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Kayla Yun


Final Reflection Paper

At the beginning of this program, I could never have envisioned the amount of insightful

knowledge and skill sets I would be able to acquire regarding healthcare administration. The

courses offered in this program have covered many areas of healthcare ranging from U.S.

Healthcare Systems to Organization Development and Strategic Leadership in Healthcare. I have

learned so much about myself as a professional and have grown throughout this academic

program in order to meet the graduate program competencies and become a well-rounded

healthcare professional.

The completion of this MHA degree would not have been possible for me without the

creation and implementation of a Professional Development Plan (PDP). It has allowed me to

make the most of my education and has prepared me for success in the field of healthcare

administration. Upon completion of this degree, I plan on continuing to learn and implement the

various goals I have set for myself in the present moment and the ongoing action items that will

follow me for years to come. My hope is to continue building and sustaining knowledge to

deliver impactful healthcare services in a rapidly evolving industry.

An interview I had with a healthcare executive particularly stuck out to me as I looked

back on the previous two years, and I still reflect on it as I advance as a healthcare professional.

The process of interviewing Monica provided me with valuable insight into Human Capital

Management in Healthcare and the impact it has on an organization ’s strategic operations.

Through my interview with Monica and the course principles I have learned throughout this

program, it has become clear to me that maintaining an employee-focused culture and


establishing strong leadership are top priorities for any present or future organization that I may

work for. When leaders and employees have a positive relationship, both will contribute more to

team communication and cooperation, as well as be motivated to complete the organization's

goal and objectives, resulting in increased job satisfaction (Tsai, 2011). Effective two-way

communication between staff and healthcare management is crucial to the success of any

healthcare organization.

As a healthcare professional, it is my mission to improve patient's lives on a daily basis,

both now and in the future. I think the key to success is incorporating compassion, integrity, and

trust into the core values of both my present and future healthcare organizations. Together, we

must work as a team to develop into leaders who can communicate and solve problems in order

to achieve integrated healthcare. In the end, effective communication within a healthcare team

has a significant influence on core values inside any healthcare organization. Strong

communication makes it feasible to tackle any issue that may develop if a team shares the same

overall goal, to provide the best possible care to all patients.

My education, abilities and knowledge, and level of patient care have helped shape me

into the healthcare professional I have always wanted to be. As a healthcare administrator, I will

continue to be committed to improving the quality of healthcare services and patient care

provided by any organization with which I am affiliated. I will continue to push for systemic

reform to reduce health inequities based on race, gender, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic

position. My personal experiences, family influences, education, and many mentors have paved

the route for my present and future healthcare goals. My hope is that I will be able to endure and,

eventually, achieve my longtime goal of providing high-quality treatment to patients like my


mother and making a difference in the lives of many others. As a dependable healthcare

administrator, I eagerly anticipate managing the many functional domains of healthcare.



Tsai Y. (2011). Relationship between organizational culture, leadership behavior and job

satisfaction. BMC health services research, 11, 98.


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