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Neck Lift: Procedure and Guidelines for

Submental Lipectomy.
What is Neck Lift?
Neck Lift or Platysmal Plication is the surgical removal of excessive skin and fat from the

Platysma is the superficial muscle in the neck. Lipectomy is a fat removal surgery.

Neck-Lift Modification with Platysmal Plication, also called submental lipectomy or

submental platysmaplasty, is a surgical technique that includes removing the localized fat
deposits under the chin. It also makes the platysma muscle more defined by tightening the
neckline. Fat found deep in the platysma muscle may also require removal. Also, some of the
deeper muscles may need to be weakened; including the anterior belly of the digastric

Submental platysmaplasty is done by making a small incision under the chin. The procedure
significantly improves the neck and jawline by making it look tighter.

Ideal Patients to get the procedure

This operation is suitable for patients with a blunted angle between their chin and neck due to
fat or underlying veins.

There may also be bands in the neck which are a result of shortening of the platysma muscle
under the skin due to aging. The Modified Necklift (Submental Lipectomy with Platysmal
Plication) should significantly improve the above mentioned problems. This procedure can be
performed on patients aged 20 to 55. It can improve esthetics when a receding chin is

Neck Lift Procedure

1. Administration of Anesthesia:

First, anesthesia will be given to the patient. Submental platysmaplasty can be done either
under IV sedation or general anesthesia.

It also depends on your preference or the recommendations of your Doctor. For minor
Submental chin reduction, regional anesthesia is enough.

2. Submental Incision

After administration of anesthesia, a submental incision will be made to tighten the platysma
muscles. This process may require additional incisions during the procedure, depending on
the area being treated.
The platysma muscles, which provide support as you age, become less powerful and lose
their support as you get older. To fix this problem, sutures are used to sew the muscles back
together and tighten them.

To get the best results, small pieces of muscle might be removed or the skin might be
tightened using a laser-assisted device. Excess skin will be trimmed to match the new muscle
structure. Incisions are closed with dissolving sutures. A drain may be placed before
bandaging the wounds.

Neck Lift Surgery - Expected Outcomes

Here's a step-by-step guide of what happens during submental platysmaplasty.

The Doctor may recommend surgery for you. That involves making deep cuts under your
chin or behind your ears, or both, to access a neck muscle called the platysma. Sometimes,
that may even mean removing some muscle.

Your Doctor might make smaller cuts and use an endoscope (a small camera attached to a
thin tube) to complete your surgery. This is a more precise and clean way to complete your
surgery and will result in less pain and swelling.

Dr. ___ can advise you on your options during a consultation. You and Dr. ___ will decide
what level of anesthesia to use, depending on your comfort.

If you want to remain asleep during the procedure, you should ask for general anesthesia.
However, if you don't qualify for general anesthesia, you can still receive a temporary
anesthetic that will help you to remain asleep and relaxed during the procedure.

You'll be able to wake up when the procedure is over and go home without any lasting side

Instead of or in addition to surgery. Skin Rejuvenation injections help plumped skin look
more natural by relaxing parts of the platysma. These injections can be done in 15 minutes on
an outpatient basis, without an overnight stay.

 Small incisions

 Your Doctor may recommend cutting under your chin, behind your ears, or both to
access the platysma. Sometimes, it may even mean removing muscle tissue.
 Your doctor can make smaller cuts and use an endoscope to complete the surgery with
newer procedures. Make sure you ask your doctor for all your options on submental
incisions during your consultation. Some options include making an incision directly
below the chin, or making an incision just above the chin.

 Anesthesia to use

 Your Doctor will discuss the type of anesthesia that would be most comfortable for
you, depending on your level of comfort. If you want to remain asleep during the
submental platysmaplasty procedure, you should request general anesthesia.
Otherwise, Your Doctor may use local anesthesia with sedation.
 Although it is less painful than general anesthesia, local anesthesia with sedation is
still an effective way to make sure good patient comfort. Your doctor will recommend
a treatment based on your preference. But it's much better if you ask for the options
available for you during the procedure.

 Adding a cosmetic procedure

 You can have Skin Rejuvenation injections instead of surgery to relax the platysma,
which makes the neck band look more natural. These injections will help give you a
more natural and relaxed appearance, without the need for surgery.
 The injections take 15 minutes and you don't have to stay overnight.

Common Procedures
Common procedures that people may do in conjunction with a platysma neck lift are:

 Facelift

To restore the youthful appearance and firmness to sagging skin on the middle and lower
pieces of the face.

 Chin Implant

A chin implant is a medical device used to reshape the chin in order to create a better
neckline and counter-receding chin.

 Rhinoplasty to balance face proportion

The goal of rhinoplasty is to balance the face's proportions so that it looks symmetrical on
both sides.

Your Doctor can discuss cosmetic procedures you want to add.

 Risks Involved

Submental platysmaplasty has its risks, including hematoma, blood clots, and edema.
However, if done correctly, it can help improve the appearance of your neck and make
you look more youthful.

Discoloration, irregularities in contour, and scarring might occur. However, don't worry
because these things rarely happen.

 Liposuction

Dr. ___ will make a submental incision below your chin and remove excess fat during
liposuction.Plastic surgeons often start with liposuction if you're getting other procedures.
Consult your doctor before adding other procedures to your submental platysmaplasty.
If you plan to only get submental chin reduction surgery, the operation will only last
about an hour. The incision made during the procedure will be stitched and bandaged by
your doctor's team. It's extremely important to make sure you understand and follow your
Doctor's post-operative instructions for the stitches and bandages to get the best platysma
surgery possible before and after the procedure.

 Too Much Skin on Your Neck

Your doctor will first use a scalpel to trim parts of the skin, then lift them into place and
secure them with tissue glue or stitches. This procedure can take about two to four hours,
depending on its complexity. Again, the type and dosage of anesthesia will depend on
your personal preference and comfort level.

Your Doctor will fit you with a bandage that you must wear for at least one week unless
told otherwise.

Neck Lift Recovery

Remember, with any facial surgery, you may feel and look better almost immediately.
However, it's not a good idea to participate in certain activities for a while. This includes
activities that may result in the face being jarred or bumped. It's best to always check with
your Doctor about all matters related to your health.

Recovering From Neck Lift Surgery

You will experience some moderate to severe discomfort and swelling in the affected area for
several days. Lipectomy recovery time is usually between five and seven days.

Your Doctor will provide you with detailed instructions about post-operative care, including
how to conduct yourself during and after surgery. He'll discuss the importance of proper
hygiene, diet, and any prohibitions to your activities after surgery.

These instructions will vary, especially if another procedure was performed along with Neck
Lift Surgery.

What to expect during recovery period?

During the recovery period, it's normal to experience some temporary difficulty when moving
your head back and forth. As your muscles are still healing and getting used to moving your
new neck. Black and blue marks may be visible around the chin and neck.

Compression bandage restricts neck movement, so you'll have limited neck movement. The
bandage will help with the swelling and make sure you have a good outcome. Your Doctor
will guide you on the usage of this bandage.

After surgery, swelling will usually be significant for 24 to 48 hours. For several days, you'll
only see a lot of significant swelling. But if mild swelling lasts longer, it could prevent your
final neck contour from becoming apparent for several months.
During the healing phase, your activities and diet will be restricted. This will help you heal
quickly and reduce bruising and swelling.

Your New Look

You may not be able to accurately assess your new appearance for weeks or months. Give
yourself time to get used to your new look.

You may be surprised to find that most people won't recognize that you've had neck lift
surgery — only that you look slimmer and more attractive. However, keep in mind that your
new appearance may attract the wrong kind of attention if you're not careful. So, keep your
chin up and don't let anyone's words get you down.

Here are Before and After Photos that will give you an idea of what you can achieve with this

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