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Cyber security – Philippe Vernay

Group 8 : Yasmine Smati, Jules Decoux, Ethan Perlo, Kevin Laboulais, Hugo Bruc

In a world where digital technology is becoming more and more important,

there are many advantages to this new phenomenon. However, there are also many
dangers. Cyber risks are present and can block or slow down the development
of companies. To avoid this, there are some basic steps to take.

How to prevent cyberattack in a company?

The first step is the easiest to put in place: employees must be asked to respect
professional secrecy and never share confidential information. Neither passwords,
which must be strong, nor information that would allow access to the company's

Educating employees on this subject through training, by explaining to them the

dangers and negative aspects that we could face in case of non-vigilance is a very
important point too.

Set up a firewall: a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and
outgoing network traffic based on security policies established by the company. It will
protect all network traffic and has the ability to identify and block unwanted traffic.

Updating security softwares: failures exist, it is necessary to remain vigilant and always
be up to date with the latest software.

The conference showed us the importance of cybersecurity issues. We will be the

employees, managers or CEOs of tomorrow and we will have to put in place all these
processes. The risks are numerous and above all dangerous. To conclude, the security
process is long and costly, but nevertheless, it is one of the most important points in
the functioning of a company.

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