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Camille D.


1. What is SUDS? State its importance.

SUDS is the acronym term for Sustainable Urban Drainage System. Urban places have a high
potential benefit to this system as it adapts and mitigate the effects of flooding. As trees absorbs
the volume of rainfall, this system could be of form of other several natural features such as
ponds, wetlands, drainage ditches, green roofs, and swales. These are designed to help reduce
the runoffs when it rains and the volume of water that a capacity of a drainage to receive. With
this, risk of floods could be reduced especially during rainy season, and thus the quality of water
could be assured as well.

2. Differentiate confined from unconfined aquifer. State the uses of each.

Confined aquifers have a layer of impenetrable rock or clay above them. It is also sealed in an
impermeable rock to be protected from contaminants. On the other hand, unconfined aquifers lie
below a permeable soil and it has a greater exposure to contamination such as rain, streams, and
other external factors. Aquifers are important as it naturally filter groundwater by forcing it to pass
through small pores and between sediments, which helps to remove substances from the water.

3. State 5 different purposes of hydraulic structures and for each one, attach a picture of an
actual hydraulic structure in the Philippines with that particular purpose.

1.) Flood Control

Flood control along Marikina River

2.) Power Generation

Caliraya Hyroelectric Powerplant

3.) Municipal and Industrial Water Supply

Bulacan Bulk Water Supply

4.) Environment Protection

Hydraulic Spillway Structure in Nueva Viscaya

5.) Recreation

Splash Island in Laguna

4. State reasons why coastal engineering is important. Would you want to venture in coastal
engineering? Why or why not?

Coastal engineering is one of the most important branches of engineering as these

engineers takes up on the protecting and managing coastlines. This job plays an essential role
and are crucial for the stability and the development of our coastal environment. A coastal
engineer deals with the entire natural and human-made changes in the coastal region. Thus,
without coastal engineering, our islands and beautiful nature would probably be in havoc.

Yes. As a country that is composed of many islands, we have a lot of coastlines all over
our country, thus being a coastal engineer could be an in-demand job in our country which means
it will be able to provide a job that will suffice my needs wherein I could manifest and exhibit the
skills and learnings that I have gained all through the years of my studying. Besides, to have a job
that have great connection into saving and helping our environment to be maintained, is such a
wonderful and enjoyable thing to do.

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