneficial
mobilization stress before cerebral ischemia induces co- bacterium. Another study from China reported that SCFA-
lonic inflammation and bacterial translocation, leading to producing bacteria including Odoribacter, Akkermansia,
worse stroke outcomes in rats [36]. Ruminococcaceae_UCG_005, and Victivallis are increased
Although the gut microbiota may have deleterious ef- in patients with ischemic stroke compared to controls [41].
fects on the host through inflammation and bacterial In addition, the levels of genus Christensenellaceae_R-7_
translocation, the gut microbiota also plays a protective group, norank_f_Ruminococcaceae, and Enterobacter are
role during acute stroke. Extensive depletion of the gut correlated with stroke severity [41].
microbiota by broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment prior Xia and colleagues [42] developed an index to measure
to cerebral ischemia causes severe acute colitis and de- gut dysbiosis in acute stroke patients that is correlated
creases survival after stroke in mice [37]. These events are with early stroke outcomes. The Stroke Dysbiosis Index
prevented by continuous antibiotic treatment or recolo- is positively correlated with stroke severity and poor
nization with microbiota [37]. In addition, systemic im- functional outcomes. A higher Stroke Dysbiosis Index in-
munodepression may contribute to poor stroke outcomes cludes an increased abundance of pathogenic bacteria
in the microbiota-depleted state. The gut microbiota per such as Enterobacteriaceae and decreased abundance of
se is cerebroprotective via lymphocyte-driven protective Faecalibacterium that have anti-inflammatory properties
neuroinflammation in the ischemic brain [38]. Bacterial through butyrate production. Furthermore, mice that re-
colonization in germ-free mice improves stroke out- ceived fecal transplants from patients with a high Stroke
comes that are mediated by microbiome-induced T-cell Dysbiosis Index had worse stroke outcomes and larger
priming [38]. infarct volumes than those in mice given transplants from
patients with a low Stroke Dysbiosis Index [42]. Tan and
colleagues [43] reported a lack of SCFA-producing bac-
Gut Dysbiosis in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke teria (Roseburia, Bacteroides, Lachnospiraceae, Faecali-
bacterium, Blautia, and Anaerostipes) and an overgrowth
Characteristics of the gut microbiota in patients with of opportunistic pathogens (Enterobacteriaceae and Por-
acute ischemic stroke have been examined in clinical phyromonadaceae) as well as Lactobacillaceae and Akker-
studies (Table 1). We evaluated the fecal gut microbiota mansia in patients with acute ischemic stroke. Addition-

4 Ann Nutr Metab Yamashiro/Kurita/Urabe/Hattori

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Table 1. Clinical studies examining the gut microbiota in patients with acute ischemic stroke

Authors Study population Dysbiosis of microbiota Main findings

Yamashiro Forty-one patients with AIS and Ischemic stroke was associated with increased bacterial counts Patients with AIS had altered
et al. [39] 40-matched control subjects of Atopobium cluster and Lactobacillus ruminis and decreased microbial composition and reduced
numbers of the Lactobacillus sakei subgroup fecal acetic acid levels. Gut dysbiosis
was associated with changes in serum
metabolic and inflammatory marker

Gut Microbiota and Stroke

Yin et al. One-hundred forty-one AIS and TIA Increase in opportunistic pathogens (Enterobacter, Patients with AIS and TIA had more
[40] patients with large-artery Megasphaera, and Desulfovibrio) and decrease in commensal opportunistic pathogens and fewer
atherosclerosis and 94 asymptomatic or beneficial genera including Bacteroides, Prevotella, and commensal or beneficial genera
persons Faecalibacterium (butyrate acid producer) in patients
Li et al. [41] Thirty patients with AIS and 30 healthy Increase in SCFA-producing bacteria including Odoribacter, The gut microbiota of patients with
controls Akkermansia, Ruminococcaceae_UCG_005, and Victivallis in AIS had more SCFA producers. Gut
patients dysbiosis was correlated with stroke
Xia et al. One-hundred four patients with AIS A higher Stroke Dysbiosis Index includes an increased The Stroke Dysbiosis Index was an
[42] and 90 healthy individuals abundance of pathogenic bacteria such as Enterobacteriaceae independent predictor of severe stroke
and decreased abundance of butyrate-producing bacteria such and early unfavorable outcomes
as Faecalibacterium
Tan et al. One-hundred forty patients with AIS A lack of SCFA-producing bacteria (Roseburia, Bacteroides, Reduced fecal acetate level was
[43] and 92 healthy controls Lachnospiraceae, Faecalibacterium, Blautia, and Anaerostipes) associated with an increased risk of
and an increase in opportunistic pathogens (Enterobacteriaceae 90-day poor functional outcomes
and Porphyromonadaceae) and Lactobacillaceae and
Akkermansia in patients

Ann Nutr Metab

Karlsson et Twelve patients with symptomatic The genus Collinsella was enriched in patients, whereas Patients with symptomatic carotid
al. [44] carotid plaques (including minor Eubacterium and Roseburia were enriched in controls. Samples plaques had altered gut metagenomes

DOI: 10.1159/000516398
ischemic stroke and TIA) and from patients were enriched in genes encoding peptidoglycan associated with host inflammatory
13-matched controls biosynthesis, and samples from controls had enriched levels of pathways
phytoene dehydrogenase in metagenomes

AIS, acute ischemic stroke; SCFAs, short-chain fatty acids; TIA, transient ischemic attack.

ally, fecal SCFA levels are lower in acute ischemic stroke We further showed that modulation of the gut microbio-
patients than in healthy controls. Reduced acetate levels ta with oral administration of a nonabsorbable antibiotic
are associated with an increased risk of 90-day poor func- improves metabolic endotoxemia and stroke outcomes;
tional outcomes [43]. these effects are associated with a reduction in LPS levels
Karlsson and colleagues [44] performed shotgun se- and neuroinflammation in the ischemic brain [24]. These
quencing of the gut metagenome and found that the ge- data indicate that gut microbiota modulation may be a
nus Collinsella is enriched in patients with symptomatic potential therapeutic strategy for stroke treatment and
atherosclerotic plaques (who had undergone carotid prevention via reduction of circulating LPS levels. In this
endarterectomy for minor ischemic stroke, transient regard, supplementation with probiotics such as Bifido-
ischemic attack, or amaurosis fugax), whereas Eubacte- bacterium [47] or prebiotics such as oligofructose [48]
rium and Roseburia are enriched in controls. Further, pa- may be useful for reducing plasma LPS levels. Addition-
tient metagenomes are enriched in genes encoding pep- ally, probiotics and prebiotics improve lipid and glucose
tidoglycan biosynthesis, suggesting a contribution of metabolism in overweight patients and those with diabe-
bacterial molecules to symptomatic atherosclerosis by tes mellitus [49]. Probiotics may also have beneficial ef-
priming the innate immune system. Controls have en- fects for stroke prevention by reducing blood pressure
riched levels of phytoene dehydrogenase in metage- [50].
nomes and elevated levels of associated metabolites, in- Nutritional habits have been shown to influence the
cluding antioxidants such as β-carotene in the serum risk of stroke [51]. Furthermore, dietary patterns [52]
[44]. Gut metagenomes may contribute to the develop- and the consumption of alcohol [53], tea [54], and nu-
ment of symptomatic atherosclerosis that regulates host trients [55] have been found to contribute to gut micro-
inflammatory pathways. biota composition. Therefore, diet could be one of the
Although gut dysbiosis has been demonstrated in pa- factors that cause gut dysbiosis in stroke patients. Ac-
tients with acute ischemic stroke, some discrepancies cumulating knowledge suggests that the gut microbiota
were observed regarding specific bacterial changes among mediates the dietary impact on the host metabolic sta-
studies (Table  1). Furthermore, studies including ours tus [56]. Low fiber intake with high fat and high sugar
showed reduced SCFA-producing bacteria or fecal SCFA consumption reduces microbial diversity and SCFA
levels in patients with acute ischemic stroke [39, 40, 42, production, leading to metabolic abnormalities and
43], whereas another study showed increased SCFA pro- chronic inflammation [57]. Patients with high stroke
ducers [41]. These discrepancies may be due to differ- risk have a low abundance of butyrate-producing bac-
ences in the background of the study participants such as teria and reduced fecal butyrate concentrations [58].
age, the severity of stroke, and dietary habits. Few studies Conversely, increased dietary fiber intake is associated
have investigated the gut microbiota in patients with with better glycemic control in patients with type 2 dia-
acute ischemic stroke. Additional studies are needed to betes [59]. Emerging evidence shows that SCFAs im-
explore how the gut microbiota affects the pathology of prove type 2 diabetes characteristics such as hypergly-
acute ischemic stroke. cemia, insulin resistance, and inflammation [60]. Ad-
ditionally, increased dietary fiber intake reduces blood
pressure in patients with hypertension [61]. A high-fi-
Gut Microbiota Modulation as a Therapeutic ber diet alters the gut microbiota composition and in-
Strategy for Prevention and Treatment of Stroke creases the abundance of acetic acid-producing bacte-
ria, thus reducing blood pressure in mice [62]. Further,
High plasma LPS levels are associated with incident butyrate-producing bacteria lower endotoxemia and
carotid atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease [45]. reduce systemic inflammation and the extent of athero-
Moreover, plasma LPS activity rises during ischemic sclerotic lesions in a murine model [63]. Greater dietary
stroke, and high LPS activity is associated with unfavor- fiber intake is associated with a lower risk of cardiovas-
able outcomes in patients with acute ischemic stroke [46]. cular disease [64] and stroke [65]. Such beneficial ef-
Recent evidence indicates that the gut microbiota is an fects of dietary fiber may be partly related to SCFA pro-
origin of circulating LPS in type 2 diabetes [9, 10]. In our duction by the gut microbiota. In acute stroke patients,
study, gut dysbiosis in diabetic mice is associated with in- decreased abundance of butyrate-producing bacteria
creased intestinal permeability and circulating LPS levels, [42] and low fecal acetate levels [43] are associated with
which are further enhanced after cerebral ischemia [24]. poor functional outcomes. Sadler and colleagues [66]

6 Ann Nutr Metab Yamashiro/Kurita/Urabe/Hattori

DOI: 10.1159/000516398
demonstrated that experimental stroke lowers plasma Conclusion
SCFA concentrations, and this is associated with worse
outcomes in mice. SCFA supplementation improves re- Accumulating evidence indicates that the gut micro-
covery of the affected limb motor function. This effect biota plays a possible role in stroke pathogenesis via bac-
is associated with changes in neuronal plasticity medi- terial molecules and metabolites as well as in the immune
ated by circulating lymphocytes that affect microglial and nervous systems. Gut dysbiosis has been demonstrat-
activation [66]. Additionally, Lee and colleagues [67] ed in patients with acute ischemic stroke. Still, no direct
reported that stroke outcomes in aged mice are im- evidence has demonstrated that gut dysbiosis is the cause
proved by transplantation of a young microbiome that or result of stroke. Further research is necessary to eluci-
contains high SCFA levels and related bacterial strains. date how the gut microbiota affects patients with acute
The protective role of a young microbiome is mediated ischemic stroke. Modulation of the gut microbiota with
by reduced numbers of interleukin-17+ γδ T cells in the probiotics, prebiotics, dietary intervention, or inhibition
brain after stroke [67]. These data indicate the poten- of production of bacterial metabolites such as TMAO
tially beneficial role of SCFAs for modifying stroke risk may provide a novel therapeutic strategy for prevention
factors as well as acute ischemic cerebral injury. and treatment of stroke.
Findings of recent experimental studies have also
implicated targeted inhibition of gut microbial metabo-
lites as a potential therapeutic approach to prevent Conflict of Interest Statement
stroke. A structural analog of choline, 3,3-dimethyl-
The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest with
1-butanol, reduces plasma TMAO levels by inhibiting
regard to this study.
microbial trimethylamine production and attenuates
choline diet-enhanced macrophage foam cell forma-
tion and atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E knockout Funding Sources
mice [68]. Additionally, an inhibitor of CutC/D, a ma-
jor microbial trimethylamine-generating enzyme pair, No funding was received for this study.
reduces plasma TMAO levels and rescues choline diet-
enhanced platelet responsiveness and thrombotic for-
mation without observed toxicity or increased bleeding Author Contributions
risk [69].
K.Y. wrote the manuscript. N.K., T.U., and N.H. revised the
manuscript. All the authors read and approved the final version of
the manuscript.

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