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Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2017

◼ Submitted: 14 April 2017 ◼ Revised: 15 May 2017 ◼ Accepted: 30 June 2017

Citizen Journalism as Postmodern Journalism

Nova Darmanto1, Santi Delliana2

1Publishing Department, Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif, Jakarta, Indonesia
2Communication Studies Department, Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Kalbis, Jakarta, Indonesia,

Abstract— The rise of Citizen Journalism cannot be separated from the emergence of new genres in the media; the
State of Citizen Journalism is inseparable from technological developments. The presence of online media currently
characterizes the rapid growth of information and communication technology. The internet is a digital media that has
become a symbol in the advancement of computerized era knowledge that gave birth to new media. The emergence of the
internet, technology with the basis of this communication had a significant impact on the rapid pace of development in
aspects of information, including points of reportage and journalism. Establishment of Citizens Journalism is born for
the emergence of online Journalism. Online journalism has developed the necessary foundation of the concept of citizen
journalism where the activities of citizen journalism are carried out using technology Digital technology is a technology
that no longer uses human or manual power. Digital systems are the development of analog systems. Digitalization
tends to be an automatic operating system with a format that can be read by computers. The term postmodern
journalism is a reaction to modern journalism. A shift is not always formed from the revolution. The change from
contemporary to postmodernism is a gradual evolution, in a process that is continuous through various periods and
times. Postmodernism criticizes modernism, which has resulted in the centralization and universalization of ideas in
many fields of science and technology.

Keywords—citizen journalism, digital technology, postmodernism

Citizen Journalism as Postmodern Journalism

Abstract— The rise of Citizen Journalism cannot be separated from the emergence of new genres in the
media; the State of Citizen Journalism is inseparable from technological developments. The presence of
online media currently characterizes the rapid growth of information and communication technology. The
internet is a digital media that has become a symbol in the advancement of computerized era knowledge
that gave birth to new media. The emergence of the internet, technology with the basis of this
communication had a significant impact on the rapid pace of development in aspects of information,
including points of reportage and journalism. Establishment of Citizens Journalism is born for the
emergence of online Journalism. Online journalism has developed the necessary foundation of the concept of
citizen journalism where the activities of citizen journalism are carried out using technology Digital
technology is a technology that no longer uses human or manual power. Digital systems are the
development of analog systems. Digitalization tends to be an automatic operating system with a format that
can be read by computers. The term postmodern journalism is a reaction to modern journalism. A shift is not
always formed from the revolution. The change from contemporary to postmodernism is a gradual
evolution, in a process that is continuous through various periods and times. Postmodernism criticizes
modernism, which has resulted in the centralization and universalization of ideas in many fields of science
and technology.

Keywords—citizen journalism, digital technology, postmodernism

INTRODUCTION not be separated from the development of

increasingly advanced technology, allowing
Citizen Journalism or Citizen Journalism
citizens to report information that they
is increasingly familiar to our ears. This can
experienced both to mainstream mass
Publipreneur Polimedia: Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Penerbitan Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif
Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2017

media such as television and radio, as well transparent and more concise and can be
as to the internet such as YouTube, Blog, carried everywhere through digital
Facebook, and Twitter. As a result of technology.
technological developments. Citizen Technological developments have
Journalism is Spreading throughout the pushed in various fields of life. All people
world and even probing in the personal who live, especially in this generation, are
area of humans and creating their patterns involved in it and are expected to have the
and forming characteristics that are ability and not be blind to technology to
different. play an actor and understand the progress.
The rise of Citizen Journalism is The goal is to compete with developments
inseparable from the emergence of new that occur from time to time.
genres in the media. Most people call it new Since the emergence of the internet, this
media. The existence of new media is technology with a communication base has
inseparable from the life of assumptions a significant impact on the rapid pace of
of change that occur as, first, the transition developments in aspects of information,
from the conditions referred to as the including points of reportage and
Modernity towards Postmodernity, where journalism. Through the use of technology,
new media is seen as a marker of the the internet has changed the linear (one-
emergence of change. Second, the dynamics way) paradigm that completes three
of sustainable globalization, where online traditional media or other conventional
media are seen as contributing elements media (radio, television, and print media).
that cross regional boundaries of a country New media is referred to as digital media.
through trade, corporation, and culture. Digital media is a media whose content in
Third, the fabrication of the industrial era the form of a combination of data, text,
which was replaced by the Western sound, and types of images stored in digital
Postindustrial period, new media format and distributed through a wide
symbolized changes and system shifts in range of cable, satellite, and microwave
the corporation, the scope of change was delivery systems [1].
not limited to production problems but also The internet is a digital media that has
in the form of changes in the corporate become a symbol in the advancement of
model. Fourth, decentralization, a new computerized era knowledge that gave
network of communication that is global, birth to new media. Online media is born
widespread, and capable of breaking as a new form of media becoming an
western domination in the fields of integral part of the internet, a new kind of
technology, trade, and distribution that online media that has given birth to a
have existed since the period of journalist model that is a new type of
journalism because several features and
The State of Citizen Journalism is characteristics are far different from pre-
inseparable from technological existing modern journalism. The
developments that occur in the field of uniqueness of the function of online
communication. Era paperless is not over journalism lies in its technology, wherein
yet been reduced. Technology that is online journalism, there is a limit to
developing at this time has reduced paper processing and disseminating news.
use—storage through technology and Through online media, the news is no
changing every paper-shaped document longer an event that has already taken
into a digital form. With digital-based place, but the media are broadcasting an
technology, each document becomes more ongoing activity. Every online media no
e-ISSN 2723-6323
p-ISSN 2338-5049
Publipreneur Polimedia: Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Penerbitan Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif
Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2017

longer needs to try to find news that sells is done so far by Jurnalisme modern
well. All information can be used as news (conventional).
without having to be directly proportional Through the Journal of Information,
to modern journalistic rules. Because of Communication & Society articles, Wu
this, people see the internet as a medium explained that the 2008 economic recession,
that presents faster than more detailed the widespread use of the Internet, the
information. The internet also changes the shifting habits of media consumption or
space and constellation of media and audiences, the increasing
journalism by promoting citizen-initiated commercialization of the press, the
journalism, known as citizen journalism. consolidation of media ownership, and the
The ability of citizen journalism has loss of public confidence in mainstream
shifted the authority of information media were all factors present in the
authorities from the realm of media narrative. Around the collapse of
institutions to individual or community journalism [3].
authorities. According to Wu, in his article
[2, p. 1], the Internet has presented new
challenges and benefits for journalism Digital technology is a technology that
today. How new media is also related to the no longer uses human power or manually.
decline in journalism as we know it - what Digital systems are the development of
many people call a 'crisis' in journalism. analog systems. Digitalization tends to be
According to McChesney & Nichols, [3] in an automatic operating system with a
Wu [2, p. 1], the Internet contributes to this format that can be read by computers.
crisis, most threatening traditional Thurtlow [4, p. 36] says that
(modernist) media business models and communication technology (internet) has
attracting audiences and advertisers going been developed that allows people to
to online platforms. The surge in online communicate almost instantly across vast
content that cannot be verified also distances, which basically shrinks the world
damages the democratic process. On the faster and farther than before.
other hand, the Internet and social media Changes in analog to digital systems
have created more involved citizens who have changed many things and threaten the
can tap online issues that mainstream existence of other mass media. Biagi [5, p.
media cannot or will not discuss. 10] mentions three important concepts
In the Wu journal article [2, p. 1], concerning mass media, namely: First, Mass
McChesney has described the decline in Media is a form of profit-centered
journalism at the turn of the 21st century. commerce. Second, developments and
Citizen journalism gradually seeks to changes in the delivery and use of mass
replace the role of modern media and get media are influenced by technological
the attention of citizens and make the developments. Third, the mass media
information as shared property. So that it always reflects and affects the life, politics,
can be interpreted, that journalism is not and culture of the masses. Of all the
only dominated by liberal media, but also explanations above, it can be interpreted
by ordinary people. Ordinary people are that mass media has a significant influence
able to produce their own news and on society.
disseminate it through the tools they have. But nowadays, most mass media
In fact, the emergence of citizens Journalism customers have turned to use more flexible
due to public discontent against the mass online technology, can read the latest
media even as a form of resistance to what information anytime and anywhere. A

e-ISSN 2723-6323
p-ISSN 2338-5049
Publipreneur Polimedia: Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Penerbitan Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif
Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2017

more lively presentation has attracted news is slowly starting to beat the
advertisers. As stated by Messaris and popularity of print media. Many news
Humphreys [6, p. 201] that print media can pages on the internet provide news quickly
only be consumed when physically in the without being charged.
hands of the reader. Television can only be It has been widely known that the mass
watched when consumers are positioned media has received a lot of criticism
physically in front of the screen. However, because it has a refraction tendency in its
in the digital world, media content is free of reporting. The role of the media as a social
physical and broadcast boundaries and can institution is often contradictory because of
be copied and shared repeatedly, at low or the interests of economic and political
no cost, and with zero quality. Infinite affiliated owners. As argued by McChesney
reproduction destroys the business model and Nichols [6, p. 201] that the crisis on the
of media companies that make money by performance of journalism is because they
selling duplicate content. work under profit-oriented media
According to Chao Chen in his article, institutions and lead to commercialization.
Convergence of new and old media: new As illustrated by Thurtlow [4, p. 36], A
media representation in traditional news, communication network throughout the
[7, p. 186] Convergence has also become the world whose cables reach continents and
term online jargon in the digital era as a oceans has revolutionized business
reference for changes due to faster practices, led to new forms of crime, and
technology. Technological developments flooded its users with a flood of
have eliminated industry gaps in the form information. Romance has developed over
of convergence. Through convergence, all cable, and the secret code has been created
content is digitized, which in turn creates by several users and solved by others. The
the resulting convergence of platforms. All government and regulators have tried and
changes have revolutionized mass media, failed to control the new medium.
and it is impossible not to adopt this Meanwhile, outside the cable, a technology
concept when considering the media, subculture with its own habits and
industry, and news technology. vocabulary is developing. Illustration by
According to Fagerjord and Storsul [8] in Thurtlow explains that modern journalism,
Chao Chen [9, p. 186] shows that in the which initially sought to make progress in
1990s, convergence became a key label for society, in the end only benefited the
the process of change. According to him, owners of capital, and even mass media
the media is far more than just technology, formed a conglomerate in the press.
and merging is not an adequate description Besides, the media's alignment with the
in whatever field they survey. The first power that seeks to carry out a variety of
wave of the Internet era was unavoidably
forms of hegemony has placed modern
related to the concept. journalism as a space for the occurrence of
The rapid development of information efforts to deviate. There is a lot of mass
and communication technology is currently media that is a tool to spread the dominant
characterized by the presence of online discourse through hegemony. The
media. It can be said that human conversation was disseminated and sought
civilization at the present time, which is to be absorbed into the minds of the people
very fast and instantaneous, has an impact so that it became a common consensus.
on media civilization, which is also Meanwhile, the value or other discourse is
overgrowing. The presence of the internet seen as deviant will try to be reduced or
that provides various information and opposed.

e-ISSN 2723-6323
p-ISSN 2338-5049
Publipreneur Polimedia: Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Penerbitan Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif
Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2017

Through modern journalism, a form of process of finding, collecting, reporting,

hegemony in society is directed at accepting analyzing, and disseminating information
rational and realistic concepts to achieve and information that is owned directly to
progress in various fields. But, when the the public. This is in line with the phrase
ratio and reality are held as the primary Bowman and Willis [10, p. 10], which
reference in a cultural consensus, there is an defines citizen journalism as "... the act of
indication that there will be a loss of citizens playing an active role in the process
humanity that makes the community of collecting, reporting, analyzing, and
active. A paradox occurs when humans try disseminating news and information".
to reach out and increase the ability of So that Citizen Journalism is considered
ratios and their skills in responding to an act of citizens, or a group of citizens,
reality but must eliminate the essential who play an active role in the process of
nature of humans. collecting, reporting, analyzing, and
Research on Citizen Journalism or often disseminating news and information,
referred to in Indonesia as Citizen presenting information that is independent,
Journalism, has been widely practiced in reliable, broad, and relevant to the needs of
developed countries, while research on the democracy. [1]Through this definition can
same topic is only a few in developing be given the understanding that anyone can
countries. The following section is a contribute to providing coverage and
literature review which will discuss spread the news to report the results of
previous research that explains the concept their coverage in the form of writing, audio
of Citizen Journalism as a new and audiovisuals around them through the
phenomenon and the benefits and media that they have through media there
challenges of Citizen Journalism in are, both mainstream media and social
Indonesia. media, such as sites, blogs, Facebook,
Twitter, YouTube, and so on.
Establishment of Citizens Journalism is
born for the emergence of online Journalism Online has established the
Journalism. In fundamental Journalistic types of online journalism through the
online can called a process of collecting, media in the Internet network. Each one is
writing, editing, and spread the word different as, Journalism Blog (blog
through the network on the internet. Online journalism) - refers to personal blogs and
journalism is defined as reporting facts that community news, journalism Mobil (mobile
are produced and distributed on internet journalism) - relates to activity reporting
networks. Online journalism is not only a and news reporting by using a smartphone
news publication through the internet (mobile phone), Journalism social media
(online media), but also a lot of coverage is (social media Journalism)-refers to the
done networked on the internet. Observing production and publication of news
the status of social media updates, trending through websites or pages on social media,
topics, viral, and then processed into the journalism feed click (Clickbait Journalism)-
news is something new in journalism. refers to the phenomenon of the feed title
click online media.
In general, Citizen Journalism can be
interpreted as reports from citizens Online journalism has developed the
regarding information that is useful to the primary basis of the concept of citizen
interests of many people that occur around journalism where the activities of citizen
their homes. Citizen journalism is an journalism are carried out using
activity carried out by citizens, not technology, according to [4, p. 15]
journalists who play an active role in the Computer-Mediated Communication

e-ISSN 2723-6323
p-ISSN 2338-5049
Publipreneur Polimedia: Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Penerbitan Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif
Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2017

(CMC) is more specialized in human [10, p. 10], which defines citizen journalism
interpersonal communication, through and as "... the act of citizens playing an active
about and the web. Susan Herring, in her role in the process of collecting, reporting,
article in the book Computer-Mediated analyzing, and disseminating news and
Communication, says CMC is information".
communication that takes place among Citizen journalism is an act of citizens or
humans through a computer instrument. It a group of citizens who play an active role
does not differ much from John December, in the process of collecting, reporting,
adding that CMC is a process of human analyzing, and disseminating news and
connection through computers, involving information to present information that is
someone, located in a specific context, and independent, reliable, broad, and relevant
involved in the process of forming media to the needs of democracy. [10, p. 110]
for various purposes so that CMC can be Through this definition can be given the
defined as communication between two or understanding that anyone can contribute
more people mediated by computers. So to providing coverage and spread the news
that online journalism that is reinforced by to report the results of coverage in the form
the development of social media such as of writing, audio and audiovisual that is
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube around them through the media they have
in disseminating news or information that through existing media, both mainstream
citizens do in spreading information on media and social media, such as sites, blogs,
social media raises new terms: citizen (call: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and so on.
warganet) journalism or netizen journalism.
Besides there are a variety of terms and
Citizen journalism, as a new terminology associated with the term
phenomenon, is defined as "... individuals citizen journalism as journalism Public
carry out active activities in the process of (Public Journalism), Journalism Advocacy (
collecting, reporting, sorting, analyzing, Advocacy Journalism), Journalism
and distributing news and information ..." Participatory (Participatory Journalism),
[11, p. 71]. Addressing various terms used Media Participatory (Participatory Media),
for the activity of Citizen Journalism, Kelly Reporting Open Source (Open Source
(2009) states that all of these terms can be
Reporting), Journalism Distributed
used to be but the most important thing to (Distributed Journalism), Media Citizens
be understood that Citizen Journalism has a (Citizens Media), and Grassroots
reference to the active role of citizens in the Journalism (Grassroot Journalism).
process of creation and dissemination of Although there are several differences, the
information. One of the crucial scope of the term prioritizes citizens as
characteristics of Citizen Journalism. communicators and implementers who
Understanding citizens in question is the contribute directly to the news.
participants who attended through its
involvement in the Internet network while Citizen journalism appeared on January
the term citizens are often named 19, 1998, when Mark Drudge wrote news
differently as participants, attend, audience. on the internet related to cases of infidelity
committed by the President of the United
Citizen journalism is an activity carried States, Bill Clinton with one of his staff,
out by citizens, not journalists who play an Monica Lewinsky, better known as the
active role in the process of finding, Monicagate incident [12, p. 123].
collecting, reporting, analyzing, and
disseminating information and information Besides, the birth of the concept of
that is owned directly to the public. This is citizen journalism is closely related to the
in line with the phrase Bowman and Willis civic journalism movement, also called
e-ISSN 2723-6323
p-ISSN 2338-5049
Publipreneur Polimedia: Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Penerbitan Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif
Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2017

public journalism in the United States after residents is published as news of a

the 1988 presidential election. The intense transparent follow-value of journalism such
competition between presidential as honesty, accuracy, balance, and
candidates led to the mastery of objectivity. (3) The approach is not formal
conventional media such as newspapers. but not personal. (4) Citizen Journalism
The mass media conducts issue selection conducted on leisure time both by
(agenda setting), and it does not reflect the professionals and by ordinary citizens. (5)
public interest, so public participation in Journalism Residents have an editor and
the news market arises, this is then referred focus on essential topics, in addition to
to as citizen journalism. material written by citizens who have been
flexibly screened. (6) The boundary
Another involvement of citizens in
between old and new is not too sharp. (7)
contributing to manufacture and deliver the
Users rely on their own (subjective)
news, but there are also events of the
perspective in making articles. So it can be
transformation of the reader passive to
concluded that in the activities of Citizen
active users [11]. Furthermore, Widodo [13]
Journalism, it can be done by anyone by
supports the existence of the views of the
ordinary citizens who, even by every
citizens, that a citizen dap at the creator,
community, do not have journalistic skills.
owner, and ask tor rather than as a passive
user. The formation of Citizens Journalism The term postmodern journalism is a
in essence nor in because of right by their reaction to modern journalism. A shift is
collisions caused by the presence of not always formed from the revolution.
conventional journalism. The change from contemporary to
postmodernism is a gradual evolution, in a
Articles and news broadcasts in
process that is continuous through various
conventional media are the results of the
periods and times. Efforts to make
writing of professional journalists who
hegemony by constructing news, as well as
have previously received education about
siding with capitalism, are a form of threat
journalism and have skills and knowledge
to journalism that is clearly known
related to writing and writing ethics.
together, as the media form their
Already, the information could only be
institutions in favor of capitalism and act as
broadcast through traditional formal media
media conglomerates. Since then, modern
channels, but in Citizen Journalism,
journalism has been considered more likely
ordinary citizens who were previously
to generate doubt than good. Therefore,
passive viewers who received information
journalism is clearly not an ideal form that
from the media could produce news and
can be accepted as a whole. Thought shifts
articles on their own and become owners
in a better direction, and this is where
and actors in their own press. Like when
postmodernism plays a significant role.
someone makes a blog about business, then
As Lyotard said, [14] due to
writes down his business experience and
technological advances, knowledge in the
journey then broadcasts it on the internet.
era of computerized society (information)
According to Widodo [13], Citizen has undergone significant changes. The
Journalism stated that other vital purpose of experience is no longer like
characteristics of Citizen Journalists are: (1) when science exists but is influenced by
Citizens Journalism produce news, forms of meta narration (such as capitalism
reportage, analysis of news, comments, and and Marxism), so that knowledge
opinions that are updated regularly by orientation is created or developed based
providing links where readers can post on demand from large schools such as
comments. (2) A report in production by capitalism and Marxism. With

e-ISSN 2723-6323
p-ISSN 2338-5049
Publipreneur Polimedia: Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Penerbitan Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif
Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2017

computerized technology (information), drastic changes. The definition of

the principles of production, use, and journalism has changed; the context and
transformation undergo revolution scope of its studies have also expanded
radically. The use of human power is widely, including in the field of
increasingly limited in the economic sector, communication. The web discovery made a
folding space in the world of massive revolution in the field of
telecommunications, accelerating, journalism with the advent of online
processing data, and information that is journalism.
able to change and even manipulate reality. For Marx, the foundation of modernism
Postmodernism is an effort to move is humanity, which is then adapted by
ideas that attempt to break down the Habermas as the basis of communication
concepts of modernity. Postmodernism is a ratios [15, p. 669]. The rate is seen as the
reaction to the previous genre, namely single power that determines all
modernism. The term postmodern is humanitarian issues. Prioritizing ratios in
considered as a form of freeing itself from all philanthropic activities means giving
various types of domination that must be recognition to forms of humanity.
obeyed. There is no single truth in humans. Modernism may also be interpreted as a
Every individual has a context in his spirit to seek and seek the truth of human
perspective so that the emergence of nature, ultimate truth, all universality of
postmodernism was born as a form of truth in the world. The ratio representing
reaction as well as criticism of previous the form of humanity is considered capable
views, which were considered to have of investigating factual facts to find
created various tyrannies of their own universal rules of reality.
through ideas that had been deemed Based on the state of the late
defective and failed. [14]. modernism, postmodernism has ideals, to
According to Ritzer, there are three improve social conditions, human habits,
traces of thinking to be able to understand and awareness of all realities and
Postmodernism; first, there is a widespread developments in various fields. The main
belief that the modern era has ended; postmodern struggle is the rejection of the
second, in the area of culture, the product grand narrative that arises in the modern
of postmodernism has shifted new world with a combination of glorifying
products [15]. New media is a form of reason and giving space to every small
technological progress in which there is an story that emerges later, local territory,
extensive and centralized knowledge that spread, and diversity of various opinions
cannot be regulated at all by a certain kind and to bring out who wants to appear.
of domination so that the existence of new Postmodern ism, which criticizes
media can be said to be in line with the perceived modernism, has resulted in the
understanding of postmodernity where it centralization and universalization of ideas
seeks and aims to free itself from the in many fields of science and technology.
various meta narration carried out by Postmodernism is not the end of
capitalism and Marxism. innovation, but a new condition and this
Globalization, which is characterized by situation repeat itself. Modernity for
the free movement of information and Lyotard is characterized by the superiority
technological developments, has made of a grand narrative. But most of the big
many sides of human life change and narrative projects fail, like communism, for
different. Globalization makes many life example. Lyotard feels that now is the right
joints to be redefined. The emergence of the era to declare "war" on such a totalistic
internet makes human life experience very perspective.

e-ISSN 2723-6323
p-ISSN 2338-5049
Publipreneur Polimedia: Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Penerbitan Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif
Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2017

RESEARCH METHODS to communicate. According to this theory

With the method of observation and that technology will be able to form a new
literature study. Researchers tried various culture and can create individuals through
searches from various networking sites thinking, behaving in a society.
about citizen journalism sites in Indonesia Technologist I which used to be direct
using the internet. Trying to make human at every movement of every
observations of various phenomena in technological change. In terms of
finding different information based on technology based on communication that
diverse literature related to the above has occurred, exchange culturally relevant
problems and describe them. better than every changing technology can
change human life, even human behavior.
According to Jalaluddin [16, p. 25],
descriptive research is intended to collect RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
actual information in detail that describes Journalism has continued to grow, and
the existing phenomena; identify problems its existence has a relationship with
or examine conditions and practices that democracy, where every democracy that is
apply; make comparisons or evaluations; formed certainly requires various media.
determine what others do in dealing with As a mouthpiece for citizens to express
the same problem and learn from their their interests in upholding human rights.
experience to implement pre-future plans During this time, Journalism was formed
and decisions. as a profession, with standards set as part
In the literature study, researchers use of professionalism. Through
data contained in journals, books, and the professionalism, profit-seeking activities by
internet. The researcher did this by using print media can take place. But in reality,
approach qualitative. Where in conducting since the changes in the new technological
research, this approach sees and observes landscape of media, change has taken place
through various symptoms of symptoms on a large scale. Where the concept of
that are natural, natural, and fundamental journalism is no longer seen as the
and must be involved in the field where profession of the emergence of new media
researchers conduct investigations through where every citizen (Netizens) also
multiple pages, blogs, and so on. So generally performs various journalistic
according to Nazir [7, p. 156] can say that activities in the realm of the new media.
the study is in as the field study. This The lack of ability of citizens in
research is qualitative in nature and has journalism does not give a reason that they
interpretive tendencies, using are not informers. In principle, citizens are
interpretations that involve many methods not journalists who enforce journalistic
in examining problems through rules as legitimacy for their work. Citizens
phenomena that are considered. According are also not in the media area, which in turn
to Mulyana [17, p. 4], The use of various will become a meta-narrative formation. So
techniques, often called triangulation, is far, knowledge about journalism has been
intended so that researchers obtain a legitimized by mass media rather than as a
comprehensive understanding of the grand narrative in journalism. With the
phenomenon under study. arrival of new media, journalism has
changed the notion to eat at all with the
The theory was used in this study is the
perspective to understand the future of
Theory of Determinism of Technology,
where d nature of the method explained modernity.
that in every culture in the form of through Communication technology has
how any personal or perform the way how provided a way for residents to be able to

e-ISSN 2723-6323
p-ISSN 2338-5049
Publipreneur Polimedia: Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Penerbitan Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif
Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2017

spread their own information. Citizens can other. Everyone wants to express
be actors and publishers of various themselves, their thoughts, their anxiety,
information compiled based on the and their hopes. Everyone also wants to
information they get. By relying on the listen or read and understand the beliefs,
communication technology that they have, stress, and expectations of others. In
the residents and seek information, and addition, the desire to help others or at least
citizens can be called journalists. comment on other people's thoughts is also
In citizen journalism, society becomes an very instinctive.
object as well as the subject of news. They According to Lyotard [14], knowledge in
can be writers and publish them at the the era of computerized society
same time. This is what puts every human (information) has undergone changes due
being into a current issue in social life. This to technological advances. The purpose of
is the era that allows the potential of any experience is no longer like when science
person from a mediocre group to have an exists but is influenced by capitalism and
extraordinary contribution to others. Marxism in a metanarrative so that the
Although, each other does not know each orientation of knowledge is created or
other physically. This is in accordance with developed based on the demand of the two
Lyotard's thought, which states that the schools. With information technology, the
impact caused by the development of principles of production, use, and
information technology on knowledge in transformation undergo revolution
the late 20th century. There have been radically. The use of human power is
tremendous developments and changes in increasingly limited in the economic sector,
experience, science, and education in the folding space in the world of
information society [14, p. 44]. telecommunications, accelerating,
A form of citizenship active due to processing data, and information that is
express its presence in the places able to change and even manipulate
themselves are supplied media. R public reality—the transformative nature of a
money that has been provided becomes more open, pluralistic and democratic
part of the aspirations and interests of the computer society.
citizens. So that identity as a citizen who In the world, there are extraordinary
has rights and responsibilities becomes a developments and changes in knowledge,
collective feeling as a basis for pushing science, and education in a computerized
common interests to public service society. These developments and changes
providers. New Media, by itself through its have brought the community to a condition
existence, has provided a way for citizens to called postmodernism. Over the past forty
be able to form an active citizenship years, science and technology have
collective identity so as to encourage them increasingly been associated with language,
always actively to participate in public linguistic theory, communication and
decision-making processes. cybernetics, computer and literature
So that all forms of citizen journalism are problems, the problem of translation,
now beginning to mushroom as an information storage, and data institutions.
alternative form of journalistic practice. In Technology transformation has a profound
New media, anyone can be interrelated influence on knowledge. All forms and
with anyone. The basic principle is to commercialization of technology have
accommodate the need to communicate changed the way of acquiring, classifying,
with everyone, As Dan Gillmor said, a creating, and utilizing knowledge.
pioneer of the journalism movement of According to Lyotard, this position of
citizens in the US: conversing with each knowledge in the information technology

e-ISSN 2723-6323
p-ISSN 2338-5049
Publipreneur Polimedia: Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Penerbitan Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif
Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2017

age, especially about the way science is have shifted from professional journalists to
legitimized through, what it calls, meta ordinary people, allowing for a more
narration, such as freedom, progress, the spontaneous, more interactive, and broader
emancipation of the proletariat, and so on. exchange of views from conventional
According to Lyotard, these grand media.
narratives have experienced the same fate In line with Lyotard [14], postmodern
as previous metanarratives such as religion, conditions are a picture of changing
nation-state, beliefs about Western conditions of knowledge in the most
superiority, and so on; that is, they have advanced societies. People who enter the
now become hard to believe. The same post-industrial era or the era of advanced
thing is done in the world of journalism capitalism. Lyotard uses the term
where Journalism in Gadang Gadang is a postmodern to describe the condition of
way or ability that is trained to obtain knowledge status, which emphasizes a
information that is in accordance with the plurality of differences in heterogeneity,
facts; in fact, in the past, mass media has local/ethnic culture, and everyday life
contributed to managing humanity. experiences.
The basic principle of cyberspace does
open a cultural space that way; little by This is in accordance with what is done
little, the user begins to understand these by the citizen journalism -based Situsweb
characteristics. This understanding leads to entitled OhMyNews even though this
more advanced knowledge so that it can invites big problems related to writing
hold more control over technology. Not the ethics and journalistic code of ethics.
other way around, humans are precisely Because of everyone without knowledge
controlled by technology. The trend of such and skills in the field of journalism in
conditions was born a variety of new spaces presenting their journalistic work and
in the virtual world that are increasingly publishing it themselves. The question then
progressive. One of them is a weblog or is the extent to which our activities and
what is now commonly called a blog. Blogs interactions in citizen editorial networks —
start from someone's diary or journal or at least just as passive users — have
published on the internet. In addition to the social benefits for our daily environment,
personal and up-to-date records, the blog both socially, economically, politically, and
also provides links or a list of connection culturally. It turns out, news in the world
addresses to other websites or blogs. that is full of information as it is today can
Another distinctive feature is that the blog appear on many sides, not just one face
allows each visitor to leave comments on because anyone can interpret and interpret
what appears there. Other visitors can view events in the space of joint dialogue with
the comment and can provide further the principle of citizen journalism.
feedback, as well as the owner of the blog, But Lyotard believes that society is
and so on. structured not only on technology but also
The state of journalism is also a on language and discourse. Therefore,
significant development and change due to Lyotard directs our attention to the role of
the development of internet technology. narratives in social life. In non-industrial
Citizen journalism is a new journalism. societies, myths, and stories (fables, etc.)
Every internet user can now create their have religious dispositions and help create
own media for free. The presence of the social order. In the era of enlightenment, a
blogging community and several other new set of narratives emerged, namely
types of citizen journalism is a form of a science, which put pressure on the ideas of
mass media revolution. News activities progress, causes, science, and technology,

e-ISSN 2723-6323
p-ISSN 2338-5049
Publipreneur Polimedia: Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Penerbitan Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif
Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2017

all of which are believed to be able to free interpreted as an event reported through
humanity from the shackles of darkness, the mass media. Now the news finds its
ignorance, and oppression. Each narrative own meaning through citizen journalism.
aims to provide goals for social life. Each News is no longer something elitist that
story legitimizes existing social order and only determined by the flow medium
becomes a frame to assess human actions primary or a particular group of people
and activities who be professional label journalists.
These things then really get their space Anyone who has a life and social impact
in the world of the web, blogs, and also story can write it on a website that has the
including citizen journalism. This new principle of citizen journalism. News in the
journalism movement emerged in the early mass media is indeed not a social reality
1990s in the US. There is no exact data on itself. Instead, the existence of media has
who started it because there are still also gone through a process of construction
personal claims without a comprehensive on social reality. However, the construction
cross-examination. Even so, the era of its process has only been focused on the
emergence was indeed at that time span. editors of the press. Or, in other words, it's
The shape and nature are yet varied still elitist. It is the mass media that
depending on the interests of each maker, determines what must be covered and what
and all are based on the blog application. escapes the reporting of events. Media also
One thing is sure is that the spirit of ensures which news value is more
participatory journalism has emerged and important for the reader. The mass media
stands out. Because this is indeed the main determine various factors to decide what
feature of citizen journalism. Namely, activities they will cover.
journalistic activities carried out not by This pattern is then deconstructed by the
professional journalists, but by the general principle of citizen journalism in the cyber
public and published online and can be world. Everyone returns to the original
given comments by other users. definition of the news itself, i.e., everything
The basic concept in citizen journalism is that is desired and needed to be known by
to position the audience as news producers others. By reporting the story, the media
as well, not just passive consumers, as long not only share information with the public
as it runs within the working logic of to then move the community in communal
traditional journalism based on mass life but also become a space for interaction
media. In other words, the position between individuals and valuable space for
between journalists as seekers and news dialogue. News manifests as a report from
writers, speakers as the origin of the news, citizens that can be subjective but can be a
and the audience as consumers of news has means of conversation to find the thesis and
melted away so liquid. Between producers synthesis of life together.
and consumers of news can no longer be The locus of the function of
identified inflexibly because everyone can democratization of the press lies in the
play both. In essence, the priority in citizen extent to which the media has been able to
journalism is interaction and become a public sphere; a space that is free
interconnection. from the domination of the ruling politics
In addition, the basic principle of other and the economic interests of entrepreneurs
citizen journalism is that news is a joint that allows rational, open discussion about
construction product between journalists general issues that affect the lives of the
and readers. If previously, the people. Public space is the essence of a
communication was limited to being substantial community communication

e-ISSN 2723-6323
p-ISSN 2338-5049
Publipreneur Polimedia: Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Penerbitan Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif
Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2017

institution that enables the dissemination of education, and social integration, sinks with
facts and opinions. In the area which the wave of commercialization and
consists of a stock of general knowledge, a liberalization. So the measure of media
basis for community political action can be success is merely profit, not serving the
built. In public space, it is possible to form a public interest.
social space for free general discussion Media, Political Economy does not
without restrictions. As a community open operate in a vacuum, but it is controlled by
space, then journalism comes to the its performance based on certain political
construction of citizenship (citizenship); to economy motives. The motives of the
fulfill citizens' rights because millions of media economy manifest in the drive to
people are empowered by the free flow of make broadcast programs to reap profits.
information. And Lyotard believes that the nature of
Thus, it can be conveyed that the media knowledge cannot change in the context of
as a vehicle of democracy; therefore, the this great transformation. The condition of
media is not like a vehicle to perpetuate the the status of experience will change if the
interests of the media business and the community begins to enter the realm called
means to gain profit. The idealism of the the postmodern period. Furthermore,
national press is the pillar of the fourth knowledge is not a goal, but knowledge is a
democracy (the fourth pillar of justice), so it form that is made for sale.
will be difficult to materialize in media The strength of the liberalization of the
settings that are subject to the market broadcast media industry, especially those
regime. The public interest in accurate, that have begun to flourish lately, will only
objective, neutral, and balanced threaten the quality of national press
information that aims to educate and freedom that has only been enjoyed by the
enlighten citizens (citizens) simply national press and hampers the ongoing
disappears into the frenzy of the giant process of democratization which requires
media capitalist machines. Likewise, the the media as a vehicle for information,
social control function of the press, which education and community empowerment.
leads to the supervision of political Instead of being a means of learning and
authorities and economic entrepreneurs,
intelligence of the public, national private
will be increasingly weakened by the television actually turned into a tool of
strengthening of the driving force to meet commercialization and provocation by
the political economy of the capitalist disseminating consumptive culture,
media. In other words, media liberalization violence, exploitation of eroticism, and
will change the character of journalism and mysticism, which blunted logic.
the substance of media content to market
interests. This explains that mass media is not only
a place where the message between social
Mass media now places the public or elements in society is neglected but also
audience solely as consumers rather than becomes a means of submitting and forcing
citizens. The primary purpose of the media consensus by groups that are politically and
is to generate profits for owners and economically dominant. Through
stockholders. Then encourage viewers to ownership patterns and products
enjoy themselves, view ads, and buy presented, the media is an ideological
products. Because of that, what is device that perpetuates the dominance of
considered attractive to the public by the the capitalist class towards the public who
media is anything that is popular in society. are treated solely as consumers. Besides
Thus the ideal goal of the media to promote that, the media is also a medium to create
active citizenship via information,
e-ISSN 2723-6323
p-ISSN 2338-5049
Publipreneur Polimedia: Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Penerbitan Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif
Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2017

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