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 Invite someone

Invite : “do you want to go” “would you like to come” “would you like to join us” “could you come”

Repond : “sure, what time?” “I’d love to” “what a great idea” “I can’t, I have to” “I’d love to, but”

Invite card : invitee, the person you want to invite. Body, the text. Inviter, the person who invite

 Asking and giving permission

Ask : “may/can I borrow your pen?” “is it alright if I borrow your pen?” “do you mind if I borrow it?”

Give : “yes, ofc” “sure” “yes, certainly” “I’m sorry you can’t”

 Asking and giving instruction

Ask : “how do you do” “how do I” “do you know how to” “what’s next”

Give : “first” “second” “third” “next” “then” “last”

 Asking and giving goods

Ask : “can you help me?” “can you do me a favor?” “give me a hand with this, wi;; you?”

Give : “may/can I help you?” “what can I do for you?” “what if I help you?”

Respond : accept = “yes, please” “that’s very kind of you” “I do appreciate it” “that would be nice”
refusing = “no, thanks” “im sorry” “please don’t bother yourself”

 Fungsi dasar negara

Landasan bagi pengaturan penyelenggaraan negara, dasar negara sebagai pedoman hidup
bernegara mencakup cita2 negara, tujuan negara, dan norma negara. Dasar negara dapat dikatakan
sebagai pandangan hidup suatu negara

 Pengertian dasar negara

Dasar negara merupakan alas atau fundament yang menjadi pijakan dan mampu memberikan
kekuatan kepada beridirinya sebuah negara

 Fungsi Pancasila

Sumber kaidah hukum yang mengatur negara RI, termasuk di dalamnya seluruh unsur2nya seperti
pemerintahan, wilayah dan rakyat

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