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As every person can interpret art by many different ways as other people around them.

Many have different views that some may or may not understand or agree upon since our
perspective can be influenced by numerous ways, including political, social, cultural, gender and
racial factors. This is why an artwork that piques my interest the most is the work of Pablo
Picasso that is “Guernica”. Not only by how complicated the artwork looks like and by how
much strange things are going on the painting but also because of its backstory that caused a
whole lot of controversy back then and now.
Every work has its own purpose; some are Ceremonial and are more Artistic than others,
some for its beauty to be displayed and some are there to make a point for it to be finally
displayed which is most of the time a protest; That is the story of the painting “Guernica”, that
depicts the massacre of a Basque village in 1937 which was more of a protest by Picasso since he
refused to have it on display in Spain until justice had been restored there. By then it has become
a representation of every city ever bombed. This story of the painting can be enough to pique
anyone’s interest but it’s one of the most interesting ones for me, because of how much it can
represent by being there. It is one of the most effective creative protests against fascism, and
because of its bold, critical message, it has caused controversy throughout the years. The fact that
a 1937 artwork was covered from the United Nations in 2003 due to controversy is enough
evidence of how potent the message is, but it also made a stir in 1967 when it was on exhibit at
the MoMa when artists petitioned to have it taken down in opposition to the Vietnam War.
The fact that it still works to this day will continue to astound me for the rest of my life.
If that isn't enough to spark your curiosity as much as it does mine, you probably have seen
better or it didn't reach you as it did me, which is fine as we all have our own views and
perspectives on such things.

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