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NAME: Domenica Barriga PB1

How would you define “Equality”?
- I would define this word as the state of being equal in different aspects as rights
or/and opportunities.

Have you ever seen or experienced inequality? Where?

- In my personal experience, I have only seen a person that is not treated the same way
as others, either due to discrimination of culture, gender, or even race.
- My friend’s mother was looking for a job and they didn’t give it to her since of her age
and gender, on the other hand the father did get it and that is an example of
inequality of the right to work.


1.1 What does equality refer to?

The state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities, this means that
equality is each individual or group of people is given the same resources and opportunities
regardless of their circumstances. In other words, equity refers to the right of every individual
to equal treatment regardless of factors like gender, race, and social position.

1.2 Why is equality not always about treating everyone the same?
Since, it is about treating people in such a way that the outcome for each can be the same,
this means putting things in place to support people to achieve similar outcomes.

1.3 How do the words equality and equity differ?

They both have to do with the way people are treated and both are used in laws,
government, and economics. However, the difference between both is that equity
recognizes each has varying circumstances and needs. On the other hand, equality is giving
everyone the exact same resources regardless of their needs or opportunities.

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1.4 What is an example of an action which shows the difference between equality and
The best way that we can show the difference between equity and equality is with this
- I gave 100 dollars to 2 different woman, one poor and one rich. That is equality.
- But what if I gave 200 dollars to the poor one and 100 dollars to the rich one? That
would be equity since I am giving the 200 dollars to the person that needs them and
based on her financial situation.

2.1 Do you agree with the following statement? Justify your answer in at least 2 paragraphs.
“If the application of human rights were only concerned with equality, it wouldn’t lead a just

I’m agree with that statement since is true that if the application of rights were only
concerned with equality the society wouldn’t be fair. This is because while equality and
equity are often used interchangeably, they represent different concepts. Equality refers to
treating everyone the same, without considering individual differences or circumstances. On
the other hand, equity involves recognizing those differences and providing each person
with what they need to succeed, regardless of whether it is the same as what others receive.
In the context of human rights, equality alone is not enough to create a just society. Since,
not everyone starts from the same place, and treating them all the same would not result in

Human rights are intended to protect the inherent dignity and worth of every person.
However, if the application of those rights were only concerned with equality, it would not
consider the different circumstances and needs of individuals. For instance, a person with a
disability may require special accommodations to fully access their rights. Simply treating
them the same as everyone else would not result in equal treatment or access. In contrast,
an equitable approach would take into account their unique needs and provide them with
the accommodations they require to fully exercise their rights. In conclusion, I’m agree with
this statement since there are people with real necessities and are not taken in count so if
the application of human rights were only concerned with equality, they don’t receive the
needs they should.

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