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Back from the dead

It was a dark night and I was heading to the Forbidden Forrest. The rain was leaning down the tall trees
and my wet hair and robe were making it harder to walk. The peculiar glowing spot I had found on the
Marauders Map that day kept changing its place.
I was being foolish, I was mad, my mind didn’t work right. The magical map showed the name Scorpius
Malfoy right behind me. I suddenly turned around, a pale, shar face, with grey-silver eyes and white-
blonde hair was staring at me. “What do you think you’re doing?” he asked scared? “You know very well
what I’m doing!” I never meant to be so harsh, but he deserved it. Suddenly we heard a loud noise that
gave us goosebumps. Up, in the highest tree of the forest there was a paper-white face, with black hair and
sharp yellow teeth. “Hello, beautiful!” he said in a broken voice. We ran. It couldn’t be, it was not real. He
was supposed to be dead. I screamed “YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE IMPRISONED!”. He laughed, a
strong laughter followed by a strong coughing session. I felt his long nails scratching my back and his cold
breath in the back of my neck. Scorpius shouted something, but I was too spooked out to hear. We ran
faster and I blasted a spell on him.
We got out of the forest and I saw a familiar red hair, the same as mine. It was Jupiter. “What were you
thinking? You had seen him on the map, hadn’t you? I already know! Squall’s back! He said in a grave

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