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Presentation topics

1. City living vs Country living

2. What makes a TV ad memorable
3. Going on a business trip alone or with colleagues?
4. Being a boss
5. The use of the mobile phone nowadays
6. The best invention ever
7. My best and worst holiday
8. If I were president I would…
9. Describe your dream house
10.How to throw a good party
11.Your idea of a perfect day
12.How do you set the table for a meal?
13.Mc Donalds and fast food
14.Credit cards vs paying in cash
15.Casual Fridays
16.How to succeed at a job interview
17.Shopping online vs shopping in store
18.Restaurants vs home cooked meals
19.Public transport or car?
20.Cultural tourism vs Adventure tourism
21.Does university prepare you to enter the labor market?
22.Eating out or ordering in?
23.Online banking vs physical bank branches
24.Local/model restaurants vs expensive restaurants
25.Doing the shopping at the supermarket or shopping online?
26.Your challenges at work
27.Shopping in small shops or in big department stores
28.Your dream holiday
29.Advantages and disadvantages of online banking
30.Would you rather shift work or a regular nine-to-five?

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