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Table dropped.

Create Table.

SQL> create table student(student_id number,name varchar2(5),adress varchar2(30));

SQL> select * from tab;

Delete any row or un entered data

SQL> purge recyclebin;

SQL> select * from tab;

Show table

SQL> desc student;

Enter a row

SQL> alter table student

2 add contact varchar2(20);

Show table

SQL> desc student;

modify any column

SQL> alter table student

2 modify adress varchar2(40);

Del any Column

SQL> alter table student

2 drop column contact;

rename any tuple

SQL> alter table student

2* rename column adress to address

Table rename

SQL> rename student to student1;

delete any table

SQL> drop table student1;

SQL> purge recyclebin;

SQL> create table student(student_id number primary key,name varchar2(20),address

SQL> drop table student;

SQL> create table student(student_id number,name varchar2(20));

add primary Key

SQL> alter table student

2 add primary key(student_id);

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