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That should resonate with authors.

I don't know any authors that want their books

to disappear without their presence? We have the benefit of creating products that
at the very least will never go out of style. Innovations may change the way we
read but they will never eliminate books altogether. What we write will last and
it's our responsibility to build something from it so people actually give a damn
about our work long after we are gone.

The lessons in this book teach a person how to develop a strategy, how to build a
team, the importance of being disciplined, and the importance of managing

The Hedgehog Concept is something creatives should be able to maneuver to their

advantage. It's all about finding what you can be best at, passionate about, and
quantifying how to measure your success. For an author maybe that's finding a niche
and having the discipline to stick with it rather than chasing the latest genre

For building a team, again think about how many people it takes to make a book. You
don't just write a draft and publish it on KDP. If you do, and are successful than
I am jealous but most of us can't write perfection the first go around. You need
beta readers to give you general feedback on what's working and what's not; you
need an editor (or two) to make sure it's readable; you need a top-notch book cover
(some authors can make their own, some need to add a graphic designer to their
team) and finally you need to build your audience, because they're the most
important part of the team.

Though there are a lot of lessons in this book the final thing I'm gonna touch on
is the Stockdale Paradox. It's all about managing expectations. You can truly
believe you are going to find success, while also managing that expectation.
Stockdale was a POW in Vietnam who knew he would return home but kept his sanity
because he knew it would be a while, while other soldiers in the camp were overly
optimistic, thought they would get home by Christmas, only to be heartbroken when
their expectations failed.

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