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Everyone was scared to death that day. I still remember it like it was yesterday.

I can still feel the

coldness that I felt going through my veins and my heart beating faster and faster, my messed up
thoughts and my blind mind. I can still remember every little detail about that day, that passed hour
and those 10 seconds that were inferno for us. In 2014-15 the teenagers from our country made a
new trend, a trend that we were talking about all day at school. A trend that gathered all of us
together at one place, at a group on facebook with more than 11 000 teenagers from Macedonia. It
was supossed to be fun for those who were lucky and nightmare for those who were not. As far as
we knew about it back in 2014 is nothing for what I know about it now. So lets drown deep in my
mind and see what happened on that day.

It was fourth of april, 2014 when me and my friends were really into this thing, like we really liked it
and thought it was funny. Yes, we thought it was funny to try to get in touch with spirits and we
were like why not. We saw a lot of videos in the group from other people’s experiences and they
were screaming at some point when something was about to happen but we were thinking that it
was all scripted and nothing of that was real. So we did it, us 4 together, holding hands in a circle and
in the middle of the circle we had the cup with letters around it. We were not expecting anything to
happen and we did it just for the fun like all the other kids. And if anything was supossed to happen,
it was the letters to combine into a word, but nothing of that happened. We easily got bored so we
wanted to try to see if someone is with us so we started asking firstly if someone was with us to give
us some sign and we got nothing. Secondly we asked the same thing and it was still the same
answer, nothing. On our third try of asking the same question we got the answer. The charger fell
from the shelf even it was well set and nothing could make it fell like that. We immediately separate
from eachother after my friends screamed for almost 10 seconds and left the room by the speed of

Maybe it was just a coincedence and all of this was with reason, and maybe it was not. But I still
remember the fear that I felt that day and Im still getting goosebumps when I think about it. I know
that we live in a world where there is good and evil and I know that we dont see everything around
us. But It taught me to believe in God more than ever, to have a big faith in someone, something, to
never feel alone and to know about the sunrise after the night. It taught me that I’m protected all
the time and that Im going to get judged only by God at the gates of the afterlife.

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