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Digital Marketing Terms Quiz

Please do research to provide a 1 sentence definition and or an example of each of the terms
below. You may work in small groups of 2-3. Definitions are all related to marketing.
1. Automation:
Act of using software and technology to create and implement applications to automate
repetitive tasks.
Example: automatic lead generation funnel that gathers an email address, sends a
recorded demo, then invites the prospect to schedule a live demo.

2. Autoresponder:
A tool that sends automatic email, messages in response to a pre-defined trigger event.
example: Welcome emails to drive sales by offering a special welcome discount.

3. Awareness:
How familiar your target audience is with your brand and how well they reconize it.
example: “googled it”
4. B2B (business-to-business):
rocess of one business marketing its products/services to another business.
example: Manufacturing clothing

5. B2C (business-to-client):
Process of selling products ans services directory between a business and consumers who are
the end-users of its products and services.

6. Benchmarking:
7. Body copy:
8. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC):
9. Call to Action (CTA):
10. Channel:
11. Content Marketing:
12. Content Management System
13. Conversion:
14. Copywriting:
15. Customer Relationship Management (CRM):
16. Demographics:
17. Distribution:
18. Email Marketing:
19. Engagement:
20. Focus Group:
21. Marketing Funnel:
22. Frequency/Cadence:
23. Goal:
24. Infographic:
25. Keywords:
26. Lead:
27. Lead magnet:
28. Buyers Journey:
29. Metrics:
30. Multichannel:
31. Niche:
32. NPS:
33. Buyer Persona:
34. 4Ps of marketing:
35. Reach:
36. Remarketing:
37. ROI:
38. Segmentation:
39. Marketing Strategy:
40. Word of mouth:

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