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Adam Collins
Audentes Fortuna adiuvat


Library assistant — helped students research, led library ​Communication

activities, aided students and staff navigate the library ​Child care

​Basic Mandarin
Carson High, Chess club— President ​Handle money
August 2022- Present 2023
​Technologically proficient
charged with the inception of each meeting, performing overall
management of the club, determining any potential meets or ​Problem-solving
competitions, communicating information in a timely manner to club
members, and helping introduce players to the game of chess.
Work Experience, Summer day camp — Child wrangler
Bsap award
June 2021-July 2021

I’ve worked at a summer day camp wrangling and assisting children

Honor roll

Leadership Experiences West Angeles church Troop 848—

senior patrol leader
January 2016- 2021

Boy scouts of America troop 848 senior patrol leader for about a year and English, six years of
a half mandarin,

Library assistant — helped students research, led library

activities, aided students and staff navigate the library


Carson High school, Carson California


Community service

Eagle scout projects —

I have assisted in the completion of several eagle scout projects

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