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Women Can be

Strong Too
By: Sierra Koenig

3 Tips to up
your protein

Myths and facts

about lifting for

Table of Contents
Editors letter......................................................................3

3 tips to up your protein...................................................5

Bodybuilding and the use of Steroids.............................6

Workouts for beginners...................................................10

Muscle groups worked.....................................................11

How to get Started at the Gym for Beginners................12

Healthy Baked Oats Recipe..............................................14

Serena Williams quote......................................................16

Myths about getting Bulky..............................................17


Editor: Sierra Koenig

Story Editor: Sierra Koenig

Layout & Design: Sierra Koenig

Photography editor: Sierra Koenig
Editors Letter

H ello Reader! The focus of this magazine is to make women more con-
fident at the gym. Research on women lifting at the gym is hard to
find. So many women do not know the benefits of the gym. I wrote this
magazine to encourage women to lift.

I have been lifting at the gym for over 6 years and have learned so much
and I continue to learn more every day. I would like to share my knowledge
and hope to inspire people as well.

Sierra Koenig

3 Tips to up your
1. Eat more eggs
2. Eat more meats
3. Drink protein shakes

I n order to build muscle, it is suggested to take in .6-.8 grams of protein per lb of

body weight each day. Protein is importantr to gain muscle. Active people need to
take in more protein than people that arent active to gain muscle. Eggs have about 6
grams of protein in them. 1 cup of chicken has around 38 grams of protein in it. 1 lb
of ground beef has around 65 grams of protein. Most protein powders contain 20- 25
grams of protein per scoop. Protein can be added to your diet through many other
foods and drinks. Milk, beans, greek yogurt, cheese, nuts, peas, fish, and so many
other things also contain protein.

Why is Protein Important?

Protein is comprised of a molecule called amino acids which 5
are building blocks for muscles.
and the use of
By: Sierra Koenig

Kim Chizevsky-Nicholls was a

Four-time Ms. Olympia winner.
Her fitness story is different than
someone that goes to the gym
to be healthier. 6
Bodybuilding and the use of Steroids
About Kim Chizevsky-Nicholls

efore I scare She placed second in gym and lifting, they
you to ever pick 1995 for Ms. Olympia. worry they will end up
up a weight in She also placed second looking like Chizevsky.
the gym, Kim for Ms. International in This is not the case.
Chizevsky- Nicholls 1995 and first in 1996. Women like Chizevsky
took steroids. This is a Women that compete in that are bodybuilders
common mis- spend their life
conception that lifting and eating
women think as properly to get
soon as they start strong so they can
to lift, they will compete along
look bulky. Kim with using illegal
Chizevsky- Nich- drugs or steroids
olls is considered to gain muscle.
one of the greatest
and most muscu- Women that are
lar female body- lifting at the gym
builders of her for physical health
time. In 1996 she are not training
was the first fe- as hard or often
male bodybuilder as bodybuilders.
to win both Ms. Therefore, women
International and that lift for their
Olympia in the health will not get
same year. Chizevsky bodybuilding at high- extremely bulky. Also,
was inducted into the er levels and not in the it is harder for women
hall of fame of the IFBB natural category use to gain muscle because
for Pro Women’s Body- steroids. Steroids are women have lower tes-
building. She won Ms. extremely effective for tosterone levels than
Olympia four times. She women to get stronger. men.
won first place in 1996, When most women
1997, 1998, and 1999. think about going to the
Steroids deepened voice, problems
with periods, hair loss, and
hallucinations and manic
behavior. Bodybuilders
Steroids are taken to in- extreme acne. The Psycho- take steroids to look aes-
crease muscle mass and logical effects of steroids thetic and bigger. Body-
decrease fat. Many people building is about looks of
have misused the drug as the contestant. At higher
well. Some people believe levels usually bodybuilders
taking steroids will make are not natural. In some
them fit and happy, but lower bodybuilding cate-
this is not true. Steroids gories people remain natu-
are a very dangerous drug ral. Steroids are taken by a
habit. Steroids often lead to lot of people. Some people
serious physical and psy- will take steroids if they do
chological changes. Some not like the progress that
of the physical effects ste- they see in the gym. Ste-
roids can have on women roids are a very dangerous
are facial hair and body drug that many bodybuild-
hair growth, loss of breasts, are aggressive behavior, ers and lifters take. 8
mood swings, paranoia,
-Barbell back squat
-Hack squat
-Leg press
-Leg extension
-Leg curl
-Seated calf raises
-Bent over row
-Lat pulldowns
-Straight bar push
Getting started at down
the gym can be -Seated row
-Face pulls
Arms hard. Here are some -T-bar row
-Bicep curls
-Shoulder press
workouts to help
-Tricep push down get you started at
-Lateral raises
-Hammer curls the gym.
-Skull crushers

-Russian twists
-Flutter kicks

-Bench press
-Dumbbell fly
-Chest press
-Incline bench press
-Cable fly

Workouts for beginners 10

Muscle groups worked
-Leg curls - hamstrings
-Leg extension - quads
-Seated calf raises - calves
-Bicep curls - Biceps
-Shoulder press - shoulders
-Tricep pushdowns - Triceps
-Lateral raises - shoulders
-Hammer curls - Biceps
and forearms
-Skull crushers - triceps
-Incline bench press - Top
of the chest
-Bench press - Chest,
triceps, and shoulders
- Lat pulldowns - lats
-Face pulls - rear delts

“A strong woman
stands up for herself.
A stronger woman
stands up for every-
one else.” 11
How to get started at the Gym: for Beginners
By: Sierra Koenig

lright, it’s your first you determine if this gym time so don’t be afraid. If
day at the gym. is the right fit for you. If a trainer is too expensive
You have never the gym doesn’t have what then use friends, family,
stepped inside a gym be- you want, then look at or resources online to gain
fore today. If you are a bit other gyms until you find knowledge about lifting.
nervous don’t be embar- the one best for you. The Once you start to gain
rassed, we have all been tour will also help you some knowledge go to the
there. What should you know where all the equip- gym. If you have a friend
do? Go or family
up to the mem-
biggest ber that
dude in works
the gym out that
and ask is willing
him, “Do to teach
you even you some
lift bro?” stuff, take
Yeah, them up
maybe on the
not. That offer.
is what After a
not to while you
do. Most will gain
people knowl-
think when they go to the ment is located. Once you edge and you will continue
gym everyone is judging are more familiar with the to learn about the gym
them, which is not true. gym sign up for a class or and get stronger.
Most people at the gym a personal trainer if
are so focused on them- needed to get start-
selves they don’t even ed on your fitness
notice you. The first thing journey. Lifting at
to do when you go to the the gym is a learn-
gym for the first time is ing experience even
to ask the front desk for for people that have
a gym tour. This will help been doing it a long
Healthy Baked Oats Recipe

Ingredients: cinnamon in a blender. Add

in chocolate chips to blend-
-1/4 cup milk or almond milk er, Stir in the chocolate chips.
-1 egg Pour into a greased 9x9 baking
-1/2 a banana dish. Place into oven for 25 to
-1/2 cup oats 30 minutes. Take out the baked
-1 Tbsp maple syrup oats and enjoy!
-1 Tbsp peanut butter
1/4 tsp baking powder
-Pinch of cinnamon
-Pinch of sea salt
-1/4 cup chocolate

Preheat oven to 350
degrees. Blend milk,
egg, banana, oats,
syrup, peanut butter,
baking powder, sea
salt, and
“The success of every woman should be the
inspiration to another. We should raise each
other up. Make sure you’re very courageous:
be strong, be extremely kind, and above all
be humble.”

-Serena Williams
Myths about Getting Bulky
Many women fear getting bulky or looking manly. This image is of a female body-
builder. This image is what a lot of women thin they will look like if they lift but that is
not true. The image on the bottom is more like what woman that lift look like.

The Truth about Benefits of Lifting

Gaining Muscle 1. Lifting helps with fat
loss. The more muscle
It is hard to gain
a person has the fast-
muscle especially for
er their metabolism
women. Women don’t
is which means more
have enough testoster-
calories will be burned.
one to get as strong or
“bulky” as men.
2.Improves mood and
helps decrease stress.
It takes time and
Exercise releases endor-
consistency to build
phins which helps with
muscle and even then,
women won’t look
bulky unless they are
3. Gain strength. Wom-
taking performance
en have less testoster-
enhancing drugs.
one than men so they
can gain muscle with-
The reality out getting bulky.

Most women 4. Improves athletic

that lift will look toned performance. Having a
like this picture after stronger body can help
lifting for some time. It with speed, endurance,
is harder for women to and agility.
get big because of the
amount of testosterone
that women produce.

Capritto, Amanda. “Does Lifting Weights Make Women Bulky?
the Myth That Won’t Die.” CNET, CNET, 16 Apr. 2021, https://

Matthews, Michael. “How Much Protein You Should Eat to

Build Muscle.” Legion Athletics, 16 May 2022, https://legion-

NHS Choices, NHS,


Vkim. “Kim Chizevsky-Nicholls Reminisces on Her Olym-

pia-Winning Career.” Muscle & Fitness, 14 Apr. 2022,

“6 Benefits of Weight Training for Women.” BH Live Active,

21 Apr. 2022,


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