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1- Exposure :
The beginning and the end of the story takes place in a town not far from Mount Everest
while about halfway through the story takes place in the Mount Everest.
The two characters in this story are:
- The narrator: He is who explain the story
- James Abram Robbons : he is the narrator's friend. He loves climbing.
Rising Action:
The problem is that since 1952 until today, 40 years have passed, and no one has climbed
Everest. The only things we know thanks the cameras we left there. However, the images
we have are blurry and we can't see them well and they don't know what to do.
- Climax:
James Abram Robbons has an idea for climbing Everest to climb it. He offers to get on a plane
and parachute to get there at the top. At that time a storm comes and for two weeks he
stayed up there alone. He had no food and nothing to keep warm and normally that would
cause his death.
- Falling Action:
When the storm leaves, a plane goes to look for the body of the explorer. However the
narrator was sad for the death of his friend. After a while of searching, they don't find
any body but they just see smoke. Next to it was his body.
- Resolution :
When the narrator went to see the mountaineer in the hospital. He told him everything he
had seen, that the creatures on Everest had fed him, warmed him and helped him survive.
When the plane passed they were the ones who had made the smoke. But they don't want
any humans to climb Everest because they can watch us from there.

2- The title "Everest" means that the story is about creatures that the camera has
photographed that live only on Everest. It had been 40 years since any human had
ridden it, but James Abram Robbons wanted to try using another technique.

3- The message that the author wanted to leave us is that for 40 years no one has
managed to climb Mount Everest and James Abram Robbons did not give up and
found another solution to get to the top. This means that you should never give up
and there is always a solution to the problem.
4- I chose this story because the title Everest made me think of snow monsters that
lived on Everest. If there were monsters there was surely action and I love that and
that's why I chose it. At the end there was not as much action as I hoped but I still like
the content of the story.

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