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9.What are high net worth individuals seeking in their private bankers? What are the
competitive strengths of Swiss banks in this area?U.S. banks
It launched a new brokerage house in Japan from the remains of the failed Japanese
houseYamaichi, in a bid to capitalize on unexplored opportunities in providing banking
services to the thrifty Japanese savers. Subsequently, HSBC set up a $16 billion joint venture
with Merrill Lynch to target 50 million affluent customers expected to be seeking investment
advice on the Internet. This reflects a growing interest in serving the needs of the next
segment down from traditional private banking clients – affluent individuals whomay not yet
meet the threshold of $1million in liquid financial assets, but who are well ontheir way.
Competition to penetrate this market is expected to be especially fierce in the next decade.
Switzerland is a neutral country, so the possibility of money being destroyed is unlikely, or
because it is not affected by politics, it freezes. So this is where a lot of rich people put their
money, and consider it the safest place in the world. So there are quite a lot of customers
around the world wishing to open an account at this bank. Also because it is considered the
treasury of the world.
For the richest people in the world, this is considered a paradise to store assets, and the
privacy of customers is very good.

10 To what extentdo you believe that private bankers should protect their clients
Private banking provides investment-related advice and aims to address the entire customised
financial situation of each client. Banks pursue wealthy clients because their business
generates significant sums of money in profit for the bank
4. Hong kong and singapore are major offshore financial centers is Asia. Compare and
contrast and development of each city as an important offshore financial center
Hong Kong Singapore
Monetary Authority Hong Kong Monetary Monetary Authority of
Authority Singapore
Currency Issuer Hong Kong & Shanghai Board of Commissioners of
Banking Currency
Standard Chartered Bank
Bank of China
Three-tier Structure Licensed Banks Full licensed Banks
Restricted Banks Restricted Licensed Banks
Deposit-taking Companies Offshore Licensed Banks
Non-Bank Financial Insurance Companies Merchant Banks
Institutions Pension Funds, Unit Trusts, Finance Companies
Others Central Provident Fund
Development Loan Fund Post Office Savings Bank
Insurance Companies
Other Representative Offices Representative Offices

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