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00;01;32;23 - 00;01;37;03

요즘의 기사를 혹시 접해 보신 분이 있는지 모르겠는데

00;01;37;06 - 00;01;40;23
Asbury라는 곳에 학교에서

00;01;40;23 - 00;01;43;09
지금 미국의 큰 부흥이 일어나고 있습니다

00;01;44;01 - 00;01;48;07
학교 채플에서 예배가 시작돼 몇 날 며칠 동안 예배가 멈추지 않고

00;01;49;02 - 00;01;50;16
학생들이 계속해서 나오고

00;01;50;16 - 00;01;54;09
그 학생들뿐만 아니라 지역에 있는 사람들까지

00;01;54;09 - 00;01;59;11
나와서 함께 예배하고 있는 그 부흥의 역사가 지금 일어나고 있어요

00;02;00;09 - 00;02;03;12
그런 일들이 우리의 한국에도 또 우리 이곳에서도

00;02;03;13 - 00;02;09;02
또 여러분들의 삶과 가정에도 동일하게 일어났으면 좋겠습니다

00;02;09;09 - 00;02;11;23
부흥이라는 것은 회복이잖아요

00;02;11;28 - 00;02;14;26
여러분들의 삶에 다시 한 번 더 하나님 앞에 여러분들이

00;02;14;26 - 00;02;17;10
마음과 하나님을 향한 예배가

00;02;17;10 - 00;02;20;11
새로워지고 회복되기를 주님의 이름으로 축원합니다

00;02;21;14 - 00;02;24;15
오늘 하나님이 우리에게 주신 말씀 우리 함께 보도록 하겠습니다
00;02;24;15 - 00;02;27;16
우리 ‘요나’ 저와 여러분들이 한 절씩

00;02;27;16 - 00;02;28;17
교독하도록 하겠습니다

00;02;28;17 - 00;02;31;04
제가 먼저 읽고 여러분들이 읽겠습니다

00;05;17;12 - 00;05;19;09
우리 16절까지 읽었습니다

00;05;19;29 - 00;05;22;01
아까 우리가 예배를 드리기에 앞서서

00;05;22;01 - 00;05;25;04
‘요나’에 대해서 무엇을 알고 있냐?라고 물었을 때

00;05;25;13 - 00;05;28;13
물고기라고 이야기를 했습니다

00;05;28;13 - 00;05;29;15

00;05;29;15 - 00;05;31;12
물고기가 요나를 집어삼켜서

00;05;32;01 - 00;05;34;29
요나가 3일 동안 뱃속에 있는 장면들이

00;05;34;29 - 00;05;39;02
우리는 아마 잘 기억하고 있는 장면들일 것입니다

00;05;39;02 - 00;05;44;28
그런데 저는 요나하면 물고기보다 다른 단어가 먼저 떠오릅니다

00;05;45;18 - 00;05;48;18
바로 불순종입니다

00;05;48;20 - 00;05;52;04
요나는 불순종의 아이콘입니다
00;05;53;07 - 00;05;54;29
그는 하나님의 말씀에

00;05;54;29 - 00;05;57;28
즉각적으로 불순종을 합니다

00;05;58;20 - 00;06;02;26
여러분 성경에 나오는 달의 인물들을 보면 믿음과 순종으로

00;06;02;27 - 00;06;06;20
하나님의 역사를 이루어낸 사람들의 이야기들이 많습니다

00;06;06;21 - 00;06;10;20
우린 그러한 성경의 인물들을 닮고 싶어 하죠

00;06;11;05 - 00;06;14;05
그런데 저는 요나가 너무 좋습니다

00;06;14;24 - 00;06;17;08
저 같아서 너무 좋습니다

00;06;18;09 - 00;06;22;08
요나는 하나님의 말씀에 정면으로 반항합니다

00;06;22;20 - 00;06;24;22
우리가 읽은 요나 서에서는

00;06;24;22 - 00;06;28;16
요나의 불순종을 아주 여실하게 보여주는데요

00;06;29;01 - 00;06;32;17
더 중요한 것은 그런 요나의 불순종과

00;06;32;29 - 00;06;38;10
반항을 하나님께서 어떻게 다루어가시는지를

00;06;38;19 - 00;06;42;17
요나서를 통해서 우리는 봐야 되는 것이죠

00;06;43;01 - 00;06;45;29
1절과 2선의 말씀을 제가 한번 읽어보도록 하겠습니다
00;06;58;19 - 00;07;01;12
여러분 요나는 선지자 입니다

00;07;01;29 - 00;07;05;11
선지자는 하나님 말씀을 대언하는 역할인 것이죠

00;07;06;05 - 00;07;10;14
우리가 오늘 읽은 요나서에서는 요나가 불순종의 사람으로

00;07;10;21 - 00;07;13;07
우리는 알고 그렇게 인식하게 되겠지만

00;07;13;19 - 00;07;17;12
여러분 사실 요나는 대선지자입니다

00;07;17;12 - 00;07;21;15
요나의 자료를 성경에서 더 찾아보면 요나가 예언한 말들이

00;07;21;23 - 00;07;24;06
거의 대부분 다 이루어집니다

00;07;24;27 - 00;07;26;07
요나가 활동했던 시기는

00;07;26;07 - 00;07;29;02
북이스라엘 여로보암 2세 시대의

00;07;29;25 - 00;07;32;21
요나는 활동했던 선지자였습니다

00;07;33;03 - 00;07;37;10
그때 당시 북이스라엘의 전쟁에서 승리를 예언하였고

00;07;37;15 - 00;07;41;24
실제로 북이스라엘이 많은 전쟁에서 승리를 합니다

00;07;42;15 - 00;07;45;02
선지자는 언제든지 하나님의 말씀을 듣기 위해

00;07;45;02 - 00;07;46;29
늘 거룩하게 살아야 하고요
00;07;47;12 - 00;07;50;24
늘 하나님께 귀를 기울이며 살아야 하는 것이죠

00;07;51;07 - 00;07;53;28
요나의 예언이 다 이루어졌다는 것은

00;07;53;29 - 00;07;59;03
하나님의 말씀을 분명하게 들었고 분명하게 이야기했다라는 거예요

00;07;59;11 - 00;08;02;10
그러는 어느 날 하나님이 요나에게 말씀합니다

00;08;02;10 - 00;08;03;23
뭐라고 말씀하시나요?

00;08;03;23 - 00;08;04;28
두 가지를 말씀하시데요

00;08;04;28 - 00;08;06;26
첫 번째 니느웨로 가라

00;08;07;12 - 00;08;11;00
그리고 두 번째 그 백성들 니느웨 사람들의

00;08;11;00 - 00;08;14;16
악함이 하나님께서 심판하실 거다

00;08;15;01 - 00;08;17;22
이 두 가지를 선포하라라고 이야기합니다

00;08;18;11 - 00;08;21;20
여러분 니느웨는 앗수르라는 나라의 수도입니다

00;08;22;11 - 00;08;26;13
이스라엘 백성들을 수도 없이 괴롭혔던 원수와 같은

00;08;27;02 - 00;08;31;24
철천지 원수와 같은 민족들이 앗수르라는 나라입니다

00;08;32;01 - 00;08;33;06
기록에 의하면
00;08;33;06 - 00;08;37;19
앗수르라는 나라가 했던 일들이 너무나도 끔찍한 일들이 많습니다

00;08;37;20 - 00;08;41;26
전쟁에서 승리하면 상대방의 눈과 혀를 다 뽑아버리고

00;08;42;00 - 00;08;47;09
사람들이 목을 쳐서 동산을 만들어서 쌓았던 나라가 앗수르입니다

00;08;47;15 - 00;08;52;26
굉장히 악하고 끔찍한 일을 벌이는 이 나라가 오랜 시간동안

00;08;52;27 - 00;08;56;12
이스라엘을 괴롭혀 왔기 때문에 그렇습니다

00;08;56;25 - 00;09;02;10
그런데 그런 나라를 하나님이 심판하시겠다라는 거예요

00;09;02;23 - 00;09;06;06
너희들의 악함을 하나님께서 보고있다

00;09;06;17 - 00;09;09;28
너희들이 심판을 받을 것이다라는

00;09;09;28 - 00;09;13;05
이 말이 여러분 요나에게 좋은 거 아닙니까?

00;09;14;16 - 00;09;16;21
우리를 괴롭혔던 원수의 나라

00;09;17;22 - 00;09;20;01
하나님께서 이제 그 나라를 심판하겠다

00;09;20;25 - 00;09;24;01
여러분 이 소식은 요나에게 있어서 좋은 것 아닙니까?

00;09;24;01 - 00;09;26;19
그런데 요나는 그렇게 생각하지 않습니다

00;09;26;19 - 00;09;29;03
우리들의 눈에는 하나님께서 니느웨라는 도시를
00;09;29;03 - 00;09;33;18
심판하겠다라는 말로 보이지만 요나는 알았어요

00;09;34;02 - 00;09;35;10

00;09;35;21 - 00;09;36;20

00;09;37;18 - 00;09;41;19
그들에게 기회를 주시는 것을 요나는 바로 알았습니다

00;09;42;08 - 00;09;45;16
진짜로 심판하실 거면 예고를 하지 않았겠죠

00;09;46;00 - 00;09;51;03
하나님은 그 니느웨가 회개할 기회를 회개할 시간을 주시는 거예요

00;09;51;12 - 00;09;54;17
그래서 그게 싫은 거예요

00;09;54;17 - 00;09;57;09
하나님의 긍휼하심, 하나님의 자비

00;09;57;23 - 00;10;01;14
하나님의 은혜가 왜 저들에게 있어야 하는지,

00;10;01;17 - 00;10;04;14
도저히 받아들일 수가 없는 거예요

00;10;04;15 - 00;10;06;29
그래서 요나가 무엇을 선택하는가?

00;10;06;29 - 00;10;08;28
3절 말씀을 한번 볼까요?

00;10;08;28 - 00;10;10;28
3절 제가 한 번 읽어보도록 하겠습니다

00;10;32;27 - 00;10;35;14
요나는 하나님의 말씀을 너무나도 잘 알았기 때문에
00;10;35;28 - 00;10;38;10
하나님의 마음이 무엇인지 알았기 때문에

00;10;38;10 - 00;10;41;10
요나는 그러나로 반응합니다

00;10;42;04 - 00;10;45;08
하나님 그러나 나는 못하겠습니다

00;10;45;18 - 00;10;50;09
하나님의 계획을 알겠는데 그러나 나는 동참할 수 없습니다

00;10;51;06 - 00;10;53;29
니느웨가 구원받는 것을 인정할 수도 없고

00;10;53;29 - 00;10;57;08
내 눈으로 볼 수도 보기도 싫습니다

00;10;57;16 - 00;11;02;28
그래서 요나는 완전한 하나님 앞에 그러나로 반항합니다

00;11;03;15 - 00;11;06;24
나의 뜻이 나의 계획이 나의 생각이

00;11;07;09 - 00;11;11;03
하나님 말씀보다 더 중요합니다

00;11;11;25 - 00;11;14;06
그래서 그는 도망갑니다

00;11;14;06 - 00;11;16;18
도망이라는 표현보다 반항이 맞겠죠

00;11;16;20 - 00;11;18;29
그는 반항을 합니다

00;11;18;29 - 00;11;20;25
그래서 그가 어떻게 합니까?

00;11;20;25 - 00;11;24;05
이전의 봄에 하나님의 얼굴을 피했다라고 이야기를 하죠
00;11;24;17 - 00;11;26;29
하나님의 얼굴을 피하는 것이 여러분 어떤 의미일까요?

00;11;27;08 - 00;11;30;28
지금 이스라엘에서 지금 이 장소에서 벗어나면

00;11;31;08 - 00;11;34;19
하나님께서 쫓아오지 못할 것이라는 의미일까요?

00;11;35;27 - 00;11;38;06
요나가 그렇게 무지할까요?

00;11;38;22 - 00;11;39;16

00;11;39;16 - 00;11;43;05
요나는 하나님을 알아도 너무 잘 아는 사람입니다

00;11;43;27 - 00;11;48;02
어디를 가든 하나님의 손바닥 안이라는 것쯤은 알아요

00;11;48;24 - 00;11;51;13
그가 하나님의 얼굴을 피했다라는 것은

00;11;51;27 - 00;11;55;11
늘 하나님의 얼굴을 구하며 살았던 그가

00;11;55;28 - 00;12;00;22
이제는 하나님의 얼굴을 구하지 않겠다는 의미입니다

00;12;01;13 - 00;12;04;29
내가 하나님의 얼굴을 외면하겠다라는 것이지요

00;12;05;29 - 00;12;09;19
오늘 읽은 본문에는 내려갔더니라는 말이 두 번이 나옵니다

00;12;09;20 - 00;12;12;22
우선 그가 도망을 가기 위해서 배를 타기 위해서

00;12;12;22 - 00;12;13;17
욥바로 내려가요
00;12;13;17 - 00;12;16;24
그때 내려갔다라는 표현이 한 번 나오죠

00;12;17;05 - 00;12;21;17
그리고 그 배를 타고 나서 배에 가장 밑 층으로 내려갑니다

00;12;21;17 - 00;12;23;22
두 번을 내려가게 됩니다

00;12;24;15 - 00;12;28;21
하나님의 얼굴을 마주하지 않기 위해 그는 계속해서 내려갑니다

00;12;28;29 - 00;12;31;16
그것은 물리적인 거리를 의미하는 것이 아니에요

00;12;31;25 - 00;12;35;03
그의 영혼이 점점 더 바닥으로

00;12;35;15 - 00;12;38;02
내려가고 있다는 것을 의미하는 것입니다

00;12;38;08 - 00;12;41;24
그리고 끝내 그는 배에서 깊이 잠들어 버립니다

00;12;42;05 - 00;12;44;04
그의 영혼이 잠들어버려요

00;12;44;04 - 00;12;47;22
하나님 앞에 완전히 무감각해져 버린 거예요

00;12;48;01 - 00;12;50;11
생각을 해보세요 태풍이 몰아치고 있어요

00;12;50;26 - 00;12;54;22
거기서 혼자 배 밑에서 잠들어버린 거예요

00;12;55;20 - 00;12;58;29
하나님을 향해 늘 날선 칼과 같이 깨어 있던 그가

00;12;58;29 - 00;13;00;22
하나님 앞에 잠들어 버려요
00;13;01;21 - 00;13;03;28
하나님을 무시하기 시작한 거에요

00;13;04;16 - 00;13;06;08
하나님을 향한 눈은 감아버리고

00;13;06;08 - 00;13;09;18
하나님의 말씀을 들었던 귀는 닫아버렸어요

00;13;09;23 - 00;13;13;09
믿음의 결단이 아니라 불순종의 결단으로

00;13;13;19 - 00;13;17;22
반항의 결단을 시작했던 요나의 모습이었습니다

00;13;18;09 - 00;13;21;27
그렇게 하나님의 얼굴을 피해 달아나는데 이 전의 말씀에 보면

00;13;21;27 - 00;13;24;29
이 단어가 나와요 마침이라는 단어가 나와요

00;13;25;14 - 00;13;28;03
마침 무슨 일이 일어났나요?

00;13;28;13 - 00;13;31;04
하나님의 얼굴을 피해서 달아났는데

00;13;31;25 - 00;13;34;03
배를 타기 위해서 달아나는데

00;13;34;05 - 00;13;38;09
‘마침’ 다시스라는 지역으로 가는 배를 만난 거예요

00;13;38;22 - 00;13;40;24
완벽한 타이밍이에요

00;13;40;24 - 00;13;44;15
하나님을 피해 도망가는데 마침 길이 열렸어요

00;13;45;11 - 00;13;48;00
여러분 우리는 여기서 기억해야 될 것이 하나가 있어요
00;13;48;07 - 00;13;50;16
우리가 어떤 것을 선택하고 결정할 때 있죠

00;13;50;26 - 00;13;54;20
그때 자연스럽게 환경이 열릴 때가 있을 거예요

00;13;55;07 - 00;13;57;20
여러분 그때 하나님께 물어봐야 돼요

00;13;57;20 - 00;14;00;21
그것이 정말 하나님의 섭리 일까요?

00;14;00;21 - 00;14;02;07
뭐든 내가 선택하는 것에

00;14;02;07 - 00;14;05;00
환경이 열려지는것이 하나님의 섭리라면

00;14;05;14 - 00;14;07;14
모세가 홍해 앞에 도달했을때

00;14;07;26 - 00;14;09;13
이미 바다가 갈라져 있어야죠

00;14;09;27 - 00;14;12;13
다니엘과 친구들이 풀부물에 들어갈 때

00;14;12;29 - 00;14;15;10
이미 그 불이 사그라들어져 있어야죠

00;14;15;22 - 00;14;18;01
모세는 쫓아오는 애굽 군대와

00;14;18;01 - 00;14;21;22
넘실거리는 홍해 앞에 서서 기도하였을때 물이 갈라졌어요

00;14;22;19 - 00;14;27;15
다니엘과 3친구들은 풀무불이 사그라들지 않았음에도 불구하고

00;14;27;24 - 00;14;30;07
그들은 믿음으로 들어갔어요
00;14;30;27 - 00;14;33;07
여러분들이 인생 가운데 기도하지 않았는데

00;14;33;07 - 00;14;35;03
그 일이 원활하게 잘 풀릴 때

00;14;35;21 - 00;14;39;18
내 앞에 있는 모든 문이 자연스럽게 열릴 때

00;14;40;06 - 00;14;43;23
마침 모든 것이 잘될 때

00;14;43;23 - 00;14;45;18
여러분 그때 기억하십시오

00;14;46;08 - 00;14;47;22
더 기도해야 됩니다

00;14;47;22 - 00;14;49;10
더 하나님께 물어보셔야 돼요

00;14;50;10 - 00;14;52;23
기도하지 않고 모든 것이 잘 풀릴 때

00;14;53;02 - 00;14;54;28
그때가 위기입니다

00;14;55;25 - 00;14;57;28
하나님께 묻지 않았는데 그 길이 열릴 때

00;14;58;10 - 00;15;02;04
그때 인생의 브레이크를 밟아야 돼요

00;15;03;13 - 00;15;06;00
너무나 완벽한 타이밍으로

00;15;06;00 - 00;15;08;20
내 눈에 보이는 꽃길로 따라가는

00;15;09;04 - 00;15;12;18
그런 인생이 아니라 우리는 사명을 따라가야죠
00;15;13;05 - 00;15;15;17
좁은 길, 좁은 문

00;15;16;16 - 00;15;20;06
그것을 선택하고 우리 앞에 있는 어떠한 장애물이 있다 할지라도

00;15;20;26 - 00;15;22;28
믿음으로 돌파해나가는

00;15;22;28 - 00;15;25;27
하나님의 사람이 되길 주님의 이름으로 축복합니다

00;15;27;05 - 00;15;30;17
4절과 5절 말씀을 제가 계속해서 한 번 읽어보도록 하겠습니다

00;15;50;05 - 00;15;51;11
여러분 요나가

00;15;51;11 - 00;15;54;27
하나님의 말씀에 그러나로 반응을 했죠

00;15;55;12 - 00;15;57;21
그런데 사절부터 어떠한 일이 일어나고 있습니까?

00;15;58;22 - 00;16;00;21
큰 폭풍이 일어나죠

00;16;00;21 - 00;16;06;20
요나의 그러나의 행동에 하나님도 그러나로 반응합니다

00;16;07;02 - 00;16;10;19
도망가는 요나를 향해서 큰 폭풍을 일으킵니다

00;16;11;06 - 00;16;15;15
요나가 불순종하고 반항을 해서 벌을 주시는 것이 아니라

00;16;16;01 - 00;16;19;11
여러분 더 이상 멀어지지 않게 하신 거예요

00;16;20;01 - 00;16;24;18
태풍으로 그 길을 막아낸 겁니다
00;16;24;18 - 00;16;26;29
함께 배에 타고 있는 사람들이 난리가 났습니다

00;16;27;23 - 00;16;30;05
태풍이 잠잠할 기미가 보이지 않는 거예요

00;16;30;16 - 00;16;33;12
그래서 배의 싫었던 모든 짐들을 버립니다

00;16;33;12 - 00;16;35;14
배를 가볍게 하려구요

00;16;35;14 - 00;16;39;28
그렇게 짐을 다 버렸는데도 불구하고 살 소망이 없어요

00;16;40;18 - 00;16;42;26
그들이 더이상 살 소망이 없어지자

00;16;43;14 - 00;16;47;01
자기네들이 믿는 신들에게 기도하기 시작합니다

00;16;47;13 - 00;16;51;26
갑작스런 태풍이 무언가 이유가 있을 것이라고

00;16;52;09 - 00;16;53;26
그들이 생각했던 것 같아요

00;16;54;08 - 00;16;56;04
그래서 배에 타고 있는 사람들이 모여서

00;16;56;04 - 00;16;58;22
이 태풍이 누구 때문에 일어났는지

00;16;58;23 - 00;17;02;01
‘우리 아마 제비를 뽑아보자'라고 해서 제비를 뽑았는데

00;17;02;01 - 00;17;02;25
누가 걸려요?

00;17;03;13 - 00;17;05;22
요나가 걸려요
00;17;05;22 - 00;17;08;24
그래서 12절 말씀을 보면 더 재미있어요

00;17;08;24 - 00;17;14;19
요나는 태풍이 자기 때문에 일어난 걸 이미 알고 있어요

00;17;16;00 - 00;17;17;18
하나님이 막으신 것

00;17;17;18 - 00;17;19;28
다시 한번 더 기회를 주신 것을

00;17;20;03 - 00;17;20;23
요나는 알아요

00;17;20;23 - 00;17;23;19
근데 요나가 어떻게 반응하는지 아십니까?

00;17;24;16 - 00;17;27;27
자기를 바다에 던지라고 이야기를 해요

00;17;28;09 - 00;17;29;12
여러분 어떤 의미예요?

00;17;30;14 - 00;17;34;17
모든 것이 자기 잘못이니 내가 책임을 지겠다고 이런 의미입니까?

00;17;35;01 - 00;17;36;10
이렇게 생각하시나요?

00;17;36;10 - 00;17;37;27
아니에요 여러분

00;17;37;27 - 00;17;39;08
뭔가 이상하지 않아요?

00;17;39;19 - 00;17;42;17
내가 범인이라는 걸 안다면 하나님이 나 때문에

00;17;42;17 - 00;17;44;10
태풍을 일으킨 걸 안다면
00;17;44;10 - 00;17;46;20
여러분 요나의 반응은 이렇게 나와야죠

00;17;46;21 - 00;17;48;22
하나님 죄송합니다

00;17;48;22 - 00;17;50;19
내가 니느웨로 가겠습니다

00;17;50;19 - 00;17;52;22
하나님의 말씀에 순종하겠습니다

00;17;52;22 - 00;17;54;11
여러분 이게 정상이죠

00;17;54;11 - 00;17;56;20
근데 요나가 지금 뭐라고 이야기하는 거예요

00;17;56;28 - 00;17;59;23
‘나를 바다에 던져라'라고 이야기를 하는 거예요

00;17;59;23 - 00;18;00;29
여러분 이건 이런 의미인 거예요

00;18;00;29 - 00;18;02;15
난 죽어도 싫다라는 거예요

00;18;03;15 - 00;18;07;16
‘니느웨를 갈 바에 나는 그냥 죽는 게 낫겠어’라는 거예요

00;18;08;01 - 00;18;11;15
‘하나님의 말씀에 순종할 바에 난 죽겠어’라는 거예요

00;18;11;19 - 00;18;14;26
실제로 바다에 자신을 던집니다

00;18;15;21 - 00;18;18;11
대단한 사람이에요

00;18;18;11 - 00;18;19;28
대단한 고집이에요
00;18;19;28 - 00;18;24;07
요나는 결국 자신의 목숨을 바다에 던져버려요

00;18;24;26 - 00;18;27;16
여러분 그때 17절 말씀에 이렇게 되어 있습니다

00;18;27;16 - 00;18;30;26
우리 17절 말씀을 우리 한번같이 읽어보도록 하겠습니다

00;18;45;02 - 00;18;47;24
요나가 바다에 스스로 몸을 던집니다

00;18;48;06 - 00;18;52;03
그런데 큰 물고기가 와서 요나를 삼켜요

00;18;52;08 - 00;18;55;13
그러니까 3일 동안 그 물고기 뱃속에서 요나는

00;18;56;04 - 00;19;00;26
자신의 잘못을 뉘우치고 용서를 구합니다

00;19;01;07 - 00;19;05;05
그리고 다시 그는 말씀의 선지자로

00;19;05;23 - 00;19;08;06
사명의 자리로 나아가게 되는

00;19;08;23 - 00;19;11;22
그 장면이 요나 2장, 3장, 4장에 나오게 됩니다

00;19;13;00 - 00;19;16;02
자신의 목숨까지 버리면서

00;19;16;04 - 00;19;18;15
반항했던 요나였는데

00;19;19;28 - 00;19;24;27
그 요나보다 하나님이 더 강합니다

00;19;24;27 - 00;19;27;05
여러분들의 인생을 돌아보십시오
00;19;27;05 - 00;19;31;05
하나님의 말씀 가운데 매번 순종으로 반응하셨습니까?

00;19;31;15 - 00;19;33;11
매번 순전한 예배자로

00;19;33;25 - 00;19;36;20
그 희생과 헌신의 길 가운데 나아가셨습니까?

00;19;37;05 - 00;19;37;25

00;19;38;04 - 00;19;39;29
하나님의 말씀이 있음에도 불구하고

00;19;40;17 - 00;19;42;12
하나님이 우리의 이 땅 가운데

00;19;42;12 - 00;19;44;10
어떻게 살아가야 되는지에 대해서

00;19;44;21 - 00;19;47;05
끊임없이 말씀하고 있음에도 불구하고

00;19;47;17 - 00;19;49;06
우리는 내가 원하는 대로

00;19;49;14 - 00;19;50;12
나의 뜻대로

00;19;50;26 - 00;19;53;24
나의 생각대로 살아가고 있지 않나요?

00;19;53;24 - 00;19;55;06
여러분 그때마다 하나님께서

00;19;55;06 - 00;19;58;01
벌 하신다면 여기에 살아 남아있는 사람은

00;19;58;19 - 00;19;59;24
아무도 없을 거예요
00;20;00;15 - 00;20;05;04
하나님은 꼭 요나 여야만 했던 것 같습니다

00;20;06;00 - 00;20;10;13
하나님은 꼭 당신이어야 하는 것입니다

00;20;11;04 - 00;20;15;00
하나님은 꼭 저야만 하는 거에요

00;20;16;23 - 00;20;18;19
이후의 사건을 보면 니느웨는 결국

00;20;19;00 - 00;20;21;01
요나를 통해서 하나님 앞에 회개합니다

00;20;21;08 - 00;20;23;18
그런데 성경을 계속 해서 보면

00;20;24;04 - 00;20;27;17
하나님의 초점은 여전히 요나에게 있어요

00;20;28;12 - 00;20;33;19
하나님의 관심은 여전히 요나를 주목하고 있어요

00;20;34;15 - 00;20;36;16
하나님은 니느웨를 살리기 위해서요

00;20;36;16 - 00;20;38;19
나를 도구로 삼으신 것이 아니에요

00;20;38;19 - 00;20;40;20
우리 하나님 그런 분 아니에요

00;20;40;20 - 00;20;41;29
도망가는 요나

00;20;42;07 - 00;20;43;13
불순종 하는 요나

00;20;44;00 - 00;20;46;25
반항하는 요나에게 큰 폭풍으로
00;20;47;10 - 00;20;50;16
큰 물고기로 괴롭히고 벌 주시는 곳이 아니었어요

00;20;51;00 - 00;20;52;24
하나님이 요나에게 원했던 것은

00;20;52;24 - 00;20;54;11
이땅을 향한 하나님의 마음

00;20;55;14 - 00;20;57;28
잃어버린 영혼을 향한 하나님의 긍휼함

00;20;58;17 - 00;21;03;10
그리고 요나를 향한 하나님의 신실한 사랑을 보여주고

00;21;03;19 - 00;21;06;11
깨닫게 하기 위한 것이었습니다

00;21;07;14 - 00;21;12;16
여러분 나의 불순종보다 하나님의 사랑이 큽이다

00;21;12;16 - 00;21;13;27

00;21;13;29 - 00;21;15;04
나의 반항보다

00;21;15;22 - 00;21;19;19
나를 향한 하나님의 열심이 더 강합니다

00;21;19;29 - 00;21;23;22
하나님의 선택은 여러분 절대 포기하지 않습니다

00;21;24;08 - 00;21;27;24
하나님은 여러분들을 절대로 포기하지 않아요

00;21;28;17 - 00;21;30;26
여러분들이 하나님 앞에 반항을 한다 할지라도

00;21;31;12 - 00;21;33;15
여러분들 죄 가운데에 있다 할지라도
00;21;33;22 - 00;21;36;16
끊임없이 하나님으로부터 멀어지기 위해서

00;21;37;06 - 00;21;38;27
나의 인생의 배를 타고

00;21;39;03 - 00;21;41;15
하나님과 반대로 멀어진다고 할지라도

00;21;42;03 - 00;21;45;28
하나님은 당신을 반드시 붙잡을 것입니다

00;21;46;03 - 00;21;48;13
오늘 혹시 우리 중에 하나님의 얼굴을 피해서

00;21;48;29 - 00;21;51;14
하나님으로부터 멀어지고 있는 분들이 있습니까?

00;21;51;14 - 00;21;53;21
도저히 하나님을 이해할 수 없어서

00;21;54;09 - 00;21;56;24
도저히 하나님의 뜻이 나의 생각과 달라서

00;21;57;09 - 00;22;00;23
하나님을 포기하신 분들이 있으십니까?

00;22;00;23 - 00;22;01;12

00;22;01;12 - 00;22;02;08

00;22;02;08 - 00;22;03;14

00;22;03;14 - 00;22;05;10

00;22;05;10 - 00;22;10;23
그러나 하나님은 여러분들을 절대로 포기하지 않으실 것입니다
00;22;10;23 - 00;22;12;00
여러분들의 불순종은

00;22;12;18 - 00;22;13;18

00;22;13;27 - 00;22;18;17
완전한 사랑으로 덮으실 것이기 때문에 그렇습니다

00;22;18;17 - 00;22;19;14

00;22;20;28 - 00;22;23;26
여러분들이 있어야 하는 그 자리

00;22;23;29 - 00;22;24;23
사랑의 자리

00;22;26;09 - 00;22;28;03
사명의 자리

00;22;28;08 - 00;22;29;17
그 부르심의 자리로

00;22;30;01 - 00;22;31;20
하나님은 반드시

00;22;32;12 - 00;22;34;28
회복시키시고 인도하실 줄 믿습니다

00;22;36;01 - 00;22;39;13
오늘 우리를 향한 하나님의 마음이 혹시 궁금하십니까?

00;22;40;12 - 00;22;42;05
나를 향한 하나님의 말씀

00;22;42;12 - 00;22;44;02
여러분 그 음성을 듣기 원하십니까?

00;22;44;21 - 00;22;46;00
그렇다면 오늘 이 밤에
00;22;46;09 - 00;22;48;03
우리가 함께 이 찬양을 고백하며

00;22;48;18 - 00;22;49;28
하나님 앞에 기도 하며

00;22;50;06 - 00;22;52;07
나아가는 시간이 되었으면 좋겠습니다
00;01;32;23 - 00;01;37;03
I'm not sure if anyone has come across recent news articles,

00;01;37;06 - 00;01;40;23
but there's a great revival happening in Asbury

00;01;40;23 - 00;01;43;09
and across the United States right now.

00;01;44;01 - 00;01;48;07
The worship services in school chapels started and have continued for several days without stopping,

00;01;49;02 - 00;01;50;16
with students constantly attending

00;01;50;16 - 00;01;54;09
Not just those students, but also people from the surrounding areas

00;01;54;09 - 00;01;59;11
are coming out to worship together, and a history of revival is happening right now.

00;02;00;09 - 00;02;03;12
I hope that such things can also happen in Korea, here in our place,

00;02;03;13 - 00;02;09;02
and in each of your lives and homes.

00;02;09;09 - 00;02;11;23
Revival means restoration.

00;02;11;28 - 00;02;14;26
I pray in the name of the Lord

00;02;14;26 - 00;02;17;10
that the worship in your hearts towards God

00;02;17;10 - 00;02;20;11
may be renewed and restored in your lives once again.

00;02;21;14 - 00;02;24;15
Today, let us read together the word that God has given us.
00;02;24;15 - 00;02;27;16
We will alternately read a verse of the book of Jonah.

00;02;27;16 - 00;02;28;17
I will read first, and then you can read.

00;05;17;12 - 00;05;19;09
We have read up to chapter 16.

00;05;19;29 - 00;05;22;01
Earlier, before we worshiped,

00;05;22;01 - 00;05;25;04
we talked about Jonah and asked,

00;05;25;13 - 00;05;28;13
What do you know about Jonah?

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And we answered, "a fish."

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That's right.

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The fish swallowed Jonah,

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and we probably remember the scenes

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of Jonah being in the belly of the fish for three days.

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However, when I think of Jonah, a word other than "fish" comes to mind.

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That word is "disobedience."

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Jonah is an icon of disobedience.
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He immediately disobeys God's word.

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If you look at the people of the moon mentioned in the Bible, they achieved God's work through faith and obedienc

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There are many stories of these Bible figures who carried out God's work through faith and obedience.

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We want to resemble such biblical figures.

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But I really like Jonah.

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I like him because I can relate to him.

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Jonah openly rebels against God's word.

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In the book of Jonah that we read,

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it shows Jonah's disobedience very vividly.

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What is more important is how God deals with Jonah's disobedience and rebellion.

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Through the book of Jonah, we need to see

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how God handles Jonah's disobedience and rebellion.

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Let me read verses 1 and 2.
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Everyone, Jonah is a prophet.

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Prophets have the role of proclaiming God's word.

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In the book of Jonah that we read today, Jonah is portrayed as a disobedient person.

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We may know and perceive him as such.

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However, in reality, Jonah is a major prophet.

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If we look further into Jonah's material in the Bible,

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almost all of the prophecies that Jonah spoke were fulfilled.

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During the time when Jonah was active,

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it was during the reign of King Jeroboam II

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in the northern kingdom of Israel.

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At that time, he prophesied the victory of northern Israel,

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and in fact, Israel did achieve many victories in war.

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To hear God's word, a prophet should always live a holy life.

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And always listen to God and live according to His will.

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That Jonah's prophecy was fulfilled,

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infers that he clearly heard and shared God's word.

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Then one day, God speaks to Jonah.

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What does He say?

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He says two things.

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First, go to Nineveh.

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And second, that the wickedness of the people of Nineveh will be judged by God.

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God tells Jonah to proclaim these two things.

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Nineveh was the capital of Assyria.

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Assyria was a nation that had been an enemy to the Israelites for a long time.

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According to records
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Assyria have done many terrible things.

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If they won a war, they would gouge out the eyes and tongues of their enemies.

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They even made a garden out of the heads of the people they killed.

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Assyria was a very evil and terrible nation,

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that had been harassing Israel for a long time.

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But God was going to judge that nation.

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God sees their wickedness.

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He says they will receive judgment as a consequence.

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Isn't this good news for Jonah?

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The nation that was their enemy.

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God is going to judge that nation now.

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Isn't this good news for Jonah?

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But Jonah doesn't see it that way

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In our eyes, it looks like God will judge the city of Nineveh,
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but Jonah knew better.

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Jonah knew that God was giving them a chance.

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If God was really going to judge them, He would not have given them a warning.

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God gives Nineveh a chance to repent.

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and that's why Jonah didn't like it.

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God's mercy, compassion,

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and grace towards them,

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he simply could not accept it.

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So what did Jonah choose?

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Shall we look at verse 3?

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I'll read it once.

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Because Jonah knew God's word so well,
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because he knew what was in God's heart,

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Jonah reacted in that way.

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God, I cannot do it.

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I understand your plan, but I cannot participate.

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I cannot acknowledge Nineveh's salvation,

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I don't even want to see it with my own eyes.

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So Jonah rebels completely before God.

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My will, my plan, my thoughts,

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are more important than Your words.

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So he runs away.

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It's more like rebellion than running away.

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He rebels.

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So what does he do?

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He tells us he fled from the face of God in the previous spring.
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What does it mean by fleeing from God's face?

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If we leave this place now in Israel,

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does that mean that God will not pursue us?

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Is Jonah that ignorant?

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Jonah is a person who knows God very well.

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He knows that wherever he goes, he is always in God's hand.

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The fact that he turned away from God's face means

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He who always lived seeking the face of God,

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will no longer seek the face of God.

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It means that he will completely turn away from God's face.

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In today's scripture, the phrase "went down" is mentioned twice.

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First, he went down to Joppa to board a ship

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to flee
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The expression "went down" is used once again at that time.

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And then, after getting on the boat, he goes down to the lowest deck of the boat.

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He goes down twice.

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Continuing to go down, so as not to face God's face.

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It doesn't mean physical distance.

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It means his soul is descending lower and lower.

00:12:35:15 - 00:12:38:02

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And finally, he falls into a deep sleep on the boat.

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His soul falls asleep.

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He becomes completely numb before God.

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Think about it, a typhoon is raging.

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and he fell asleep on the boat

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Jonah, who was always awake like a sharp sword towards God,

00:13:01:21 - 00:13:03:28
falls asleep before God.
00:13:04:16 - 00:13:06:08
He began to ignore God.

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He closed his eyes towards God,

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and shut his ears to the word of God.

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It was the image of Jonah who began to make a decision of rebellion rather than a decision of faith.

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He was running away, avoiding God's face.

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But if we pay attention to the previous words,

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the word "coincidentally" appears.

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What happened coincidentally?

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He was running away, avoiding God's face.

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he was running away get on the ship.

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but 'coincidentally,' the ship turns out to head to the city of Tarshish.

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What a perfect timing.

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Just as he was fleeing from God, ironically a path opened up.

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There's one thing we need to remember here, everyone.
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When we make choices and decisions,

00:13:50:26 - 00:13:54:20
there are times when a door naturally opens up.

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And when this happens, we need to ask God,

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if this is truly His Will.

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If a door is opened by God's providence

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then in whatever path I choose take,

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when Moses reached the Red Sea,

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the sea should have already been split.

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When Daniel and his friends entered the fiery furnace,

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the fire should have already been extinguished.

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Moses prayed standing in front of the Red Sea

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with the Egyptian army in pursuit, and the water was divided.

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Daniel and his three friends went in with faith

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even though the fire had not yet gone out.
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When you haven't prayed in the middle of your life,

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and things are resolved smoothly,

00:14:35:21 - 00:14:39:18
all the doors in front of you open naturally,

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and everything falls into place,

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remember that moment.

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You have to pray more

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You have to ask God more

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When everything goes well without praying

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That's a crisis

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When the way opens without asking God

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You have to hit the brakes of life at that time.

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Following the flower road that I see before me,

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with such perfect timing,

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that's not the kind of life we should live, we must follow our calling.
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The narrow path, the narrow door,

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choosing it and breaking through any obstacles

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in front of us with faith,

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I pray that we become that kind of person in Jesus Name

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I will continue to read verses 4 and 5.

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responded to God's word with "but."

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But what is happening from verse 4?

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A great storm is happening.

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God responds to Jonah's "but" with a "but" of His own.

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He sends a great storm towards fleeing Jonah.

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It's not about punishing Jonah for his disobedience and rebellion,

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but about preventing him from going further away.

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God blocked his path with a typhoon.
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The people on the boat together went into a panic.

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The signs of the calm before the typhoon couldn't be seen.

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So they threw away all the unwanted items on the ship.

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They wanted to make the ship lighter.

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But even after throwing everything away, they had no hope of survival.

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When they lost all hope of survival,

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they began to pray to the gods they believed in.

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They thought there must be a reason for the sudden typhoon.

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So they gathered together on the ship,

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and tried to figure out who or what caused the typhoon.

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They suggested drawing lots to see who was responsible.

00:17:02:01 - 00:17:02:25
and who drew the short straw?

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So, if you look at verse 12, it's even more interesting.

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Jonah already knows that the storm is happening because of him.

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That God has prevented him from getting farther away,

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and that He is giving him another chance,

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Jonah knew this.

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But do you know how he reacted?

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He tells the people to throw him into the sea.

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What does that mean?

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Does this mean "everything is my fault, so I will take responsibility"?

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Is this what you're thinking?

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Isn't something strange?

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If I know that I am the culprit, if I know that I am

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the cause for the typhoon,
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This is how Jonah's reaction should be.

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God, I'm sorry.

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I will go to Nineveh.

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I will obey Your word.

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This should be the right behavior

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But what is Jonah saying now?

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He is saying, "Throw me into the sea."

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This means that he would rather die.

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He is saying, "It is better for me to die than to go to Nineveh."

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I would rather die than disobey God's word.

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And he actually throws himself into the sea.

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How impressive

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I means, look at his stubborness
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Jonah eventually throws his own life into the sea.

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In verse 17, it is written like this:

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Let's read verse 17 together.

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Jonah throws himself into the sea.

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But a large fish comes and swallows Jonah.

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So, for three days, Jonah is in the belly of the fish,

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reflecting on his mistake and asking for forgiveness.

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And once again, he becomes a prophet of the Word,

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and moves towards his calling.

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This scene is depicted in Jonah chapters 2, 3, and 4.

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Jonah rebelled even to the point of risking his own life,

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but God is stronger than Jonah.

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but God is stronger than Jonah.

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Look back at your own life,
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Have you always responded to God's word with obedience?

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Have you always walked the path of pure devotion,

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offering your sacrifices and dedication?

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No, you haven't.

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Even though God's word is present,

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Even though God continuously speaks about

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how we should live in this world,

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aren't we living according to

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our own desires and wills,

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our own thoughts?

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If God punishes us every single time we commit mistakes,

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there will be no one left to survive here.

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then no one will be left alive here.
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It seems like God needed Jonah specifically.

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God needs you specifically.

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God needs me specifically.

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In the subsequent events, Nineveh ultimately repents before God

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through Jonah

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However, if we continue to read the Bible,

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God's focus is still on Jonah.

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God's attention is still focused on Jonah.

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to save Nineveh.

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God did not use me as a tool.

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Our God is not like that

00:20:40:20 - 00:20:41:29
Jonah fleeing

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Jonah disobeying

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God did not send a great storm
00:20:47:10 - 00:20:50:16
and a big fish to punish Jonah's rebellion

00:20:51:00 - 00:20:52:24
What God wanted for Jonah was

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to show and let him realize

00:20:55:14 - 00:20:57:28
His heart towards this land

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His compassion towards the lost souls

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His faithful love

00:21:07:14 - 00:21:12:16
God's love is greater than my disobedience.

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Do you believe it?

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God's zeal for me is stronger.

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Than my rebellion.

00:21:19:29 - 00:21:23:22
God's choice never gives up

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God will never give up on you.

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Even if you rebel against God,

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Even if you are in sin,
00:21:33:22 - 00:21:36:16
constantly moving away from God,

00:21:37:06 - 00:21:38:27
drifting away from Him,

00:21:39:03 - 00:21:41:15
even if you are moving away from God,

00:21:42:03 - 00:21:45:28
God will pull you back

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Are there anyone among us today who is turning away from God,

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moving away from Him and hiding their face from Him?

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Are there those who have given up on God,

00:21:54:09 - 00:21:56:24
because they cannot understand Him,

00:21:57:09 - 00:22:00:23
or because His will is different from your own thoughts?

00:22:00:23 - 00:22:01:12
It's okay.

00:22:01:12 - 00:22:02:08
Give up.

00:22:02:08 - 00:22:03:14
Move away.

00:22:03:14 - 00:22:05:10

00:22:05:10 - 00:22:10:23
Yet, God will never give up on you.
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Your disobedience

00:22:12:18 - 00:22:13:18
will be covered by God's

00:22:13:27 - 00:22:18:17
unconditional love for you.

00:22:18:17 - 00:22:19:14
I believe that our God will surely

00:22:20:28 - 00:22:23:26
restore and guide us,

00:22:23:29 - 00:22:24:23
in the place love,

00:22:26:09 - 00:22:28:03
in the place of vocation,

00:22:28:08 - 00:22:29:17
in the place of His calling.

00:22:30:01 - 00:22:31:20

00:22:32:12 - 00:22:34:28

00:22:36:01 - 00:22:39:13
Are you curious about God's heart for us today?

00:22:40:12 - 00:22:42:05
Do you want to hear His voice?

00:22:42:12 - 00:22:44:02
God's word for you?

00:22:44:21 - 00:22:46:00
Then tonight,
00:22:46:09 - 00:22:48:03
let us sing this praise together

00:22:48:18 - 00:22:49:28
and pray before God.

00:22:50:06 - 00:22:52:07
Let it be a time of confession
우리가 생각하는 예배는
교회에서 찬양을 하는것에 그치지 않는 예배
교회에서 기도를 드리는 것에 그치지 않는 예배
교회에서 말씀을 듣는 것에 그치지 않는 예배
우리의 삶 속에서
공부할 때나
일할 때나
친구들과 대화할 때
가족과 식사할 때
계속해서 이어가며 완성되는 예배입니다.

그리고 우리는 꿈꿉니다

고아와 과부와 나그네를 도울 수 있는
마음의 여유가 있는
삶의 예배자가 되기를
작은 물방울이 모여 사랑을 이루고
그 사랑의 물줄기가 세상을 덮기를
The worship we envision is not limited to praising in church,
not limited to praying in church,
not limited to listening to sermons in church,
but rather, it is a continuous act of worship
in our daily lives, 영
while studying,
while working, 상
while conversing with friends,
while dining with family.

It is an ongoing act of worship that is completed through our daily actions. 작
And we dream 할
of becoming worshipers of life,
who have the capacity to help orphans, widows, and refugees,

who have a heart of compassion,
as small droplets of water come together to form love,
may the streams of that love cover the world.

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