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CS-56 SIMP Questions

Prepared by the CSE review team

Module-1(Study any 6)

1. Explain the architecture of UNIX OS.

2. Explain the following commands with syntax and example: cal, ls, wc, who, date, printf/echo,
passwd, rm, cp, mv, cat, cd, mkdir, od, .(dot) and .. (double dots)
3. Explain the salient features of UNIX OS.
4. What are the file types in UNIX? Briefly explain the different file categories.
5. Explain the parent-child relationship / tree file structure in UNIX with a diagram.
6. Write a note on relative and absolute pathnames.
7. What are internal and external commands? Explain with an example for each.

Module-2(Any 5)

1. Explain the following commands with all its options and an example:- a) grep b) ls -l
2. Explain in detail, the shell interpretive cycle.
3. Explain changing file permissions using absolute and relative methods.
4. Elaborate on the 3 standard redirection files supported by UNIX.
5. What is a shell script?
(i)Write a menu driven shell script that displays the following:
a) List of files b) Contents of file c) Current date d) Current users of system
e) Process status.
(ii)Write a shell script to create a simple calculator.
6. Write a note on - (i) Escaping & Quoting (ii) Exit and Exit Status (iii) Wild cards
(iv) pipe and test commands (v) Control statements like if, while, for & case.
7. Problems on changing file permissions. [vvimp]

Module-3(Study any 6)

1. With a neat diagram, explain the memory layout of the C program. Explain different functions used for
memory allocation.
2. Explain setjmp( ) and longjmp( ) with an example code.
3. Explain the UNIX kernel support for processes considering parent-child processes, show the related data
4. What is wait3 and wait4? Explain in brief about process creation, process termination and Race condition.
5. Differentiate between – fork and vfork , getrlimit & setrlimit, wait & waitpid
6. Explain briefly: (i) File and Record Locking (ii) FIFO and Device File API’s (iii)Symbolic Link File
7. Discuss how a C program is started and terminated in various ways along with suitable figure.


1. What is FIFO? Explain the client-server communication using FIFO.

2. Explain IPC.
3. Briefly explain with an example – i) Stream pipe ii)Message Queue iii) Semaphores iv)Process
Accounting and Process Time v) Interpreter files & User identification
vi) Shared Memory.
4. What are pipes? WAP to send data from parent to child over a pipe. Mention its advantages and
5. Write in brief about popen( ) and pclose( ).


1. Describe Daemon’s process. Explain error logging and its coding rules.
2. Explain the Client Server Model in Daemon’s process. WAP to convert a normal user process
into a Daemon process.
3. What are sigsetjmp and siglongjmp API’s? Explain.
4. Explain Alarm( ) API and Kill( ) API with suitable examples.
5. Define signal. Explain sigaction API and sigprocmask API with demonstrating program.
6. Explain in brief – Timers , SIGCHILD signal , waitpid( ), signal mask.

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