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50 Plan a Socially Conscious Business

Unit 9

Your group is planning a socially conscious business. Discuss your ideas and follow the
instructions below:

A. Plan your business

1. What is the name of your business?

Soul Village
2. What products/services does your business sell?
My business sells hosting services.
3. What is special about these products/services?
The special thing about our services is to give our clients a cozy experience and offer a variety of activities that they can do with their fam
ilies inside the villa.

4. Who do you expect will buy your products? (adults/families/students etc.)

Our services are focused on large groups such as families and friends who want to enjoy a great day.

5. What makes your business socially conscious? (locally sourced products/part

of the profits are donated/provides work experience and jobs/supports the
environment etc.)
Our businesses are socially conscious, since we care for the environment, and we use 

products and services that we offer that do not affect the environment.
6. Who will your business employ? (local people/ volunteers/ people in need)
our business will employ local people, for the maintenance of the villa

B. Prepare a presentation about your business. Your presentation should include the following:
• The name of your business Soul Village
• A catchy advertising slogan Feel at home, but in a more fun and relaxing way.
• Overview/summary of your business Offer your hosting service around the world, with a welcoming service, different activities for all ages.

• How your business will help society/the environment My business will help the locals since we will generate employment, in the envir

onment we will save energy since we have a solar plant in most of the town.

• Why people should buy your products/services We offer a unique experience with a high quality service

C. Tell the class about your business. Explain why they should invest in your business/buy its

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