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Anexo 2
Tarea 3 - Disoluciones y gases
Tablas para el desarrollo de los ejercicios.
Alejandra Mogollón Código (documento de
Nombre y apellidos: 1118.532.348
Barrera identidad)
Tecnología en Regencia de
Nombre del tutor: Leidy Marlen Vargas Programa académico:

Ejercicio 1. Leyes de los gases ideales

Tabla 1. Leyes de los gases ideales

Número de
Ley de Boyle Ley de Charles Ley de Gay-Lussac
P2=1,79∗10 atm V 2=58,14 <¿ P2=1,649 mmHg

P 1 P2 P1∗V 1 −3
5,40∗10 atm∗9,876∗10 l
Fórmula general: = P2= P2=
T1 T 2 V2 3l
P2=1,79∗10 atm

Datos: V 1=3,34 oz
P1=4,15 mmHg
4,15 mmHg∗0,001315 atm 3,34 oz∗0,02957 l
P1= V 1=
1 mmHg 1 oz
−3 −3
P1=5,40∗10 atm V 1=9,876∗10 l

V1 V2 V 1∗T 2 54000 L∗321 ° K
Formula general: = → V 2= V 2=
T1 T2 T1 298,15 ° K
3 17,334,000 L
Datos:V 1=54 m V 2=
T 1=25 °C V 2=58,14 <¿
T 2=321° K

Pasamos °C a °K
25 ° C →° K
25 °C +273,15=298,15° K

Pasamosm3 a L

V 1=54 m3
1000 L
3 )
V 1=54,000 L

P 1 P2 P1∗T 2
Formula general: = → P 2=
T1 T 2 T1

Datos: P1=1,52 mmHg Aplicación de formula

1,52 mmHg∗296,45 ° K
T 1=32° F P2=
273,15 ° K
450,604 mmHg
T 2=74 ° F P2=
P2=1,649 mmHg
Convertimos °F a °K
° F−32 74−32
0 ° F →° K= +273,15 T 2=° K = +273,15
1,8 1,8
T 1=° K = +273,15 T 2=° K =23,3+273,15
T 1=° K =0+273,15=273,15 T 2=° K =296,45 ° K

Ejercicio 2: Gases ideales

Tabla 2. Gases ideales
Número de
estudiante Gases ideales

Cantidad del compuesto X1 Datos de variables
120g CO V 1=4 L
T 1=20 °C

I. ¿Cuál es la presión que se requiere para comprimir volumen del gas ( V 2 ) contenedor a
200 °C?
n∗R∗T 4,28∗0,082∗473
Ecuación a utilizar: P= P= Rta: La presión es 83,00 atm
V 2L
Psto 120 g 166,00408
n= = =4,28 mol P=
Pm 28 g /mol 2L
P=83,00 atm
Pasamos °C a °K
200 ° C →° K = 200+273=473

II. Si se va a encerrar en un tanque de volumen V 2 (correspondientes al punto I), el cual

puede resistir una presión manométrica máxima de 6atm, ¿Cuál sería la máxima
temperatura del gas si se desea que el tanque no estalle?

P :V 6 atm∗2 L
Formula general: P .V =n . R .T → T = T= Rta: la máxima temperatura del gas es
n.R 4,28∗0,0082
34,11K si
P=6 atm T= se desea que el tanque no estalle
n=4,28 T =34,11 K

Ejercicio 3: Soluciones.
Tabla 3. Soluciones
Número Datos del ejercicio

ρ=1,7 g/ml
n 0,86 mol 0,08 mol
4 85 % p/ p m= = =17,2 mol /l 8,6 % ρ/ ρ Xn= +5,07 mol=0,015 mol
l 0,058 l 0,08 mol
H 3 PO 4 Acido fosfótico

I. ¿A que concentración molar se encuentra el frasco almacén de ácido?

Formula porcentaje peso a peso Formula de volumen Formula molaridad

gsto m m
% ρ/ ρ ¿ x 100 % ρ= →v= m=n¿ ¿
gsln v ρ
% p / p∗gsto 85 psto(peso de soluto)
gsto= v= n= pm=3+31+64=98
100 1,7 g /ml pm ( peso molecular)
gsto=85 g v=50 ml n= =0,86 Aproxime a 31
v=0,05 l

Aplicación formula de molaridad

n 0,86 mol
m= → m= =17,2 mol/ l
l 0,05l

II. ¿Cuál es el porcentaje peso a peso de la concentración molar final?

1,5 → % ρ/ ρ Formula de densidad % ρ/ ρ= x 100 %
m 147
1 mol H 3 PO 4 → 98 ρ= ¿ x 100 %
v 1,700
1,5 H 3 PO 4 → x Despejamos ¿ 8,6 % ρ/ ρ
x=147 m=ρ . v
m=1,7 g /ml∗1000 ml
m=1,700 gsln

III. ¿Cuál es la fracción molar de soluto presente en la solución final?

Formula de fracción molar Formula de molaridad
nsto ( moles de soluto) psto( peso absoluto)
Xn= + moles de solvente n=
nsto ( moles de soluto) pm( peso molecular)

8,6 g
100 g=100 % n= =0,08
8,6 g → pasar a moles n= =5,07
0,08 mol
100−8,6 g Aplicación de la formula: Xn= +5,07 mol=0,015 mol
0,08 mol
¿ 91,4=H 2 O→ pasar a moles

Soluto=8,6g CO

Solvente=91,4g H 2O

Ejercicio 4: Aplicación del tema

Tabla 4. Aplicación del tema asignado

Número Área de Referencia bibliográfica Párrafo
de campo
estudiante asignada

Agroindustry is the economic
activity dedicated to the production,
4 Agroindustria
industrialization and
commercialization of agricultural

products, livestock, forestry and


other biological natural resources. It

implies the intensification of

products through the use of the

agricultural industry, forestry and

fishing. Agribusiness aims to

facilitate the durability and

availability of the product from one

season to another, especially those

that are more perishable. This

branch of industries is divided into

two categories: food, which refers

to activities related to adding value

to products that have been

extracted from nature, in sectors

such as agriculture or livestock. And

the non-food, which are the mixture


of synthetic materials and artificial

substitutes (especially fiber) with

natural raw materials to generate

dyes, textiles, among other


In the agro-industry, fertilizers are

essential since they provide the

necessary nutrients so that crops

can grow and be harvested having a

nutritious diet, and thus supply a

sufficient amount of food to feed the

world population. There are several

types of fertilizers and each of them

has its own benefits, currently these

are the most in demand:

1. Organic fertilizers: they are also


known as fertilizers and are of

animal or vegetable origin. The

disadvantage of organic fertilizers is

that their nutrients are less soluble

and the plant takes longer to absorb

them. On the other hand, their main

benefit is that the The use of organic

fertilizers improves the state of the

soil and favors the retention of

water and nutrients, for this reason,

they are used above all in organic

farming. Some types of organic

fertilizers are manure, compost, and

green manures.

2. Biofertilizers: this is the name

given to the fertilizer for plants that


contains live microorganisms. Like

organic fertilizers, they are also

used in organic farming, since they

are very respectful of the


3. Chemical fertilizers: The greatest

benefit of the use of chemical

fertilizers is that results are obtained

very quickly, they improve the

health status of the plants and

increase the production of the crops,

however, they must be used

effectively, said fertilizer has

improved a lot by innovations in the

chemical industry and technological


Another super important factor in

agribusiness are pesticides because

they protect and can increase the

number of times a year that a crop

can be planted on the same land.

This is of particular value in

countries experiencing periods of

food shortage. They have been used

by farmers to control weeds and

insects. The increase in world

population in the 21st century could

not have been possible without a

parallel increase in food production.

About a third of agricultural

products are produced based on the

application of pesticides. Without


the use of pesticides, there would be

a 78% loss in fruit production, a

54% loss in vegetable production,

and a 32% loss in cereal production.

Therefore, pesticides play a critical

role in reducing disease and

increasing crop yields around the

world. Pesticides are used to kill

pests and control weeds using

chemical ingredients; they can also

be toxic to other organisms,

including birds, fish, insects, as well

as air, water, soil, and crops. Such

chemical residues impact human

health through environmental and

food contamination. In short,


agribusiness has become an

indispensable means of sustaining

today's lifestyle.

Referencia (Normas APA):

Registre en este espacio las referencias bibliográficas de consulta.

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