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Relative Pronouns & Famous People, Places, and Things + Find te video: On YouTube, by searching for “English Through Videos: Relative Pronouns ~ Famous People, Places, and Things”. + Watch the video clips. '* Choose the correct relative pronoun to complete each sentence. 1. Coffee is a drink gives people energy. a. who b. which where d. what 2. Jackie Chan is an actor was born in Hong Kong. a. who b. which c. where d. what 3. The park isa place people go to walk, play, and relax. a. who b, c. where 4, 4. Justin Bieber isa singer has sold over 140 million albums. a. who b. which c. where d. what 5. Snakes are animals have a dangerous bite. a. who b. which c. where d. what 6. A flashlight is something. we can use to see in the dark. a. who b. which ©. where d. what 7. The hospital is where people go when they are seriously injured or ill. a. who b. which ©. where d. what 8. Thisisa knife is good for cutting food. a. who b. whose c. where d. that 9. Ronaldo is a soccer player is famous alll over the world. a. who b. which c. where d. what 10, Steve Jobs was one of the people started Apple. a. which b. that c. where d. what YouTube Channel: English Through Videos Support us on Patreon: English Though Videos

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