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Zenn Tomokane

Micheal Talon


20 September 2023

Volleyball is underrated

I think volleyball is very underrated for just how good it is. It might be a bias since I play

volleyball and it is my favorite sport. Nevertheless, I do have reasons to back up my claim.

Volleyball is a very intense and high pressure sport during pretty much every moment of the

game. The entire concept of volleyball is to prevent the ball from touching the floor, and in my

opinion that adds to the hype of the sport. It allows for some very close calls and near-miss

saves. I’m aware that other sports do serve, but I think volleyball has the best serves of all sports.

It can also be played both indoor and outdoor, and without a net or court. Volleyball is not only a

sport you play for fun and competitively, but can also teach you about teamwork and


There is a high-pressure aspect of volleyball that makes it fun and exciting to play.

Everytime the ball gets served, all players on the court immediately feel a sharp pressure that

wakes them up and tells them to focus. Once the ball is received, the setter must rush to get

under the ball and toss it to an attacker. Once the attacker jumps off the ground, everyone

including the players on the court can’t help but watch and find out what will happen next. Will

he spike the ball and send it flying into the opponent’s side of the court, will he get blocked, or

will he even miss the spike? All of these possibilities can really keep you on your toes the whole
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Another great thing about volleyball is that it is a team sport. This means that players

must work together to achieve a common goal, which works up a sense of teamwork. Volleyball

players must communicate effectively with each other, flow with each other's movements, and

support each other throughout the game. This not only strengthens the bond between team

members, but it also teaches valuable life skills such as communication and collaboration.

In volleyball, the serve is the first opportunity a team has to gain an advantage over their

opponents. It is a crucial element of the game, as a well-executed serve can put the receiving

team on the defensive and make it difficult for them to mount an effective attack. There are

several types of serves in volleyball, including the float serve, the jump serve, and the topspin

serve. Each type of serve has its own unique characteristics and requires different techniques and

skills to execute effectively. A good serve can shift the momentum of the game and make for

some very hyped up moments for the player.

Overall, there are many reasons why volleyball deserves to be more popular. It’s fun and

exciting to play and watch. You do not need a court or a net to have fun with a volleyball,

making it a very easy sport to get your hands on. The high-pressure aspect of keeping the ball off

the ground can make for some very close calls and hype moments. You can never go wrong with


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