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SQL Training Syllabus

Module 1: Introduction to Basic Database Concepts (Duration-2hrs)

In this module we learn about Basic concepts and advantages of DBMS and limitations
of file management system, and also about 3 data base model.

 What is Data, Field, Record and database?

 Limitations of File Management System.
 Basic Concepts of Advantages of DBMS.
 Exploring Relational DBMS
 Understanding Client and Server

Module 2: Introduction to SQL Server (Duration-3hrs)

In this module we learn about SQL Server, history of sql server, types of system
databases, communication between frontend and backend and sql server editions.

 Basic Features Components and Tools

 Starting and Stopping SQL Server Instances / Services
 Introduction to Management Studio
 Types of System Databases in SQL

Module 3: Introduction to SQL (Duration-5hrs)

In this module we learn about types of sql statements, databases in sql server, how to
create a database, datatypes in sql server, and about DDL Statements.

 Basics of SQL Types of SQL Statements

 Create Database using Management Studio
 Datatypes in SQL Server
 Exploring DDL Statements on Table using Management Studio

Module 4: DDL and DML Statements (Duration-5hrs)

In this module we learn about how to create a table, alter and drop a table, and about
DML statements, like insert update and delete statements using visual studio.

 Why write statements in Frontends?

 Create, Alter and Drop Table Insert,
 Update and Delete Statement Truncate Statement
Module 5: Working with Queries (DQL) (Duration-5hrs)
In this module we learn about select statement, top, distinct string and arithmetic
expressions, Sorting the data and about sub queries and where clause (codition) using
Visual studio.

 Understanding Select Statement

 Usage of Top, Distinct, Null etc...keywords
 Using String and Arithmetic Expressions
 Exploring Where Clause with Operators
 Using Advanced Operators
 Sorting data using Order By clause
 Working with basic of Sub Queries

Module 6: Aggregate Functions (Duration-4hrs)

In this module we learn about how to use aggregate functions like sum, mean, max, avg
what is difference between having and where clause, group by clause rollup and cube
operator using visual studio.

 Using functions in Queries

 Count, Sum, Min, Max, Avg Group By and Having Clause
 Using Group By with Rollup and Cube

Module7: Joins and Set Operations (Duration-6hrs)

In this module we will know about joins and types of joins how to join the tables and
about Sub queries, types of operators like union, intersect and except and how to add
the tables and relationship between them using visual studio.

 Introduction to Joins Cross Joins

 Inner Join
 Left Join
 Right Join
 Full Join
 Union
 Outer Join
 Self Join
 Co-related Sub Queries
 Set Operations using Unions, Intersect and Except
Module 8: Implementation of Data integrity (Duration-3hrs)
In this module, we will learn correctness of data and types of integrity and types of

 Entity integrity
 Domain integrity
 Referential integrity
 Types of constraints

Module 9: Working with Constraints (Duration-3hrs)

In this module, we will learn about how to create a constraint, types of constraints, and
difference between unique, not null and primary key constraints.

 Unique
 Not NULL
 Primary Key
 Default Check Foreign Key

Module 10: Implementing Views (Duration-2hrs)

In this module, how to create a view, advantages of views, altering and dropping a view
and advanced options while creating a view.

 Introduction & Advantages of Views

 Creating, Altering, Dropping Views

Module 11: Working with Indexes (Duration-2hrs)

In this module, how to create a index, advantages and disadvantages of index, and types
of index and dropping index, and also about index structure.

 Introduction Clustered and Non Clustered Index

 Creating and Dropping Indexes
Microsoft SSIS Training Syllabus
 Microsoft SSIS Introductions
 Control Flow
 Data Flow
 Precedence constraint & Expressions
 Sequence Container
 Annotation
 Data Flow Components
 Data viewer
 Copy
 OLEDB Source
 OLDB Destination
 Audit
 Character Map
 Conditional Split
 Row sampling
 Percentage sampling
 Excel Source
 Flat File Source
o Control Flow Components
o Sequence Containers
o For loop
o For each loop
 Variables with default values
 Variables with dynamic values through Expressions
 Dynamic loading of Excel files into SQL target
 FTP Task
 Execute SQL Task – Basic
 Execute SQL task with parameter and with result
 Multicast
 Data conversion / Type Cast
 Sort
 Merge
 Union all
 Aggregate
 Derived
 Row Count
 Breakpoints
 Merge join
 Flat File Destination
 Excel Destination
 OLEDB Command
 Cache transformation (target is cashed)
 Lookup
 SCD (type 1, type 2)
 Breakpoints
 Script task
o Bulk Insert Task (sending FF – SQL)
o Execute package
o Execute process
 ERROR Output in DF
 File system Task
 Send Mail Task
 Logging
 Checkpoints (restart ability)
 Jobs (Scheduling)
 Deployment
o Configurations
Microsoft SSRS Training Syllabus
 Introduction to Microsoft SSRS
 Architecture of Microsoft SSRS
 What is Report Server
 What is Report Manager
 Creating reports using BIDS
 What are Data sources
 What are Shared Data sources
 Types of Repor
 Parameterized report
 Multi-valued Parameterized Reports
 Page break concept
 Drill Down report
 Report Wizard / Adhock Report /Ad-Hock Report / Wizards
 Cascading report -- Parameter Dependency
 Drill through Report / hyperlink report / jump report / navigation report / go to report/
Action report
 Chart report and its properties & expressions
 Sub report
 List Report with Image
 Rectangle Report
 Indicators
 Gauge
 Deployment
 Report Subscription (Email and Windows File Share) and Scheduling
 Report Manager Operations
 Edit Report
 Move / Delete Report
 Linked Report
 Cashed / Execution Report
 Snap short and History comes under this report
Microsoft SSAS Training Syllabus
Introduction to Microsoft Microsoft SSAS . Operating Systems & Hardware Platforms that it
Products of Microsoft Microsoft SSAS Software Corporation

 The Microsoft Microsoft SSAS Co>Operating System

 Graphical Development Environment (GDE)
 The Microsoft Microsoft SSAS Enterprise Meta>Environment (EME)

Salient Features of Microsoft Microsoft SSAS

Understanding the High Level Architecture of Microsoft Microsoft SSAS What is the Anatomy of
Running a Job? What happens when we push the ‘Run’ Button?

 Deployment Process
 Host Process Creation
 Agent Process Creation
 Component Process Creation
 Successful Component Termination
 Agent Termination
 Host Termination
 Abnormal Component Termination

What is Graph Programming? What are the basic parts of an Microsoft Microsoft SSAS Graph?
Broad Classification of Components

 Dataset Components
 Program / Computing Components

Data Manipulation Language (DML)

 Record Formats
 DML Expressions
 Transform Functions
 Key Specifiers

How do we build a basic Microsoft Microsoft SSAS Graph? Using .dat(Data File) & .dml(Record
Format File)
Dataset Components

 Input File
 Output File
 Intermediate File
 Lookup file
Editors in the GDE

 Record Format Editor

 Expression Editor
 Transform Editor
 Key Specifier Editor
 Package Editor
 Variables Editor
 Sequence Specifier Editor

Transform Functions

 Transform File(.xfr)
 Functions, Variables, Statements & Rules

Lookup Dataset’s & DML Lookup Functions Partition Components

 Broadcast
 Partition by Key
 Partition by Expression
 Partition by Percentage
 Partition by Range
 Partition by Round-Robin
 Partition with Load Balancing
 Multifiles and Multidirectories De-partition Components
 Concatenate
 Gather
 Interleave
 Merge

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