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Using Web to manage assessment

With the advent of technology, websites have become a popular tool for managing
the assessment of language students.
In this presentation, we will explore the extent to which a website can be used
to manage the assessment of language students. We will examine the benefits
of using websites for language assessment and provide examples of websites
that are currently being used for this purpose.
Benefits of Using Websites for Language Assessment
 Provide students (and parents) with information about the syllabuses of
courses, their aims, and the criteria for achieving their aims.
 Provide information about examinations, such as contents of papers, grade
criteria, tasks, sample questions.
 Various items can be made available as downloadable files, such as revision
guides, vocabulary lists and sets of questions for oral examination
 Links to websites that may be useful in the revision process can be listed,
e.g. links to sites offering interactive exercises and tests appropriate to a
particular examination..
 Model answers can be posted on the website, for example model
compositions for the GCSE writing examination.
 If a website is available with student access via individual passwords, the
site itself can be used by students to upload completed tasks and to
download work that their teacher has marked.
Examples of Websites for Language Assessment
There are many websites available for language assessment, each with its own
unique features and benefits.
 Duolingo uses gamification techniques to make language learning fun and
engaging and provides instant feedback on performance.
 Lingoda provides personalized feedback and allows students to interact with
other learners in a virtual classroom setting.
Overall, websites should be seen as a supplement to traditional methods of
language assessment, rather than a replacement. Students can receive a
comprehensive and effective language learning experience.
6. Modern Language Aptitude Testing (MLAT)
Definition of MLAT:
MLAT stands for Modern Language Aptitude Test was developed to measure
foreign language learning aptitude. It is published by the Language Learning and
Testing Foundation.(Wikipedia)
The MLAT is a multiple-choice test that consists of five sections, each measuring a
different aspect of language learning potential. The sections are:
1) Verbal aptitude: This section measures a person's ability to understand
and manipulate language, including vocabulary knowledge, grammatical
structure, and syntax.
Sample question: Which sentence is grammatically correct?
a) Me and him went to the store.
b) He and I went to the store.
c) Him and me went to the store.
2) Phonetic coding ability: This section measures a person's ability to
perceive and reproduce sounds in a new language.
Sample question: Which word contains the same vowel sound as "beat"?
a) bite
b) boat
c) book
3) Grammatical sensitivity: This section measures a person's ability to
recognize and apply rules of grammar in a new language.
Sample question: Which sentence uses the correct verb tense?
a) I am studying French since two years.
b) I have been studying French for two years.
c) I will study French next year.
4) Inductive language learning ability: This section measures a person's
ability to infer language rules from examples and patterns.
Sample question: Which word follows the same pattern as "sing, sang, sung"?
a) break, broke, broked
b) speak, spoke, spoke
c) swim, swam, swum
5) Deductive language learning ability: This section measures a person's
ability to apply language rules to new situations.
Sample question: Which sentence uses the correct word order?
a) Yesterday I to the store went.
b) I went to the store yesterday.
c) To the store yesterday I went.
The Modern Language Aptitude Test (MLAT) is widely used in language
education and research today: Language program placement, Curriculum
development, Teacher training, Program evaluation, inform language education
and improve language learning outcomes.
7. Plagiarism: detection, deterrence, and avoidance
What is Plagiarism?
Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work, ideas, or words without giving
them proper credit or permission. This can include copying and pasting text from a
source into a paper or document, paraphrasing someone else's work without
attribution, or using images or other media without permission orproper citation.
Detecting plagiarism
Teachers will probably be able to detect readily any occurrence of plagiarism in
foreign language work because they know their students' level of language, but it is
also useful for them to know how to use a search engine to detect copying from
websites and to find the precise site from which the copying has occurred.
An easy strategy is to type in a section of the suspected text into the search line
of a search engine such as Google, enclosing the text in speech marks. Five to
ten words should be sufficient. With luck, the search engine will find the text
on the website it was copied from.
Deterrence of Plagiarism
While plagiarism detection tools are important, it is equally important to deter
students from engaging in plagiarism in the first place.
Web-based tools have made it easier for teachers to provide this education to their
students. Online resources such as tutorials, videos, and interactive quizzes can be
accessed from anywhere at any time, making it easier for students to learn and
understand the importance of academic integrity.
Avoidance of Plagiarism
In addition to deterrence, web-based tools can also help students avoid plagiarism
altogether. Many online tools are available that can assist students in properly
citing their sources and creating bibliographies.
These tools not only help students avoid plagiarism but also save them time and
effort in the research process. By streamlining the citation process, students can
focus more on the content of their work and less on formatting and citation rules.

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