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14/04/2023, 14:21 EndTerm_ExMTech_Python_Course.

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Python End Sem Examination

Executive M. Tech. Program

IIT Jammu
Max. Marks: 70                           Duration: 3 Hrs

NOTE: Please submit only python notebook file. File naming format should be stricktly followed.
The solutions file should be named as rollnumber_name. ipynb e.g.
2022pai0123_Y ourN ame. ipynb .

Do not submit compressed folder or text files. No formatss, other than ‘‘. ipynb " are acceptable
in submission. All other formats will be discarded, hence no evaluation will be done.

Q1: Write a python code to reverse a Linked List from position X to position Y.
Let length of list n = 15,     X = 5    and   Y = 12

--- 3 marks

Q2: Write a python code to remove duplicate elements from a sorted Linked List.
--- 3 marks

#Solution code here

Q3: For a given Linked List, write a code to return the node value where the cycle begins.
Also find the length of cycle in the list.
--- 5 (3+2) marks

Q4: Write a python program to construct a tree from Inorder and PreOrder traversal of
binary tree.
--- 4 marks

Q5: In the give binary tree, write a python code to print all root-to-leaf paths. 1/4
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--- 8 (2+2+2+2) Marks

Q6: Write a Python program to print (a) Pre-order, (b) In-order, (c) Post-order and (d)
Level-order traversal of given binary search tree.

--- 10 (2.5 + 2.5 + 2.5 + 2.5) Marks

Q7: This question has four parts (2.5 Marks each):

-- 10 Marks

(a): How to find all the local maxima (or peaks) in a 1D array?
Peaks are points surrounded by smaller values on both sides.

E xampleI nput :

>> array([1, 3, 7, 1, 2, 6, 0, 1])

DesiredOutput :

>> array([2, 5]) .

(b): What is the difference between flatten and ravel functions in NumPy?
Consider: 2/4
14/04/2023, 14:21 EndTerm_ExMTech_Python_Course.ipynb - Colaboratory

What is the need of two different functions performing same job?

Write Your Answere and explanatino here: (double click to edit)

(c): Given a 2D numpy array (assume any with 8 x 8 dimensions), write a function to compute the
sum of each row and return the resulting 1D array.

(d): Write a function to find the index of the maximum value in a 1D numpy array of size 1x10
(Assume any random values between 10-20).

Q8: This queston has 2 parts. (3.5 Marks each):

-- 7 Marks

(a): Given a 2D numpy array, write a function to compute the dot product of the first row and the
second column.

(b): Consider a dataframe "df" with columns "col1" and "col2". Write a python code to select the first
row that has a unique value in both "col1" and "col2", and then remove that row from the dataframe.

Q9: Given a 3D numpy array, write a function to compute the mean value of each 2D
slice along the third axis and return the resulting 2D numpy array.
-- 10 Marks

Q10: Build a Keras program (model) in python to train a neural network to recognize
handwritten digits in the MNIST dataset ( Available at,
and use Matplotlib to display the confusion matrix for the model's predictions on a test
--- 10 Marks 3/4
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