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All India Muslim League 1906

Today our topic is about the mile stone and future turning point of Muslims, a party which
changed the history and marked a memory for the entire sub-Continent specially for
Muslims. All India Muslim League a party formed on 30 Dec 1906 after so many political and
social ups and downs in Sub continent. key points of the topic are as under:

factors which compelled Muslims to formed their own political party

 the formation of Indian national congress was a key factor to establish its own
political party.
 1892 Indian act which only allow the govt servants to be part of the legislations
 1901 Hindi as official language of sub-continent
 Death of Sir Syed Ahmad khan
 Shimla delegation success in 1906
 lack of political, social and educational rights for Muslims

AIML was established in the annual session of all India Muslim educational conference (established IN
1988) and Nawab wiqar ul mulk and Muhsin ul mulk were the joint secretaries and SIR Agha khan 3rd
was its first president.
a booklet was prepared by maulana Muhammad ali johar in which all the aims and objective
of the newly established party were written and mostly Muslim members agreed on the

Aims and Objectives of Muslim League

 to promote the feelings of loyalty among the government and Muslims to remove
the misconception about Muslims.
 to protect the political rights of Muslims and represent their needs and aspiration to
the government.
 to prevent any feelings of hostility among Muslims and others communities.

its first annual session was held in Karachi 0n 30 Dec 1907 under the president ship of
Adamjee peerbhai and a draft constitution was also formed for further improvement .and
the struggle for Muslims was started from grass root level till 1947 of the formation of
Pakistan THIS party play a key role in the political awakening of Muslims. in 1913 Quaid e
Azam joined AIML and till 1920 he was member of both the political parties.

In short AIML gave fruits for all the hardships of Muslims in the shape of Pakistan under the
leadership of Quaid accompanied with many more people.

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