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4. Stand out There's a shy girl. She's very timid. She hates to stand out. She works at a computer company. The girl's name is Tiffany. Tiffany is petrified of other people's opinions. She's scared that people will laugh at her. She worries she will be humiliated. She worries she will be humiliated if she is different. So Tiffany always does the same thing that everyone else does. She dresses the same as everyone else. She never says an opinion that's different than prevailing wisdom But Tiffany has a problem. She’s unhappy. She wants to be an artist. Every day she goes to work and acts the same. But really she wants to be an artist. She says to herself “I can't be an artist. | must have a legitimate job. | can't be different.” One day, Tiffany's boss comes to her desk. He says: ‘I'm sorry but you're fired” Tiffany is surprised and shocked. She asks: “But why?” “Well,” says her boss, “You're just awfully boring. You never do anything interesting” Tiffany goes home and cries. She cries for 72 days. On the 73rd day, she says: “I'm sick of being boring! I'm sick of being unhappy! | want creativity! | want extasy! | will be an artist!” Tiffany learns to draw and paint. She sells her paintings for a lot of money. She becomes a very successful artist and she's very happy.

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