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LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. hittps://www facebook comMloptoeiccohienniung/ TEACH EY HEART GIAI CHI TIET PART 5-6 TEST 1—SPARTA cAU DAP PHAN TiCH TU VUNGICAU AN TRUC HUU icH 101: Please e-mail Ms. Matthews to[B | Can dién mét dai tr|Let somebody let- non when you arrive in nhan xung 1am tin | know: dé ai 46 biét Birmingham * one ti (A)she ngt sau dong tr (B) her “let? © herself ()her own DICH: Hay email cho Ms. Matthews noi cho cé ay biét khi nao ban dén Birmingham 102. D [Sau “ask” can “toV” [Be asked to do Attendees who participate in this something: duoc year’s trade fair will be asked... a yeu cdu lim gi survey. (A) be completed B) completion (© completing (@®) to complete DICH: Nhing nguéi tham gia hdi ch thwong mai nim nay sé dwgc yeu cau hoan thanh 1 ban khao sat 103 The position offered to Mr.|B | Cin 1 danh ti ding | “attractive Abraham includes atractve .. such sau tinh ~— ti |[benefits” ning as stock options and flexible hours. ding since [N/V-ing: mac da (ké ti) C. thim chi C. ban can DICH: BQ phan quan ly cia cong ty. suat lao d6ng ké tir khi cong nhan bat it dau sir dung thiét bi mai vira chi ra 1 sy tang len dang ké trong nang 115. If an order for our products is] A. (a) sw mugn To place an order: placed after 6 P.M., the vel not ming dat hing appear on our computer records for B (a)sw lim phién one day. ve (A) lateness C. (a) giao dich B) disturbance D. (n) su dang ky (© transaction (D) registration DICH: Néu mét lénh dat hang cho cac sin pham ctia ching t6i dwgc dat sau 6 gio t6i, giao dich sé khéng xuat hign trong thong ké trén may tinh ciia ching ngay do ‘ho 116. Financial analysts at Yorkshire, | B Inc. in Toronto. the effects on shareholder value when a company sells a part of ts assets. (A) researches ®) have researched (© researching (D) will be researched Chu ngif analysts 36 | Financial analysts: nhiéu va dng tir cin | chuyén gia phan & dang chi dong vi | tich tai chinh sau V c6 Object DICH: Cac chuyén gia phan tich tai chinh tai nhitng anh huéng téi gia tri cé phan khi mét @ Torontovira méi nghién ciru it cong ty ban mét phan tai san cia ho 117. This summer, Diogo Airlines is [D offering a ...... that allows passengers to fly to Frankfurt at a twenty percent discount. (A) realization (B) destination © contribution | (D) promotion A(@)sunhinra [Allow sbd to do B. (n) diém dén sth: cho phép ai C. (n) su ding gop | lam gi D. (n) khuyén mai DICH: Hé nay, Diogo Airlines sé da ra 1 khuy én mai ma cho phép khach hang bay tir Frankfurt voi giam gia 20% 118. The Gordon Museum will be | A closed until noon on Wednesday, Maintenance. bio duéing, bao tri A Béivi, do B Thay vi + N/V-ing (Co si 1: 30- HB Ting Mau / Co si 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Van Léc - #3 Beng LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. TEACH BY HEART Iitps:/swww facebook comoptoeiccohiennlung! ‘November 17, — necessary building maintenance (A) due to @) instead of (©) even though (D) now that Cc. mae dit DICH: Bao tang Gordon sé dong ci bao tritoa nha a cho Gén (rua thir 4, ngay 17 thang 11 do viée 119. The new strategy implemented by the government is intended. economic growth, (A) facilitate ) facilitation (© to facilitate (D) to be facilitated local Cc Intend + 10-V. muc Economic growth: dich 48, ahém vio | su phat trién kinh vie 6 DICH: Chién luge moi duge 4p dung boi chinh pha nham vao viéc lam thudn tign cho sw phat trién cia nén kinh té phuong 120. Sign up for Times Mirror Cable Television by April 5 to get five sports channels...... your choice of three movie channels at no extra charge (A) in addition (8) whichever (©plus (D) whenever Cc A. to: thém vao B. batké cdi nio C. thém vao D. bat cit khi nao At no extra charge for free: mién phi DICH: Dang ky Times theo Iya chon ciia ban mién phi vao ngay 5/4 d@ co 5 kénh thé thao cOng véi 3 kénh phim 121. The newly launched mobile services will eneourage our customers to check ~—their_-=—purchase information. (A) they @®) them © theirs (@®) themselves D Thiéu dai ti phin [Encourage sbd to than do sth: khuyén khich ai lim gi DICH: Dich vy dién thoai méi phat hanh sé khuyén khich khach hang ctia ching ta tw kiém tra théng tin thanh toan cia ho 122. Returns of any clothing ordered |B | A mor Full refund: hoan from Laza Fashions online store must B. trong ving tién 100% be made... 7 days of purchase for a c bitkdthinio (every C. mie di, batké @) within (Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mu / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. TEACH BY HEART Iitps:/swww facebook comoptoeiccohiennlung! (© whenever (D) notwithstanding DICH: Viéc tra lai bat ki san pham quan ao nao da dit trréc 46 tir ciia hing online ctia Laza Fashion phai dugc thuc hién trong vong 7 ngay ké tir ngay thanh toan dé co thé nh 4n hoan tién toan b6 123. Despite the early problems of......he project, the construction on the new stadium is currently ahead of schedule and on budget. (A) fund (®) funds (©) to fund ®) funding D Of + Ving Ahead oF schedule: truse thoi han, ké hoach DICH: vai van dé ban dau trong & tai tro dy an, iy dung san van dng mdi hién tai dang di truéc ké hoach va nim trong ngan sich 124. In his speech, the dean/C A. (a) sv lap hi, recognized the that the nhée lai professors had made in enhancing the a thi quality of the courses being B o aN kétthic, offered by the university. cham dit (A) repetitions C. (a) su ding gop (®) terminations D. gianh ai (© contributions en wee (@)acquisitions ‘Trong bai ndi cia minh, hiéu trudng cong nhan nhig sw dong gdp ma cac giang vien da mang [ai trong viée ning cao chat long cita cdc khda hoc 6 treng 125. The launch of the new MP3]A [Sau trang tircan V | Cau day di: et was far more successful than Rut gon bi déng:|.than it is originally. ; et (A) anticipated duge mong doi originally (B) anticipates anticiated (©) anticipating () anticipation DICH: Sy ra mat san phim may nghe nhac MP3 moi da thanh céng hon co voi mong dgi ban dau 126. The board of directors agreed.....10 adopt the new marketing plan at the meeting yesterday. (A) miscellaneously ) unanimously (©) currently (D) beneficially B A. (adv) hon hop B. (adv) déng lng . (adv) hién tai D. (adv) mét céch 06 gi Adopt sth: chap han, thong qua Ban giam doc da nhat tri déng y thong qua ké hoach tiép thi mdi tai cudc hop ngay hom qua (Co si 1: 30-HB Tung Mau / Co se 2: Ngé 2- Nguyén Van Loc - #3 Bang LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. TEACH BY HEART Iitps:/swww facebook comoptoeiccohiennlung! 127. Research articles intended for publication must include descriptive aa informed reader may B dos accurately interpret and evaluate the findings C. so that + clause: (A) in order aé @) therefore D. trong khi do (Oso that (D) whereas ‘A. in order + to V: | Evaluate: danh gia DICH: Nhimg bai bao nghién cau dy dinh dugc xuat ban ph: bao gom nhing théng ké mé ta dé mét ngwyi doc co thé hiéu va danh gia két qua mét cach chinh xic 128. the new agreement, 10]A | A theo nhy Generate = create: percent of the profits generated by the B.trongtranghop | taora book will go to the author. © kétega th (A) According to eta (B) Incase of C. cach (bao xa) (© Resulting in (D) Away from DICH: Theo nhu su déng ¥ méi day, 10% loi nhuan tao ra tir sach sé thuéc vé tac gia 129. The minimum hourly wage |D |Ding thi twong laijimplement — (v): approved by the board of cho ké hoach sip | thuc hién directors...... as plamnedstarting vine ign on September 1 eens (A) has been implementing (B) to implement (© had implemented (®) will be implemented DICH: Luong hang git’ ti thiéu dwge chi hign theo ké hoach tir ngay 1/9 130. Unless...... instructed, take this|@ [A thay vi Take medicine: medicine three times daily after B. kha la udng thude meals C. kh (A) instead. ac (B) somewhat D- hoi, kha (© otherwise (@)rather DICH: Tri khi duoc huong dan khac, néu khong hay udng thuéc nay 3 lan moi ngiy sau bira an (Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mu / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. hittps://www facebook comMloptoeiccohienniung/ TEACH EY HEART PART 6 Questions 139-142 refer to the following letter Mr. Mack Goodman 125 Piccadilly St. London NE4 Dear Mr. Goodman: Congratulations! The admissions committee has listened to your tape, and I am pleased 131.--—- that you have been selected to compete in our international piano competition. It will be held at the Hong Kong Music School from July 9 to 12. If you wish to participate in this event, please fill out the enclosed acceptance form and retum it to our office. On receipt of your fom, we will send you the 132. ----- information you will need regarding performance requirements. 133. If accommodations are a problem, we have several faculty members who have offered to have contestants as house guests. If you would like to stay with a faculty member during the competition, please let our office know as soon as possible. 134.---—, simply fill out the acceptance form and return it tous Sincerely, ‘Young Li, International Piano Competition Chairman Hong Kong Music School 131 C] Cau tric: Select (v): lua 8 confirm Be pleased to do| chon confirming ai wa dé lim ef . (to contin sth: vui vé dé lim gi | Congratulations (D)to be confirmed @: su chic ming DICH: Dich: Uy ban phé duyét di nghe doan bang ciia ban va toi rat vui dé xac nhan ring ban da dugc ha chon dé tranh dau trong cudc thi dan piano quéc té cia ching tdi. 132. D | Dich nghia: Receipt — a: sv (A) substitute A. adj—thay thé han duge @ oped. B.adj—htahen | Regarding: lién ©) specific C. n - cdi thay thé | quan dén D. adj cu thé DICH: Ngay khi nhan duge don cia ban, ching toi sé gi nhing thong tin cu thé ma ban can lién quan dén nhimng tiét muc yeu 133. Tiép néi théng tin ] Make sth (A) About 300 contestants representing 6] | néi v8 nhtng théng | available: lam (Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mu / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. hittps://www facebook comMloptoeiccohienniung/ TEACH BY HEART diferent countries attended the competition. tin cin thiét liga | cho cé sin (B) Our brochure clearly explains the travel.| | quan én cuse thi accommodations available to your families. ho cée thi sinh (©) We also provide classes for people who| | “7° © MS are not good at playing the piano. @®) Practice rooms with pianos will be made available to all contestants. DICH: Nhimg phong luyén tap véi piano sé c6 san cho tat ca cac thi sinh 134 B]Lisnti—tveng [As soon as (A) Therefore A.Dodé possible: sém © Cnereise B.Néukhong thi | nhdt co thd (D) Similarly C. Ciing vay Fill out: D. Tuong ty vio, hodn thank DICH: Néu khong thi, chi can dién vao don chap thudn va n6p lai cho ching toi ‘Questions 135-138 refer to the following letter October 15 Ms. Paula Dunn 248 Woodtord Ave Plainville, Connecticut 06062 Dear Ms. Dunn, Duratonic Heating and Cooling's customer service team has received your request concerning the 135---- of the hot water heater, a product which you purchased in the previous month, 136.---— Accordingly. we are pleased to inform you that we are willing to offer you a new heater. 137--——, according to the conditions of the warranty, you have to forward the original receipt of your purchase As soon as 138.----- reaches us, we will immediately contact you so that we can set up a time as to when our technician can ge to see you. We thank you for choosing Duratonic Heating and Cooling. ‘Alan Long Customer Service Representative 135. C)]Ti vung => dich|Hot water @ installation nghia: heater: biah @) preservation ap da seu’ (© replacement Ast lip dat nude néng (D)assessment B. su bao ton Concerning = C. su thay thé regarding lién D. su danh gi quan dén Phia dudi cé thong tin offer new heater DICH: B6 phn cham séc khach hang cia “Duratonic ....” Vira méi nhan dugc yeu (Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mu / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. TEACH BY HEART Iitps:/swww facebook comoptoeiccohiennlung! ‘cau ciia ban lién quan dén viéc thay 61 Dinh nuéc nong, mot san phim ma ban aa mua vio thang truéc 136 (A) We are not responsible for any damage caused by misuse. (B) We would like to express our apologies for any difficulties that the broken heater has given you. (CL am sorry to inform you that your request will not be accepted. (D) Let us begin by saying that we appreciate your patronage of our products B Tigp fue thong fin lién quan dén yéu cdu thay 481 sin pham bi hong Express: truyén ti Apology: [di xin 16i (trang trong) DICH: Cling téi muén giti dén ban nhieng lei xin nuéc néng héng mang lai cho cho ban vé nhimg khé khan ma binh 137. (A) However (B) Moreover (© Otherwise (D) Namely A Lién t® => Dich C_Néu khéng thi D. Duve dat tén la Warranty (a): bao hinh Condition (a): diéu kién According to theo nhy DICH: Tuy nhién, theo nhw diéu kign bao hanh, ban phai chuyén cho ching t6i hoa don mua hang 138. it @) they (©he () some A ‘Can tim dai te nhan xung lam chi ngir thay th cho “receipt of your purchase” DICH: Ngay khi 6 dén i chiing t0i, chiing toi sé ngay lap tec sn hé voi ban dé ban co thé sap xép thoi gian ma ky thuat vien ci chting t6i co thé dén va gap ban Questions 139-142 refer to the following information. ORDER INFORMATION Prices 139.--- in this catalog are in effect at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice. + Payment. All orders must be prepaid. Credit cards are accepted. Shipping and handling charges will be added to all invoices 140.—-—-taxes. + Relums: Any request for a return of merchandise must be submitted in writing, Include your invoice number and the reason for the return. 141- 142. merchandise can be exchanged for the same product Merchandise that is not defective and is accepted for return must be received by us in new condition. (Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mu / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng 10 LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. Iitps:/swww facebook comoptoeiccohiennlung! TEACH BY HEART 139. A|T® vung => dich|In effect’ cé (A) printed nghia higu Ive Oammpeted ‘A. duoc in Be subject to: (D) designated B. duce sin xuit | tiy theo, chiu C.mue tigu D. duge chon Iva, chi di DICH: Gia dugc in trong danh muc nay co thay déi ma khong can bao truec hiéu lve tai thoi diém xuat ban va co thé 140, D | Dich nghia: Prepay): (A) on behalf of A. nbin danh, dai| thank toan @) except for oa, "« ‘ (© inspite of din ey (@) in addition to B. ngoai tr Accept — (¥): C. mie dit chap nhan D. thém vao, béa canh DICH: Phi van chuyén va xir ly sé dwgc them vao hoa don ben canh thué 141. C)]Cung cap thém | In writing: viet ws Se please stop by or browse our selection | | thang tin lién quan | tay (B) The instructor will be handing our) [48 vie doi tra | Submit: nop, dé receipts for the class on the first day. hang trinh (© No returns will be accepted. three months after the date of the receipt of the order. (D) Admittance is free, and you don't even have to register to attend! DICH: Khong cé vigc tra lai hang nao duge chap nhin sau 3 thang ke tir ngay lip héa don dit hang 142, D]Te veng => dich] Exchange sth (A) Underlying nghia: for sth: thay thé (B) Untrue A.coban,co ss | cdi gicho cdi gi (© Deliberate ame (@®) Defective B. khéng dang C. than trong DiGi, héng (hang hea) DICH: Hang héa loi co thé dugc doi lay san pham tuong tr Questions 143-146 refer to the following notice. 143. (Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mu / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng a LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. TEACH BY HEART Iitps:/swww facebook comoptoeiccohiennlung! Please fill in the attached online form 144.----- your six-month limited membership and to continue to get the best quality music files in the country. To be sure that your service continues without 145.---— in the future, we also recommend that you register for our automatic billing program. Once you are registered, you won't have to experience the inconvenience of renewing your membership again. Customers who 146.---- in the program can download additional 20 music files for free. For more information, please visit our Web site at www 143 (A) An invoice for your subscription renewal is attached to this e-mail (®) As you may have noticed, your Runa music download service. will expire on May 20. (© The renewal term will not start until your present subscription is finished (@) Our premium services are available to those with a paid one-year membership B Lign quan dén thong tin bén dudi néi vé viée gia han dé tiép tuc tai nhac Expire (@: het han DICH: Nhw ban di thay, dich vu tai nhac Runa cia ban sé hét han vao ngay 20/5 144. D | To V: chi muc dich — | Renew: 1am méi (A) renews dé lam gi do @) renewed. (© renew (@) to renew 145. C [Te vung => dich ]Recommend: 8 division nghia: goi 9,48 xuat © interrup tion A su chiara Register: dang (D)attraction B. chtte nang ky C. su gidn doan D. sv thu hit DICH: Dé chic chin ring dich vu cia ban tip tuc ma khong cé swr gin doan trong tuong lai, ching téi cing goi ¥ ban ding ky chwong trimh tao hoa don ty dong cia ching tai 146. A [Titvung => dich nghia (A) enroll A. kétnap, ghi tn vo (B) succeed anh ed; (© invest B. thinh cing ()train C. dau tr D. dao tao DICH: Nhimng khach hang tham gia chwong trinh co the tai thém 20 ban nhac mien (Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mu / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng 12 LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. hittps://www facebook comMloptoeiccohienniung/ TEACH BY HEART phi PART 7 QUESTION 147-148: Questions 147-148 refer to the following advertisement. Blue Ridge Mountain Sports 458 Kensington Avenue Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (447) Harrisburg's number one source for hiking gear is relocating to the new Somerset Plaza next month. To prepare for the move, we're offering huge discounts throughout the store. All items will be marked down 20-40% aff. Bring in this advertisement to save an additional 5 percent on sale prices Hurry in! (148) Sale ends on May 31st. ‘Current location: 458 Kensington Avenue ‘New location: 120 Somerset Plaza, (148) opens June 1 For directions to our current and new location, visit our online website or call us at (617)240-2568 DICH: 147: MOt nguén hang dAu cho thiét bi di bé duong dai cia Harisburg sé chuyén dén Somerset Plaza thang téi 148: Viéc ban hang két thiic vao ngay 31/5+ cira hing méimé vao 1/6 Gallow T finished typing all the letters you asked me to type the other day, 1139AM ‘Ms. Wright. Do you want me to do anything else? Wright ‘Not really, it'salready 1-30, you can have your lunch now. 1143 AM By the way, can you take the letters to the mail room on your way to the cafeteria’ Gallow Sure, but I think it will take quite a long fime at the mail room 1145AM during the lunch break. (149) Do you mind if return back to the office at about 4 o'clock? Wright ‘Not at all I've got some paper work that Ihave to do now but I 1147AM dont think I will need your help. (150) Just don't forget to call ‘Ms. Green at the Boston branch to make sure of the schedule for tomorrow. (Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mu / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng 13 LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. hittps://www facebook comMloptoeiccohienniung/ TEACH EY HEART DICH 149: Ban co phién khong néu téi quay lai vin phong hic 4h 150: Dirng quén goi cho ba Green ¢ chi nhanh Boston dé dim bao chuong trinh ngiy mai Leanne | Dayton Paper and Box Company is offering a 15% discount on large orders. 2:15PM |That’s a great discount, (161) but do you know if our orders are large enough to qualify for it? Scott | That's 2 good question, Leanne. I assume it requires a pretty large shipment, 2:20PM. | (162-163) so if we increase the size of our orders, we might get the lower price. Leanne [Tm all for it. We could buy a few months’ worth of paper all at once. (164) 2:25 P.M. | Why don’t you give Dayton a call and find out what their minimum bulk order is? Scott (64) Pl do that right away. If it turns out that we'll save money, should I 2:26P.M_| place an order immediately? DICH 161. ... nhung ban co biét nhitng dat hang cia ching ta du Ién dé duoc Ao dung chua? 162 — 163. ... nén chting ta tang 46 lon ciia cac don hang, chung taco thé co gia thap hon 164. Tai sao ban khéng goi dign cho Dayton .... + Téi sé lam no ngay lip tire http://www Home SERVICE Register Community (Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mu / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng 14 LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. hittps://www facebook comMloptoeiccohienniung/ TEACH BY HEART Informational Resources? Access to a wide variety of articles, reports, and reviews written by industry experts and aimed at helping business owners achieve long-term profitability. (188) They are updated every week to provide members with the most up-to-date information available Templates &Training Manual? A very large database of free downloadable worksheets, forms, and reporting templates is available. Just click and download the templates that best suit your needs. Training manuals will be provided by mail. Online Community Service? Participate in our online community to share ideas and insights from thousands of members who operate their own business. Specialized workshops? (189) Join our new series of online classes covering business plans, strategies for marketing and personnel management for small businesses and start-ups. (189)This program is available only to exclusive members. ‘Home Service REGISTER ‘Community BSBR’s Application First Name: Jane Last Name: Meyer ‘Company Name: Columbus Wear Phone Number: 817-552-5034 Street: / 958 Deer Hollow Dr City: Fort Worth State: Texas Postal Code: 76051 E-mail Address: jmeyer(a) Create Usemame: Jmeyer Create Password: #####* Verify Password: #####* Select Payment Type: $49 registration plus: co $22 amonth (189) $30 a month If you are not satisfied with the BSBR training manual or benefits of membership, (194 you may return the training manual to us within 7 days for a full refund of you (Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mu / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng 15 LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. hittps://www facebook comMloptoeiccohienniung/ TEACH EY HEART membership Tee. Submit 186. Tir n6i dung chung ciia trang, ta rit ra thong tin dang cung cap Ia dé trinh bay vé loiich cia thé thanh vién 187. Chung t6ichuyén hd tro chi cia cac cOng ty nhé trén toan quéc dat dirge thanh cong vé mit tai chinh suét 11 nam qua 188. Ching dugc cép nhat hang tuan dé cung cip cho cac thanh vién voi nhimg théng tin moi nhat 189. Gia $30 (Exclusive) + Tham gia chudi lép hoc online méi cia ching téi Chwong trinh nay chi danh cho cac thanh vin “exclusive” = dc quyén 190. ban cé thé hoan lai tai ligu dao tao cho ching téi trong vong 7 ngay dé nhan lai toan bé phi thanh vién Session Presenter Date and Time August 17, 12:30 PM-1:15 (194) Critical Thinking Steve Uejio PM. A st 23. 11:50 Situational Leadership Jerry Hoffman wees! > AM-12:45 PM. (194) Collaborative August 19, 1:15 P.ML-2: . Tanner James Leadership PM. A t 25, 11:50 Leadership for Women Lindsay Parks pgs! iy AM--12:30 P.M. (192) Note that the time listed may change within the range of five minutes, so please plan accordingly. All the sessions will take place in Marcus Hall. Refreshments will be provided at courses that begin in the aftemoon. Leadership Training Feedback Form Name: Dane Green Sessions attended: _\ Critical Thinking _ Situational Leadership _\_Collaborative Leadership _Leadership for Women Which session did you find the most helpful? Why? Not only the critical thinking was the most effective of all sessions but it was also very (Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mu / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng 16 LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. TEACH BY HEART Iitps:/swww facebook comoptoeiccohiennlung! entertaining as the speaker allowed me to think out of the box (194) with the lateral thinking questions listed on the sheet he gave us. (193) This session was especially helpful for me since creative thinking is an essential skill in advertising, and I also learned about new ways to approach problems that may occur in my department. How could the courses be improved? It was mentioned in the schedule that we maybe let go just a bit past the scheduled time, (195) but the session on August 19 ended fifteen minutes late. I ended up showing up late at a meeting I scheduled for 2:20. If the speaker does not exceed their given time, it would be much more helpful 191. Thém vao 46, dinh kém trong email la lich trinh day dit cia cic phién dao tao 192. Luu y rang thoi gian duoc liét Ké co thé thay déi trong khoang 5’ nén lam on hay lén ké hoach phit hep 193. Viéc tham gia 2 hodc 3 phién dao tao la bat buéc d6i véi tat ca cac giam déc + Phién dao tao nay rat hitu ich d6i voi ti vi suy nghi sang tao 1a ki nang can thiét trong quang cao .... 194. ... duge liét ké trong bang ma anh ta dua cho chting t6i 195. nhung phién dao tao vao ngay 19/8 ké thc mugn 15” ‘Membership Level Individual - $60 Family - $120 Includes all basic benefits for one person. | Includes all basic benefits and free admission for all lectures for 4 people. Also includes 4 guest passes for museum admission. Individual Plus - $100 Family Plus - $200 Includes all basic benefits and free admission for all lectures for one person. Also includes 2 guest passes for museum admission. (200) Includes all benefits of the family membership plus 6 guest passes. Also, Basic benefits of membership include a (497A) 20% discount at the gift shop, (197D) the opportunity to purchase tickets special exhibitions, (197C) and a private tour ofone special exhibition of your choice in advance for Note: Next year’s first special exhibition “Inventions of Benjamin Franklin” will run from Jan. 5 to Feb. 28. Tickets go on sale for members beginning on Nov 15 and for non-members beginningon Dec. 1 (Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mu / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng v7 LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. hittps://www facebook comMloptoeiccohienniung/ TEACH BY HEART ‘Augusta Science Museum Mr. Todd Pollard 725 Lauderdale Drive Augusta, GA 47816 Dear Mr. Pollard Thank you for renewing your Augusta Science Museum membership. Your membership helps to support the museum and its programs. (200) Your mew membership card and six guest passes are enclosed. Please note that there is an update to the information that was included in the membership renewal notice that was sent to you. (198-199) The opening date of the special exhibition “Inventions of Benjamin Franklin” has been changed to January 15. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. We hope you enjoy your membership, and we look forward to seeing you at the museum soon. Sincerely Beth Lenno ‘Questions 196-200 refer to the following notice, information, and letter. Renew your Augusta Science Museum Membership Now If you haven’t been to the Augusta Science Museum recently, you will notice some upgrades to our facility upon your next visit: our lobby has been renovated, new seats have been installed in the dome theater, and we've added a cafe. As a past member of the museum, you know that our memberships offer great benefits. So if you want to enjoy the more newly upgraded experiences, please renew your membership at this moment. Basic benefits of membership include a year of unlimited free admission, the opportunity to purchase tickets in advance for special exhibitions, a 20% discount at the gift shop, (196) and subscription to our Science and Technology Magazine. For more details, you can visit our website and sign up for this service. ‘Membership Level Individual- $60 Family - $120 Includes all basic benefits for one person. | Includes all basic benefits and free admission for all lectures for 4 people. Also includes 4 guest passes for museum admission. Individual Plus - $100 Family Plus - $200 Includes all basic benefits and free | (200) Includes all benefits ofthe family (Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mu / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng 18 LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. TEACH EY HEART Iitps:/swww facebook comoptoeiccohiennlung! ‘admission for all lectures for one person. Also includes 2 guest passes for museum membership plus 6 guest passes. Also, Basic benefits of membership include a admission. (197A) 20% discount at the gift shop, (197D) the opportunity to purchase tickets in advance for special exhibitions, (197C) and a private tour of one special exhibition of your choice. Note: Next year’s first special exhibition “Inventions of Benjamin Franklin” will run from Jan. 5 to Feb. 28. Tickets go on sale for members beginning on Nov 15-and for non-members beginning on Dec. 1 ‘Augusta Science Museum Mr. Todd Pollard 725 Lauderdale Drive Augusta, GA 47816 Dear Mr. Pollard Thank you for renewing your Augusta Science Museum membership. Your membership helps to support the museum and its programs. (200) Your new membership card and six guest passes are enclosed. Please note that there is an update to the information that was included in the membership renewal notice that was sent to you. (198-199) The opening date of the special exhibition “Inventions of Benjamin Franklin” has been changed to January 15. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. We hope you enjoy your membership, and we look forward to seeing you at the museum soon, Sincerely Beth Leno ..chiét khau 20% tai quay hang qua tang mét tour riéng tai mét trién Lim ac biét co hi dé mua vé truéc 198 — 199. Ngay mé cira cia budi trién lam dic biét “...” di duoc thay doisang ngay 15 200. Thé thanh vién moi cia ban va thé qua céng cho 6 khach dugc dinh kem 196. What is indicated about Augusta Science Museum? (A) _It_was closed to public for its Diéu gi duge chi ra vé bao tang ....? A. N6 ding cita 48 nang cap B. NO ob 1 cudc trién lam dac biét hang (Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mu / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng as LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. TEACH BY HEART Iitps:/swww facebook comoptoeiccohiennlung! renovations (B) It has a special exhibition every month, (© Ithas a cafe exclusively for members. (D) It publishes a magazine. thang C. Né c6 1 café déc quyén cho thanh vién D. No xuat ban tap tri 197. What is NOT mentioned about benefits of Family Plus membership? (A) Members will receive a discount when they make a purchase at the gift shop. (B) Members receive six tickets to the dome theater. (© Members receive a private tour of a Dieu gi khong duoc nhac dén nhv la loi ich cia thanh vién Family Plus? A. Thanh vién sé nhin duoc chiét khau khi mua hang tai quay hang qua ting B. Thanh vién sé nhat 6 vé dén rap phim mai vom C. Thanh vién nhan a tour riéng cla mot special exhibition. trién lam dac biét (D) Members can have a chance to|D. Thanh vién c6 thé c6 co héi mua vé tnrée. purchase tickets in advance. 198. When will the Benjamin Franklin |Khi nao tri&a lam benjamin Franklin mo exhibition open? ira? (A) November 15 AL 15/11. (B) December 1 B. 1/12 (© January 5 ©.5/1 (@) January 15 D.15/1 199. What is stated in the letter? (A) The beginning date of the exhibition has been changed. (®) The membership Mr. Pollard was going to renew is no longer available. (© The membership fee should be paid by January 15. (D)The guest passes should be picked up at the museum membership office. Dieu gi dugc nhac dén trong birc thu? A. Ngay bat dau ciia trién lim 4a bi thay ai B. Loai think vién ma Mr Polland da gia han thi khong con nita C. Phi think vién nén duge tra vao ngay 15/1 D. Thé 1a vao nén duge lay tai van phong thanh vién tai bao tang 200. At which level did Mr. Pollard renew his membership? (A) Individual (®) Individual Plus (© Family @) Family Plus ‘Mr. Polland lam mdi thé thanh vién 6 cap 46 nao? A. Canhin B. Cinhin cong . Gia dink D. Gia dinh céng (Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mu / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng 20 LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. TEACH EY HEART (Co si 1:30-HB Tung Mau / Co si 2: Ng@ 2- Neuy€n Vin Iitps:/swww facebook comoptoeiccohiennlung! a LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. TEACH EY HEART Iitps:/swww facebook comoptoeiccohiennlung! GIAI CHI TIET PART 5-6 — TEST 2 101. Ms. Swinton will return from |B vacation tomorrow, but _the project-plaming committee will not meet with. until next week. (A) she @) her (© hers (O)herself Sau gidi t? can mot danh tir (dai tir nhén xung lam tan ngit) => her ‘Committee (@) uy ban Ba Swinton sé quay tri Iai sau ki nghi vao ngay mai, nhung wy ban len ké hoach dwn sé khéng gap ba ay cho dén tuan sau 102. When it comes to purchases, ]B Topfield Electronics assures _ its customers that they will receive their items....... two business days (A) through @) within (© around (D) behind Tr ving => dich [Business days: nghia: ngay lam vide A. xuyén qua Purchase (a/v) B. trong vong (su) mua hang C. xung quanh D. sau Khi co giao dich mua hang, T-Electronics dam bao khach hang cia ho sé nhan dugc hing trong vong 2 ngay lim viée 103. Anyone who wants to the | C upcoming seminar should fill out a registration card. (A) complete @) attend (© participate ()release Tr vung => dich nghia: A. hoan thanh B. tham gia (ko cd gid tir di kém) C. tham gia (6 giéi tir“in) D. phat hanh, phéng ra Participate in = take part in = attend it join = Bat cir ai mudn tham gia vio cudc hoi thao sap toi can din thong tin vao thé dang ky 104, The owner of Sophie Amalie |B Repair strives to provide the best possible service to ......customers. (A)he @®) his (© him (himself Truée danh ti can tinh tir so hit => B: his Strive () 08 ging, nd tye ‘Ong chi cia Sophie Amalie Reparis né lyc dé cung cap dich vu t6t nhat co thé aén khach hang cia 6ng ay 105. If Charlie Cox Designers does | A By + time: khong Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mau / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyén Vin Loc - #3 Béng 22 LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. TEACH BY HEART Iitps:/swww facebook comoptoeiccohiennlung! not deliver your items... Friday, we will take 10 percent off the purchasing cost. by @)in @©at @)to hon lic nao dé = no later than ‘Néu C.C.D khong giri san pham cia mua hang 10% ban vao ngay thir sau, chin ing ti sé giam gid 106. The senior manager, Mr. Redmayne, ----— all of the statistics that were needed for the report. (A) provided (B) provide (© to provide ©) providing A [Cau thitu dong ti & thi qua kh => A: provided (cung cp) Senior manager. quan ly cip cao Statistics (n) thong ké Quan If cép cao, ong Redmayne da cao cung cAp day dii théng ke can thiét cho bao 107. Unlike other local dining establishments, | Maxine’s has succeeded in ----—-several restaurants outside this region. (A) open ) opening (©) opened (D) opens B [Gidi tf + V-ing © Noun => B: opening Unlike: khong giéng nh Establishment (n) su thanh lap. cing ty, doanh nghiép ete Khong giong nhw cac nha hang an dja phwong, nha hang cia céng trong viéc mé m6t vainha hang bén ngoai khu vuc nay Maxine da thanh 108. Full-time researchers at Healthy Food Laboratory are required to submit a report on their research. six months. © [Cum Every + time: baonhiéu lau 1 lin Every six months: 6 Submit (v) nop. 48 trinh (A) some thang 1 in (B) several (Oecvery (D) most Nhitng nha nghién cru toan thoi gian ¢ HLFL dugc yeu cau ngp bao cao vé nghién ctu ciia ho 6 thang 1 14n 109. Generally speaking, doctorsneed|[C [Sau V va trade tinh Jin order to > writen ae order to release a tir nén ta cin mét C dé lam gi patient's medical recor wri 5 (A) authorized cum danh ti. written | 46 () authorizes la Adj (ed) => can | Authorization (n): (© authorization danh tir chinh su dy quyén Cosi 1:30-HTing Mau / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Neuy: (én Vin Loc - Ha Béng. 23 LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. TEACH BY HEART Iitps:/swww facebook comoptoeiccohiennlung! @) authorize ‘Noi chung cac bac sf cin giay uy quyé moét bénh nhan ing vin ban dé dra ra ho so bénh an cua 110. Many... economists ventured [D to solve this puzzle and, in the process, developed some new economic theories (A) definite @) customary (© elaborate ®) notable Tr ving => dich nghia: A. xdc dinh B. phong tue C. ky luong D. l6i lac, dang chit Theory (a) hoc thuyét ‘Nhiéu chuyén gia Kinh té 10i lac 44 mao hiém é giai quyét diéu bi 4n nay va trong qua trinh 46 4a phat trién dug vai hoc thuyét kinh té 111. From 11 P.M. on May 3 to 8:00 JA AM. on May 4,theonline purchasing} tai don nén trade |duy tr, bao system. while we complete Ce SS maintenance for the launch of the) | Be S® mei ve ke | duong updated version. hoach sip din ra => (A) will be suspended dap an A (B) was suspended (O is suspended (D) to suspend Sau when [a thi higa | Maintenance (n) Tir 11 p.m ngiy 3/5 dén 8 a.m ngiy 4/5, hg thong mua hang online sé bj tam hoan bao tridé dwara ban trong khi ching téi hoan thanh ip uh it moi nhat 112. Job seekers are advised to havea | C wellwritten cover letter that can be Te vung => dich|So that + ménh it =r / nghia: dé dé. customized ---—- actively seeking ‘A. giéng nhe “Advise abd to do new employment. (A) just as B. chua sth: khuyén ai @®) yet C. trade khi nén lam gi (© before pa (@)s0 that ‘Nhirng ngudi tim viéc duoc khuyén dé chuan bi mét thu xin viéc hay cai ma co the diéu chinh tiy bién truéc khi ding dé tim viée moi 113. Consumer advocacy groups in]D ]T® vig => dich |Regulation quy Australia have...... their concerns nghta: tie, nat 18 about some newly proposed n ; —_ regulations on Internet shopping. A. fp trng vo (A) focused Gon) (B) appeared B. xudt hién, dung (© applied (@®) expressed _ bay 18 ‘Nhém khach hang ting hd @ Uc 44 bay t6 sr quan ngai ctia ho cho nhimg quy tac (Co si 1: 30-HB Tung Mau / Co se 2: Ngé 2- Nguyén Van Loc - #3 Bang 24 LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. TEACH BY HEART Iitps:/swww facebook comoptoeiccohiennlung! moi dug dé xuat vé viéc mua sim qua mang 114. The budget meeting began on]D ]Te vung —> dich]On time: ding time----- several participants were nghia: ge late because of heavy morning traffic. Ali Due to =b (A) whether eu = Because (B) despite B. mic di (+N) of (© dueto C. bei vi (+N) @®) though D. du (+ménh 48) ‘Cudc hop ngan sach da bat dau dung gi¢ di cho mét vai ngwéi tham gia bi muén vi tac dwong buéi sang 115. The long-awaited rebuilding project in the business district is expected to ........on October 13. (A) revolve ®) transmit © prolong (@) commence D Tr vung => dich|Be expected nghia: to ...: duge mong A. giai quyét doi a8 B. chuyén giao C. kéo dai D. bat dau (thuc hién) Dv an tai xay dyng 4a trong finh trang ché gi 6 quan kinh doanh dugc mong agi sé thirc hién vao 13/10 116. Dr. Egerton recently coordinated evaluation of the new Sau mao tir va trade | Evaluation (n): su an i - danh tir ta can tinh ti | danh gia medication. z - = (Ay extensive bd nghia cho danh tir ®) extent (© extensively ()extension Bac si Egerton vira méi thyc hién mOt dnh gia pham vi vong cia phwong phap tri ligu méi 117. Executives at Morgan Furniture |D [Ti vung => dich]Commend (v) commended Ms. Torresani on nghia: khen ngoi how---~- she designed the new line of ; ine (ny do ‘ning fumit A hiémieni(ady) | Line (): dong (A) scarcely B. duong nhy (adj) ®) likely C. du nhv khong (© hardly (adv) @) skillfully D. mot cach thudn thuc, co k¥ nang ‘Cae chuyén vien & MLF da (an dong Ms. ngi that nha bép méi Torresani vé ky nang thiét ke (a ba dong 118. The Warner Insurance Company takes steps to ensure that personal information provided by its clients is all times Te vung => dich nghia: A. qua quyét, ménh Ensure (v) dam bao Keep sth adj: gid (Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mu / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng 25 LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. Iitps:/swww facebook comoptoeiccohiennlung! ‘TEACH BY HEART (A) imperative Ténh di gintn (B) confident B. te tin (secure . (@) notable C. an toan D. danh cha y The WLC thu hién tig buoc mét de dai cap béi khach hang sé doc bao dam an toan moi thoi diém im bao rang théng tin ca nhan dug'c cung 119. Charlie's Flower Shop is ]B ]Te vung => dich | Walking distance walking distance of the Grosvenor nghia: (@) khoiag cach Cafe A 5 thé di be (A) across gang qua 6 thé dib6 duoc ©) within B. trong vong (© infront of C. true @)neaby D. ngay canh ‘CsFS nam trong khoang cach c6 the dibé toi Gros Café 120. McCarten Bank updated its [C |Ménh 42 quan hé rit [Investment: dau website to increase the amount of gon te information available to <—s . (who is) interested in customers. (A) interest @) interests (© interested () interesting ‘MLB da nang cap trang web cilia ho dé tai hang himg thi véi cac Iva chon tw ing them thong tin san co cho cac Khach 121. Dr. Torreton’s research shows that his new treatment could lessen CAn mét danh tir d2]Lessen (v) lam va tao thinh cum danh | gidm bét patient-----on cos icines. » ah 5 ee (a) reliance te ding sau V va] Costly (adj) dit (B) relies tude gidi tir 46 (© reliant ‘Treatment (n) liu (@)relied trinh ‘Nghién ciru cua bac si Torrton chira rang phuong phap tri liéu méi cia éng ay co thé giip bénh nhan bet phu thudc vao cac loai thuéc dat tien 122. the extraordinary success of [D [Ti vung => dich ] Extraordinary = the publication Town & Around, the nghia: remarkable = company’s total revenue rose 7 js percentlast quarter A theonhu (+N) exceptional: én (A) According to B. tuong ty vay | twong, khic biét @®) Similarly (+MB) (© Unless C. trirkhi, néu khéng (@) Due to D. béi vi Vi thanh cong 4n twong cia viée xuat ban T&A, tong doanh thu cua cong ty da (Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mu / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng 26 LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. Iitps:/swww facebook comoptoeiccohiennlung! ‘TEACH BY HEART tang 7% quy toc 123. Walters Management |B [Te vung => Dich ]Hiring process: Systems...... new policies on its nghia: qua trinh tuyén hiring process last month. ‘A. thy hién dung (A) performed . aa, (B) implemented B. 4p dung, thuc hién (© achieved C. dat duoc @) convinced D. thuyét phuc Hé thong quan ly Walters 44 4p dung nh img quy dinh mdi trong qua trimh tuyen dung tir thang truéc 124. Unfortunately, Meyers X23 air conditioning unit failed to meet the government's new energy-efficiency standards, and...... did the company’s X24 model. (A) same @®) either (Oso (©) rather Cc Cau tric Unfortunately = So+toDT+S unluckily:. khong Cai gido cing viy | may thay Fail to do sth: Khéng lim duoc ai ‘That khéng may, sin pham diéu hoa MsX23 khong dap tng dugc tiéu chuan tiét kigm nang lwgng méi cia chinh phi va ca mau X24 ciia cong ty cing viy 125. Meflin Information System]B [Tw ving => dich | Computer is of your interest in our services network: mang to update your company’s computer | | 4 sin tong a tim gi | lwéi may tinh (A)willing (+tov) ®) appreciative B. danh gia cao (© futfities C. oan hinh, tron ) decisive ven D. qua quyét, dit khoit He thong thong tin Meflin danh gia cao sy himg thu cia ban Goi voi dich vu cla ching t6i dé nang cp mang lwéi may tinh cia cong tyban 126, Dr. Zischler has... about conducting the new research because of budget cuts in his department. (A) specializations @) indications (© reservations (©) reductions Cc Te vung => dich ] Budget cut: su cat gidm ngan séch A. sv chuyén méa | Conduct (v): thye hoa hién B. sirchi ra, déu higu C. sre du, longa D. sv giam Dr. Zischler cé nhimng sy e dé voi vige thyc hin nghién cru moi vi su cat giam ngin sach trong éng (Cosi 1: 30-HBTing Mau / Co si 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vn Loc - #3 Beng 27 LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. TEACH BY HEART Iitps:/swww facebook comoptoeiccohiennlung! 127.- — reserve tickets for Sunday's dance performance, you must call the Eidinger Theater box office before noon on Friday (A)As to (B) Furthermore (© In order to (D) As a result of Cc /Tr vung => dich D. Nhu la két qua ciia +N Reserve (v) dat terse => reservation (n) su dat trade Dé dat vé trwéc cho budi trinh dien ET truce trwa ngay thir 6 nhay vao chi mht, ban phai goi van phong 128. Worsdale System's Web]C [Ti vung => dich | Praise sbd for sth: browser has been praised by users and nghia: thin duong, khen reviewers worldwide. A thugng xuyén YeSiai YE didu gi (A) frequent nuong xuy' got gi (B) estimated B. uéc tinh (© innovative C. sing tao ()reluctant D. do du, lwéng hy Trinh duyét web sing tao cia W.S dugc khen nggi bei ngwoi dimg va nhimg nguéi danh gia trén toan thé gigi 129. the conference on |C [Tv vung => dich | Keynote speaker. organizational effectiveness, the keynote speaker discussed the merits of mentoring programs for new employees. (A) Although () When (© During (D) Afterward nghia: A. mac di +MD B. khi+ MD C. During + N/V-ing D. Sau 46 dign gia chinh efectiveness (n) sw higu qua Trong su6t budi hdi thao vé sr hiéu nhitng Igi ich ciia chong trinh qua t6 chirc, dién gia chinh da ban Iuan vé cho nhan vién méi 130, Before General Mills was named one of the best small businesses in the region, the company----- expanding its operations nationwide (A) does not consider () were not considered (© will notconsider (@) had not considered D [Before + OKD. QKHT => dap nD Consider (v) xem xét, tinh dén Truéc khi G.M dugc cong uh4n 1a m6t trong nhing doanh nghiém uho xuat sac nhat cia khu virc, cng ty nay trwéc dé chwa tig tinh dén viée mé réng hoat dng trén toan quéc (Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mu / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng 28 LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. hittps://www facebook comMloptoeiccohienniung/ TEACH EY HEART PART 6 From: Elizabeth Manning Subject Promotion Date: April 21 Dear Robert, This is Elizabeth Manning from the Human Resources Department. I would like to inform you that your promotion has been 13 1---- by our department. Effective on May 1, your new title will be the Director of Sales, and you will be transferred to our headquarters in Salt Lake City 132 Twill send you an e-mail with an attached file which will include the official description of your new 133. Director of Sales. I will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have, so please don’t hesitate to contact me. We look forward to the additional 134....... you will be making for our company. Sincerely, Elizabeth Manning Director, Human Resources 131. (A) notified C] Te vung=>dich nghia [Promotion (a) sv @) applied A. thong bio thang chitc (© approved ‘ () cited B ap dung C. dingy D. trich din DICH: Toi mudn thong bao téi ban ring sy thang chic cia ban da dugc bd phin ctia ching téi dong ¥ 132. (A) Our disappoiatment in your [©] Cung cap thém théng Reflect () phan work is not only due to your poor sales | | tin va xhing thay 48i | anh recor | Hép aban 06 (B) The correction will be reflected in| |S Ki tiep nhan cong your June credit statement, which was | | Viéeméi sent to you today. (©, Beginning on May 25, your paycheck will reflect a 15-percent pay increase. (D) Hoping that termination could be avoided, we invested in additional training for you. DICH: Bat dau tir ngay 25/5, tién Iwong ciia ban sé cho thay vic tang 15% 133. (A) examples B/Tr veng => Dich | Attached = ®) responsibilities nghia: enclosed: duge (© foundation i inh ke (D) knowledge A.Vidu inh kam Co si 1:30-HB Ting Mau / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng 29 LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. hittps://www facebook comMloptoeiccohienniung/ TEACH BY HEART B. Trach nhiém C. Sv thinh lip D. Kién thite DICH: Toi sé giri cho ban mét email cé trach nhigm cia ban :p dinh kém co phan miéu ta chinh thitc ve 134. (A) contributions A] Can I danh tr chi vat [Look forward to ® conteuters => Contributions: |+ V-ing- trong contribut cme cv dine of . (D) contributes nhimg sydong gop | doi DICH: Ching ti mong dvi vao nhitng sy Gong gop them nia ma ban (go ra cho céng ty To: Ruth Noble From: Sue Lightfoot Subject: Expense Report Date: June 15 Dear Mr. Noble, Thank you for submitting your expense report for your business trip to Osaka in May. However, I am affaid that I have to remind you of a few 135....... that you must follow when you write an expense repott. First, please note that you should not have signed the report on your own. 136....... , your immediate supervisor must sign the paper in order for the approval of reimbursements to be processed. 137 __If you wish to receive the 138.-—-— amount of reimbursement, please make sure to include all receipts to prove the actual amount you've claimed during your trip. I kindly ask you to make the necessary changes and to resubmit the report no later than June 18. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Sincerely, Sue Lightfoot 135. (A) charges D]Twvung=>dichnghia: [Be alraid of (B) propositions A. tign phai tra sthidoing sth: so one B. loi dé nghi, tuyén bé [1am diéu gi, cdi C. sy néi trai lai, cai lai | gi D. quy tic, Expense report: bio cdo chi phi DICH: Tuy nhién, t6i e rang téi phai nhc lai ban vé mét vai quy dinh ma ban phai lam theo khi viét mét ban bao cao chi phi 136. (A) Instead A] Ti vung => dich nghia: [Reimbursement @) Likewise A. thay vi ‘n) su hoan lai (© Unless os (Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mu / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng 30 LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. hittps://www facebook comMloptoeiccohienniung/ TEACH BY HEART (D) Whereas B. cing vay (ten) C. try khi, néu khong D. trong khi 46 DICH: Thay vi vay, nguoi giam sat ctia ban phai Ki vao gidy dé dong y rang tien boi hoan dugc thie hién 137. (A) When you hand in your|D]Tigp tuc chi ra thém ]In addition: them reimbursement requests, please list your | | nhomg 151 ma bin bdo | vaod6 car rental expenses (B) Also, you must submit expense © cee reports within 30 days of returning from |_| hoan chinh our trip. (© Besides, you submitted all receipts for likewise travel expenses reimbursed. (@) In addition, your report is missing the receipt for a taxi fare listed on May 13th. céo cén thiéu, chua DICH: Thém vao 46, bao cao cia ban con thiéu hoa don taxi dugc liét ké vao ngay 13/5 138. (A) full A/]Can 1 tinh ti tude (B) fuller danh tir “amount” (© fills \ - toan ba fill => A. Full: toan bd DICH: Néu ban muon nh4n toan bé tien hoan lai, hay chic chan c6 toan b6 nhieng hoa don minh ching cho nhitng thanh toan thyc té cia ban trong suét chuyén di The Gerald Motor Company 139-——— the leader in its industry with its innovative models and designs It has been creating cars with advanced technology unimaginable to many in the industry. The Gerald Motor Company is not only the leader in car production but also has one of the best employee relations programs. With its employee appreciation program, ithas increased the 140........ of its workers by 67% .141. After a thorough analysis of the company, I am 142...... that the Gerald Motor Company will remain the leader in the auto industry for years to come. 139. (A) been CA, B=>loai Leader. ngudi @®)be Ding thi hién tai hoan | dimg dau ranlite thanh néi vé két qua | Innovative: sing tao DICH: The GMC tré thanh céng ty dan dau trong nganh céng nghiém cia ho véi kiéu miu va thiét ké sang tao 140. (A) effect D|[ Te veng => Dich Appreciation: su (Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mu / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng an LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. hittps://www facebook comMloptoeiccohienniung/ TEACH BY HEART @) settlement ghia: cain Kich, bit on (©) implement ‘A. sy anh huéng (©) efficiency B. sw théa thuin, thu xép C. dung cu, vat dung D. ning suat, hiéu suat DICH: V6i chong tinh cim on nhdn Vien, no Ga ting higu sudt lam viée cla cong nhin thém 67% 141, (A) This leads fo a reduction in the |B] Noi vé anh hung Gch | Profit: loi nhuan choice of the customer. fa vige tang higu | Lead to: din a6 ®) This leads to more car production . and higher profits. mang lai (©) This leads to the significant drop in car sales (D) This leads to low morale of our employees and the reduced production. DICH: Dieu nay mang lai viéc san xuat dugc nhiéu oto hon va Ii nhudn cao hon 142. (A) confidence B] Sautobecan 1 tinh tir |Thorough: toan ®) confident =>B. confident b6 (© confide Analysis (a) sv () confidential phan tich DICH: Sau sy phan tich toan dién ciia cong ty, toi tyr tin rang ... sé gitt nguyen vi dan dau trong nganh céng nghiép oto trong nhimg nam téi JOB WANTED Job Title: Software Engineer ‘Company: M2M Solutions Location: San Jose Salary: $60,000+ ‘M2M Solutions is a growing company which has already built a 143...... for creating imaginative and effective solutions for a variety of customers” computer needs. We are currently looking for talented computer professionals to join our team. Candidates should have 3 to 6 years of experience in the engineering or programming field and must have a working knowledge of C++ and Unix. We are looking for people with imagination who can work on a team but who also have the self-confidence to act on their own 144---— 145 ----. Furthermore, every employee is 146----- to an annual profit sharing bonus after their first year of employment. Please e-mail your resume to our personnel manager, Minka Jenkins, at She will contact you to arrange an interview. 143. (A) excellence D|[Ti vung => Dich |Imaginative: gia (B) character (Co si 1: 30-HB Ting Mau / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyén Van Loc - #3 Beng 32 LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. Iitps:/swww facebook comoptoeiccohiennlung! ‘TEACH BY HEART © value nghia: tt trong trong (®) reputation A. sip xuat sic B. tinh cach, dac diém C. gia tri D. danh tiéng, tai tiéng DICH: MsM S la 1 cOng ty dang phat tri ‘nu, Gi xay dung danh tiéng cho viéc tao ra nhéng gidi phap hiéu qua va giau tri twéng tueng cho rat nhiéu nhu cau may tinh khac nhau cia khach hang 144, (A) initial C) Sau tink ti so hitw => [Look for: tim B) initiation can 1 danh tir kiém @initally. => ©. initiative: séng | Set confidence: kién ‘su tu tin vao ban than DICH: Ching t6i dang fim kiém nhimg ngwai cé tri twgng tugng Khong chi co thé lam vigc theo nhom ma con o sy ty chinh hg tin dé hanh déng theo ding sang kién cia 145. (A) The benefits program is designed to help employees stay healthy. (B) Benefits include 12 days paid holiday, a company expenses (©) Please refer to the attachment for more information on current job car, and relocation B Cau sau dang néi vé loi | Paid holiday: ki ich Khi lam viéc tai|nghi duoc tra cong ty nay luong cau truge 1a edu mé | Relocation: sv thay d8i dia did dau cho théng tin v8 loi ich openings. (D) Please forward your applications to minkaj@m2msolutionsnet at the earliest. DICH: Nhing loi ich bao gom 12 ngay nghi cé Iwong, 1 xe oto cong ty va nhimng chi phi chuyén ché & 146. (A) enabled ‘Al Te vang => dich nghia: | Enable sbd to do (B) encouraged A. lim cho c6 thé sth: lam cho ai cé S cured B. khuyén khich thé lam gi C. mé rong D. cho quyén. DICH: Hon niva, moi nh An vién sé dwge theéng Ioi nhudn hang nam sau 1 nam lam viée (Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mu / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng 33 LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. hittps://www facebook comMloptoeiccohienniung/ TEACH EY HEART GIAI CHI TIET PART 7 TEST 2 SPARTA. Questions 147-148 refer to the following document. ‘MISSION STATEMENT Vortec’s mission is to deliver electricity and natural gas in a reliable, efficient, affordable, and (148D) environmentally sound manner. (147) We aim to be the best in the public utilities industry and are committed to achieving operational excellence, (148 C) super customer satisfaction and (148A) strong financial performance for our shareholders Vortec Incorporated DICH: (147) Ching tdi muc tigu tr thanh céng ty tét hat trong nganh cong nghiép dich vu céng cong 147. What is Vortec Incorporated? Vili gi? (A) An Investment Bank A. Ngan hang dau te (B) A Law Firm B. Céng ty luat (© A Utility Company C. Céng ty phuc vu céng cong (D) An Accounting Firm: D. Céng ty ké toan 148. What is NOT indicated as a goal of | Diéu gi khong duoc chi ra ahy mot muc Vortec Incorporated? tigu cua V1? (A) Making money for its investors A. Tao ra tién cho cdc nha dau tu (B) Expanding its business internationally |B. Mé réng doanh nghiép ra quéc té (© Making customers happy C. Lam khach hing vui vé (D) Being environmentally conscious D. Co ¥ thie vé méi trudng Questions 149-150 refer to the text message chain Gregory (5:35) Ineed a help. Sigapore Airline (5:35) Good afternoon, sir. How can help you? Gregory (5:38) T have reserved a flight ticket for Germany for this Friday, but Td like to change it to Tuesday or Wednesday. Sigapore Airline (5:40) Well, I need to see if there are any available seats lefi, but you know, its already Sunday. Even if theseat is available this week, it will cost you Sigapore Airline (5:45) Oh, we have a seat on Wednesday early in the morning, (149) but it's business class. Will that be alright with you? Gregory (5:47) That's good! Til do whatever it takes. (150) [have an urgent business contract to sign on Wednesday afternoon DICH: (149) Nhung no 1a hang ghé thuong gia (150) Téi co mot hop dong kinh doanh cin phai ky vao chiéu thir 4 149. What problem does the Wednesday | Vé ngay the 4 0b van dé gi? ticket have? A. Gregory phai tra thém tién (A) Gregory has to pay more. B. Gregory phai str dung hang economy (B) Gregory has to use economy class. C. Théi gian cia chuyén bay vao budi (© The flight time is in the afternoon, chidu (D) Gregory cannot return onthe designated | D. Gregory khang thé quay lai vao ngay day. mong muén (Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mu / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng 34 LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. TEACH BY HEART Iitps:/swww facebook comoptoeiccohiennlung! 150. At 5:47, what does Gregory mean when he writes, “I'll do whatever it takes”? (A) He can give a hand to her. (B) He must take a seat for an upcoming event. (©) He never has to change the reservation. (D) He wants to have a seat upgraded. Tic 5:47, Gregory 06 ¥ gi khi anh t “Tdi sé lam nhw vay bat ké né can thém bao nhiéu” A. Anh dy cé thé gitp c6 dy B. Anh ay phaico mat trong su kién téi aa © Anh dy khng bao gis thay a&i dat chb tude 46 D. Anh dy muén cé miét chd ngdi duoe nang hang (Questions 151-152 refer to the following advertisement. You're too busy to cook! Let Stella's do it for you! (51) Stella’s Bistro has opened a new restaurant in Winchester, Located across the street from the Federal Courthouse. (152) Mention this ad at Stella’s and receive 10 % off your total purchase! Visit us today! Offer good only at the Winchester location. Stella’s Bistro 1404 West First street Winchester, TX 76839 (151) SB vira moi mé thém mét nha hang t: Winchester (152) Dé cp dén quang cao nay tai Stella va ban sé nhan dugc 10% gidm gia cho téng chitra cia ban 151. What is indicated about Stella’s Bistro? (A) It has more than one location. Diku gi duoc chi ra vé Stella's Bistro? A.N6 cé hon 1 dia diém (B) It is next door to a courthouse B. No ngay canh toa an (©) It requires reservations. C.N6 yéu cau dat ché trade (D) It has a brand new menu. D. Né c6 mét the don m 152. What will customers receive? hich hang s@ abn duoc cdi gi? (A) A coupon for free delivery r (B) A half price entree (© A discount on food C. Giam gia dé in (D) A complimentary dessert én phi mén tring miéng Questions 153-155 refer to the following e-mail. To: Michael Whitfield From: Gregory Lee Thanks again for hosting that training session last week. — [1] —. (154) Anyway, I was wondering when you are arriving in Philadelphia for the National Sales Awards. —[2] —. (154) I was planning to arrive on May 11, but Nancy Bonner, our account manager for Vivatech, has asked me to accompany her to Boston to assist her with a presentation on our new products that are coming out next month. — [3] —. I wouldn't miss the possibility of seeing you winning Sales Manager of the year! I look forward to seeing you there. — [4] —. (Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mu / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng 35 LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. TEACH BY HEART Iitps:/swww facebook comoptoeiccohiennlung! Regards, Gregory Lee Alcova, Ine (453) ToL dy diuh dén vao ngay 11/5 nhung Nancy Bonner, Quin ly Gui khoan cia Vivatech, yéu cau tdi di cing cé dy dén Boston dé hé tro cé ay cho bai thuyé trinh vé sin pha moi dgc phat hanh vao thang téi dang tu hdi khi nao ban sé dén Philadelphia cho giai thong (154) Dit sao thi, ban hang quéc gia 153. Who is Nancy Bonner? (A) An employee at Alcova, Inc. (B) A manager at Vivatech (©) A travel agent for Mr. Lee (D) A presenter at an awards ceremony ‘Nancy Bonner [i ai? A. Nhan vin tai Alcova B. Quan ly tai Vivatech C. Céng ty du lich cho Mr. Lee D. Ngubi thuyét trinh tai 18 trao thuéng 154. What is the purpose of Mr. Whitfield’s trip to Philadelphia? (A) He is visiting a client. (B) He is relocating to a different office (© He is attending an awards banquet. (D) He is making a presentation. “Mue dich chuyén di cia 6ng Whitfield én Philadelphia 1a gi? A. Ong ay tham 1 khdch hing B. Ong ay chuyén sang mét van phong Kkhée C. Ong ay tham gia mét bita tiéc trao thuéng D. Ong dy sé co mét bai thuyét tinh 155. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3] and [4] does the following sentence best belong? “Therefore, I will not be arriving until the morning of the 12th.” Aa) ® 2] OB) @) (41 Cau sau day nén dit 6 vi tri nio [i phi hop nat [1]. [2]. [3]. [4] “Do dé, tdi 98 khéng één cho dén sing ngiy 12° Al B. Cc D. BaD Questions 156-157 refer to the following e-mail. To: Roberto Garcia From: Linda Silverman Subject: Internship Position at Synergy Financial Thank you for attending the Career Fair at Whitehall University last week. After reviewing all of the resumes we collected, we have placed you on our list of potential candidates for the Summer Intemship Program at Synergy Financial. (156) We have tentatively scheduled you for an interview this Friday, January 7th at 10:00 A.M. at our new 9th Street location. Please bring a copy of your academic records Below are the directions to our office on the 9th Street. If you have any questions or need to reschedule this meeting, feel free to call me at 714-869-8080. Linda Silverman District Manager Synergy Financial, Inc. Directions to Synergy Financial: Take Interstate 80 south to Exit 14, Washington St. Stay in the right lane and turn right at the first light onto Lincoln Ave. Go 4 blocks and turn (Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mu / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng 36 LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. TEACH BY HEART Iitps:/swww facebook comoptoeiccohiennlung! left onto Adams St. (You will see the (157A) post office on the corner). Proceed 2 kilometers, passing the (157B) police station on the left and turn right onto Grant Ave. Go straight 2 more blocks to the Riverfront Tower. Enter the (157D) parking garage of the Tower and park in visitor’s parking area. Take the elevator to the 5th floor. (156) Chung t6i dw kién xép lich cho ban mét cudc phéng van vio thir 6 tuan nay 156. Why is Ms. Silverman writing to Mr. Garcia? (A) To apply foran internship (B) To invite him for a job interview (© To ask him to send his resume (D) To invite him to a career fair Tai sao Ms. Silver lai viét thu cho Mr. Garcia? A. 46 ting tuyén vi tri thye tp sinh B. aé moi anh ay dén mét cudc phéng van xin vige C. a8 yeu cau anh dy giti so yéu fy lich D. dé méi anh ay tham gia héi tro nghé nghiép 157. What is NOT mentioned in the directions? Diéu gi khong duoc dé cap trong phan chi dan? (A) A post office A Buudién (B) A police office B. Co quancéng an (© A gas station C. Cay xing, (D) A parking garage D. Garage 46 xe Questions 158-160 refer to the following notice. Sterling Securities (158) Special offer for Employees! To be successful in the ever changing global marketplace, one must keep up with the latest business news and trends around the world. Fortunately, employees of Sterling Securities are eligible to subscribe to some of the most informative business magazines and top joumals for business professionals at a discounted price. The reduced priced publications are listed below. To place an order, email your choices to Stephanie McCormick at with the subject, “Magazine Order.” She will be submitting our collective order on July 1st. After this date, you can still place an order on your own, (159) but you will need to contact Ms. McCormick to obtain an order form and the company code needed for the discount. We encourage you to take advantage of this excellent opportunity. Regular Price Discounted Price International Business Weekly $125 /year $105 / year Wallace Financial Times $117 /year $99 / year Business Today $24 / year $72 / year ‘Smart Stocks $865 / yoar $53 / year Investment Advisor $87 / yoar $38 / yoar Wealth Magazine $43 / yoar $27 year (158) Giam gia dic biét cho nhan vien) (159) Nhung ban sé can lién hé Ms. McCormick dé co dwgc don dat hang va ma cong ty ~ cai can thiét dé co dugc giam gia (Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mu / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng 37 LGP TOFIC CO HIEN NHUNG. TEACH BY HEART Iitps:/swww facebook comoptoeiccohiennlung! 158. What is the purpose of the notice? (A) To announce a global business workshop (B) To extend an offer to employees (C) To remind employees of required reading (D)To inform employees of investment opportunities “Mue dich cia luu ¥ trén? A. théng bdo vé 1 héi cho doanh nghiép toan cau B. dua ra 1 dé nghi téi cac nh an vien C. ahic nhé nan vién vé viée doc da duge yéu cau D. dé thong bao nhdn vién vé nhing co hoi dau te 159. How can an employee receive a discount on an order not placed with the group? (A) By obtaining the company code (B) By visiting the publisher's website (© By ordering more than one item from the list (D) By placing an order online ‘Lam thé nao dé 1 nhan vién aban duoc gidm gia cho don hang khéng dat theo nhém? A. Lay ma ctia cong ty B. Vao trang web cia nha xuat ban C. dat nhiéu hon 1 sin pham trong danh sdch D. dat hang online 160. How much will an employee of Sterling ‘Mét nhan vién phai tra bao nhiéu dé dang. Securities most likely pay for a subscription | ky “Business today”? to Business today? (A) $53 (A) $53 ()s72 (872 (©ss4 (© $84 (D)s105 (D) $105 Questions 161 -163 refer to the following article. Business Travel News Business travelers and their companies are concerned about hotel room rate increases (161) Rooms have risen 12% in New York from a year ago to an average of $199 a night. Similar trends can be seen in Detroit, up 15%; Los Angeles, up 7%; Houston, up 6%. With the business climate improving, hotels are charging higher prices, but companies that spend millions on business travel are developing new strategies - (162B) Less Luxury - A health sciences company says they encourage employees to stay at limited- service hotels, rather than pricier four-star properties. - (163D) Discounts - One manufacturer believes that employees should use member discounts from auto club, credit card, senior status, etc. - (162A) Corporate Apartments - A US branch of a Tokyo firm says a corporate apartment can save as much as 40% over a hotel room. Hotels that continue to increase rates will most likely lose business to budget hotels, comporate apartments, ete. Business was bad for hotels after the terrorism wave, but it has been rebounding. So, to make up for their economic damage in the past, most major hotels are now proposing double-digit increases. Because of such a trend, even some relatively modest hotels have raised rates. Paying $450 a night for a simple room in Manhattan stands out on a corporate expense report, ending up more costly than airfare in some cases. Airlines long to raise their rates, but increased capacity and severe competition prevents them from doing so. Hotels, on the other hand, can’t expand capacity easily, so increased demand tends to drive prices (Cosi 1:30-HBTing Mu / Co sé 2: Ngé 2- Nguyn Vin Loc - #3 Béng 38

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