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BACKGROUND: Through thrombolysis is the ideal treatment for cardiac

muscle salvage it also carries the risk of reperfusion injury. There are many

models of study to prevent reperfusion injury. Of which my study is to measure

the effect of remote ischemic preconditioning on the rate of ST segment

resolution in patients undergoing thrombolysis for STEMI. Also to examine the

effect of RIPerC on ck-mb levels every 12hr and 48hrs after STEMI.

METHODS: It is a hospital based randomised control study conducted at a

tertiary care medical college hospital from Feb 2021 to December 2021.

Patients with STEMI are assigned random numbers after the informed consent.

The patients were divided into control and study group , age,sex,comorbidity,

risk factors and time of presentation were matched between both groups. All

received 1.5lakh U streptokinase in one limb, in the study group in the other

limb BP cuff was inflated 50 mmhg above the systolic blood pressure for

5minutes and deflated for 5minutes, the inflation deflation cycle was continued

for a total of 3 cycles. In the control group only BP measurement was done.

ECG was taken after 90 minutes of thrombolysis. The effect of ST segment

resolution was compared between the study and the control group.
RESULT: my study showed the percentage of ST resolution was 56.4% in

RIPC group compared to 39.99% in the control group with the significant p

value of 0.000111. Also the difference in cpk mb values at 12 and 48 hrs were

significant among ripc with a p value of 0.01208, compared to control group

0.02034. Cardiac failure among the ripc group was less than control group with

a p value of 0.049101. also arrhythmias were less common among ripc group

compared to control group with a p value of 0.099122. In RIPC group duration

of stay was less compared to control group showing good outcome in RIPC

group (p 0.000681).

KEYWORDS : reperfusion injury, thrombolysis, ST segment resolution,

remote ischemic preconditioning.

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