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Being awoken by your parent’s yelling is never the ideal situation for any child but that was

life that Suzie lived. Her parents would argue over even the littlest things sometimes she thinks
that they do it just for the noise to fill the void of silence in the house. Nothing was the same
after her brother died, there was this nagging voice in the back of her head that said it was her
fault and the sad thing is that she knows the voice is right. If she had gotten there a little earlier,
he would still be there but she would be dead instead she didn`t know if that was a good or bad
thing. The voice had always been there. Suzie’s parents had been arguing for years. They were
not perfect parents, they were a bit crazy but one thing that they knew how to do was to argue.
They argued, sometimes they yelled at each other, and sometimes they just argued, the voices
were always in her mind. One night they got into it and it escalated to the point where they
started screaming at one another. Then they both ran out of that room and into the street. There
was no way they could have known what was going to happen, but it did. It was a horrible night
for Suzie. That night Suzie was both dead and alive. She wasn't the first one to be killed, she
wouldn't be the last. That`s just how the world is. It takes the people you love and leave you to
'It’s like a nightmare,' Suzie said. It was like a nightmare. It was just an awful night.'
She was still alive. Suzie still alive We all agreed that it was just an appalling night. A horrible
nightmare.' I had never seen her like that. Her face was red and swollen. Suzie’s face looked like
she had been crying for hours and hours, her eyes were red, swollen, and puffy like they were
full of blood. When I asked her if she wanted to go to sleep, I noticed that her breathing started to
get heavy like her heart was pounding trying to get out of her chest and I knew that she wasn't
going back to bed. Suzie just looked at me and said 'no' and then she started to cry and said that
this was a horrible dream. An awful nightmare' and it just keeps coming back, ‘it’s like it’s not
real, this is all just an awful dream, an evil dream that just comes back and back.’ she cried out. I
didn't know what to say. I told her that we were all in this nightmare, that the nightmare was real
and we just had to wake up. She just started screaming.

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