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Develop an algorithm, program and execute the program for the given

problem with appropriate outputs.

1. To calculate a Factorial of a number.

2. To calculate Fibonacci Series up to n numbers.

3. To find out whether the given String is Palindrome or not

4. To read number of rows and print a Diamond Pattern.

Example: Number of rows: 5


5. To reverse the letters present in the given String without inbuilt function.

Example: Hello People Output will be olleH elpoeP

6. To search an element using Linear Search.

7. To search an element using binary Search.
8. To sort elements of an array using Bubble sort.
9. To sort elements of an array using selection sort.
10. To check whether the given number is anagram or not.
11. Check Armstrong number for n digits.
12. To count vowels, consonants, digits, and spaces.

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