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Disusun oleh PJMK :

M.M. Farida Lanawati Darsono, S.Si.,M.Sc

Semester GASAL
Tahun Akademik : 2022-2023

Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya

Fakultas Farmasi

◼ Banakar, U.V., 1992. Pharmaceutical Dissolution Testing 2. pp. 1-3, 20-21, 192, Marcel
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◼ Dressman J. 2007. Dissolution, Pharmaceutical Product Interchangeability and
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University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, WHO Programme, June 2007
◼ J.Dressman & J. Krämer Pharmaceutical Dissolution Testing“,, published by Taylor and
◼ General Chapter on Dissolution Testing (United States Pharmacopeia)
◼ Khan, K.A., 1975. The Concept of Dissolution, Efficiency, J. Pharm. Pharmac, 27, pp.48-49.
◼ Langenbucher, F., 1972. Linierization of Dissolution Rate Curve by Weibull Distribution, J.
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◼ Leeson, L.J. and Cartensen, J.T., 1974. Dissolution Technology, pp. 3-22, The Ind. Pharm.
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◼ Roy Hanson & Vivian Gray., 2005. Handbook of Dissolution Testing 3. Auflage“ Published
by Dissolution Technologies
◼ Sanaa A. El- Gizawy, Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS)
◼ Siregar, 1992. Validasi di Industri Farmasi, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, hal.38.
◼ Seng, Y.E., 2006. Delayed Drug Delivery Tecnologies: Background and New Systems, pp. 1-
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◼ Shargel, L. and Yu, A.B.C., 1985. Biofarmasetika dan Farmakokinetika Terapan (edisi
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◼ Shargel, L., Pong, S.W. and Yu, A.B.C., 2005. Applied Biopharmaceutics and
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◼ Swarbick, J. and Boylan, J.C., 2002. Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology, 2nd
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◼ Wagner, J.C., 1971. Biopharmaceutic and Relevant Pharmacokinetics, 1st ed, pp. 115-120,
Drug Intelligence Publishers, Illionis.
◼ Patrick J. Marroum Ph.D., Development, Evaluationand Applications of In Vivo In Vitro
Correlations, Office of New Drug Quality Assessment Food and Drug Administration
◼ Lawrence X. Yu, Ph. D., Factors Impacting Drug Dissolution and Absorption: Current State
of Science, Director for Science Office of Generic Drugs Food and Drug Administration,
Advisory Committee for Pharmaceutical Science May 3, 2005
◼ Dan laman-laman yang di diskusi kan langsung saat daring


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