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McCulloch-Pitts Neuron (MP Neuron Model) : This model was proposed by the

neuroscientist Walter Pits . As being in depth knowledge about the human brain, he is
willing to design a model which can work having its capacity equivalent to the human
brain. Keeping in mind all the model related requirements he started working in, its model
makes use of different elements of Machine Learning than those in expert systems. In MP
Neuron we took input of only binary numbers as data i.e. (1,0). While doing tasks in MP
Neuron, we classify them first. Then the model we have used is named as Linear
Threshold Gate Model, it doesn’t set down a fixed value rather we predict the value here
put down in an algorithm and check the result accuracy. Conclusively this model
evaluates the Loss Entropy Error and obtains accuracy percentage in the result from it.
Six elements of Machine Learning for MP Neuron are as follows:
Data : The MP neuron receives binary input and outputs binary data. If the input data
isn't binary, it can be compressed before being fed to the model.
Classification : The categorization is also binary, meaning it is either 0 or 1. Based on the
inputand the threshold, the model can respond with a yes or no.
Model : It is made up of a single-parameter function. The data is compiled. A threshold
value is set. If the function's value is equal to or larger than threshold level, the output is
positive, and vice versa. It draws a graph between positive values that lie above the line
and negative values that lie below the line.
Loss Function : It is the difference between the predicted value and the actual value in
squareformat i.e. square loss function is applied .

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