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Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary - 4th Edition

adieu exclamation
adios exclamation
air-kiss v
all right exclamation (GREETING)
bade v
bid v (TELL)
bon voyage exclamation
cheerio exclamation
cheers! exclamation
ciao exclamation
g'day exclamation
good afternoon exclamation
goodbye exclamation
goodbye n
good day exclamation
good evening exclamation
good morning exclamation
good night exclamation
greet v
greeting n
hallo n
happy adj (GREETING)
hello exclamation, n
hi exclamation
high five n
hiya exclamation
hooroo exclamation
howdy exclamation
hullo exclamation, n
later exclamation
leave-taking n
receive v (WELCOME)
reception n (WELCOME)
salutation n
shalom exclamation
ta-ta exclamation
wave v (MOVE HAND)
welcome exclamation
wotcha exclamation
yo exclamation
bye, at goodbye exclamation
hallo, at hello exclamation, n
laters, at later exclamation
wotcher, at wotcha exclamation
how are you?
ladies and gentlemen
mind how you go
shake sb's hand/shake sb by the hand
make sb welcome
take care (of yourself) idiom
give me five! idiom
see/catch you later! idiom
how's life (treating you)? idiom
long time no see idiom
so long idiom
many happy returns (of the day) idiom
merry Christmas! idiom
(I'm) pleased to meet you idiom
press the flesh idiom
pump sb's hand idiom
hello stranger idiom

© Cambridge University Press 2013

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