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10. What is anti-achr immunoglobin G’s?

• immunoglobin G’s are the antibodies to dampen down the autoimmune response ,
neutralise the autoantibodies in the bloodstream and prevent further production. This helps
relieve myasyntheia gravis because it prevents the production of further antibodies to
binding to nicotonic acetylcholine.

11. What is lambert eaton syndrome?

• NMJ disorder- causes muscle weakness.

• Antibodies bind to calcium channels of the NMJ, this then prevents pre-synaptic
acetylcholine release

• Symtoms: Tendon reflexes absent or weak, dry mouth impotence proximal muscle weakness

12. Why is muscle relaxants needed for ET?

• Muscle relaxants are also used to relax the neck and throat and reduce the risk of injury
when an endotracheal (ET) tube is inserted. Also is used to prevent vomiting when the
patient is paralysed.

13. where does lower exercise intensity come from in term of energy source and when does it
convert to carbohydrates forming the primary source?

• lower exercise intensity most of the energy comes from fatty acids , up when exercise
reaches 70% maximum exercise intensity, carbohydrates become the primary source

14. why does the muscle fibres not shorten during isotonic contraction?

• catch tension is the mechanism by which the actin myosin cross bridge kinetic resists
stretching or unlinking while maintaining force production, hence they do not shorten

15. what is the role of corticosteroids in Duchene Muscular dystrophy

• researchers think they may reduce inflammation in muscle tissue and strengthen muscle cell
membranes, which are otherwise damaged in DMD.

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