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Letter of Recommendation: Josh Arcenal

To whom it may concern:

I worked with Josh during my time working with Human Rights Watch as the Youth Advocacy Assistant for the Student
Task Force []. Student Task Force is a network of high school human rights clubs/chapters that work on a
unified human rights campaign with a focus on building leadership and advocacy skills. I was the staff member who
worked with the Carson Human Rights Club during the Fall 2022 semester where Josh is a leader. I closely observed
Josh’s work style and impact through weekly club meetings which Josh and others led and weekly Zoom agenda planning
calls where we would collaboratively plan the agenda for club meetings.

Initiative & Maximizing Opportunities

• Josh is able to identify and seize opportunities – he truly makes the most of situations. Josh was one of three
leaders to meet with LAUSD Board Member Tanya Ortiz Franklin and LAUSD’s Director of Architectural and
Engineering Services to advocate through a human rights lens for the adoption of solar panels at the Carson
Complex high schools.
• Josh was selected by the Human Rights Watch Student Task Force staff to attend the Human Right Watch Voices
for Justice Annual Dinner in Los Angeles along with a select group of other student leaders across southern
California, human rights experts and advocates, and HRW supporters. He recognized this opportunity and was
proactive in arranging transportation for himself and other leaders between Carson and Beverly Hills. Josh
shared his experience advocating for solar panels and why these changes are key to tackling the climate crisis
with dinner guests during the pre-dinner cocktail hour. He did a great job of engaging guests and drawing them
into the poster area where he and other students were sharing their advocacy experiences.
• This Fall Josh was the Carson representative for a Student Task Force-wide ‘Presidents Call’ where students from
the different high schools have a Zoom call to share what they have been doing on their individual campuses,
share insights, and address challenges collectively. Although I was not on this particular call, my supervisor, the
Senior Manager of Student Task Force at Human Rights Watch, followed up with me to praise Josh’s willingness
to step up and jump in with a group of leaders he hadn’t met before. She noted that Josh’s additions to the call
and his collaborative approach were appreciated by the other student leaders.
• Furthermore, Josh was often the voice in the room encouraging the club to move forward if others were unsure
if they could pull off an event. When considering what the club could do to celebrate Human Rights Day, some
students were worried about trying to do something at the end of the semester with finals approaching, but
Josh remained positive, voting yes to continue with the event, even when others had doubts. Josh’s positive
attitude, willingness to have a perspective different from the majority, and desire to make things happen are
assets I am sure he will bring with him to future communities and endeavors.

Strong Communication
• One of Josh’s responsibilities within the Human Rights Club leadership team was to communicate with members
about upcoming meetings and events via email and the club’s Remind. I was always impressed by Josh’s clear
and professional communication skills in his email writing. He would consult with other leaders when needed
but he needed very little direction or support in executing these weekly communications, which was not always
the case with students at other high schools I worked with.
• Josh is an excellent public speaker. I observed this during the Human Rights Club’s main Fall 2022 event, a tent
event with three different stations which students rotated between to learn about the connections between the
climate crisis and human rights and the role elected officials play in fighting the climate crisis within the context
of the midterm election. 3-5 classes came each period throughout the day, which allowed the Human Rights
Club to reach hundreds of students. Josh provided the welcoming remarks and introduction for two periods and
led the tent station on renewable energies, solar panels, LAUSD school board elections, and the Human Rights
Club advocacy of their board representative. Josh was very engaging in how he presented the information. He
showed a clear understanding of the science behind renewable energies, the significance of the climate crisis,
and the impacts of advocacy. Listening in on Josh’s presentation at this station at several points, he was able to
make students feel connected to the material and engaged and empowered with how high school students were
connected to their elected officials even as young people.
• Josh is a natural connector in his communications. For example, during a club meeting, while they were
discussing the Vote for the Planet campaign, new members were noting that they were too young to vote, and
Josh pitched to them getting involved with The Los Angeles County Student Election Worker Program instead,
naturally selling the benefits of the program as applicable to these students. Josh had participated in the Student
Election program in previous elections and the 2022 midterms this fall. I was impressed by Josh’s ability to
notice this opportunity, and to take the negative of being too young to vote and make it a positive and an
opportunity for these students.
• Another strength in Josh’s communication skills is his intellect and curiosity. Josh keeps up with current events
and the news – I was particularly impressed by his performance in a Human Rights Day Trivia activity which he
won showcasing his knowledge of history, human rights, and current events! He also took the time to truly
understand renewable energy technology, so that when he was explaining it to others, he could answer
questions and provide context with confidence.

Bridge Builder
• When I started working with Josh, I knew him in the very specific context of Vice President of the Human Rights
Club, but over time I came to realize Josh’s excellence was not reserved for just this one club. Josh is an
extremely visible and impactful leader within his school.
• For example, when I was at the Carson Complex campus all day while the students put on the tent event, I
ended up talking with several students at lunch who were asking about the different tents/stations and what the
event was. Of the students who attended Carson High School (there are three schools within Carson Complex), I
would ask if they knew Josh Arcenal while talking about the event and club to see if they could connect with him
to learn more and without fail all three of the Carson High School students I spoke to said, “Oh, of course, I know
Josh!” I shouldn’t have been surprised since Josh is active in student council and numerous clubs while also
working a part-time job and being a great older brother, which I also got to witness when his sister’s class came
to the tent event! I am sure the rest of Josh’s application does his other commitments far more justice, but it
should be known that the Human Rights Club is one of many communities where Josh is making an impact.

I only had the joy of working with Josh for one semester and saw so many of his strengths in his leadership within the
Human Rights Club, but I am sure this is just a small snapshot of his capabilities. Previously, I worked for five years as an
undergraduate admissions officer for Johns Hopkins University, so I have interacted with and read the applications of
countless high school students. With that experience, I feel confident in saying any community would be lucky to have
Josh and he has my highest recommendation. If you need any further details, please contact me via email at or

Jenny Hunken

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