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Lesson’s Learning Outcomes

1. Solve problems in systematic and logical process;

2. Perform problem solving with fun and excitement.

Mathematics is useful because it provides a means of communication which is powerful, concise and
( The Cockfort Report , 1982

The most important thing that one must consider in problem-solving: be willing to guess,
experiment, estimate, and manipulate and try problems without feeling of being wrong.
With the development of mathematical reasoning, students recognize that mathematics makes
sense and can be understood. They learn how to evaluate situations, select problem-solving
strategies, draw logical conclusions, develop and describe solutions, and recognize how those
solutions can be applied.

Refers to the ability of a person to analyze problem situations and construct logical arguments to
justify his process or hypothesis, to create both conceptual foundations and connections, in order to
be able to process available information.
NCTM points out… that people who can reason and think analytically “ tend to note patterns ,
structure , or regularities in both real-world situations and symbolic objects.
Proficiencies in Focus
Mathematical problem solving is finding a way around a difficulty, around an obstacle, and
finding a solution to a problem that is unknown.

One of the primary reasons people have trouble with problem solving is that there is no single
procedure that works all the time — each problem is slightly different. Also, problem solving requires
practical knowledge about the specific situation. If you misunderstand either the problem or the
underlying situation you may make mistakes or incorrect assumptions
GEORGE POLYA ( 1887-1985) father of problem solving
Born in Hungary
Professor of mathematics at Stanford University
“ There is poetry and beauty in mathematics and every student
deserves to be taught by a person that shares that point of view.”

His book is “ How to Solve It “ . In 1945 George Polya published

the book How To Solve It which quickly became his most prized
publication. It sold over one million copies and has been
translated into 17 languages. In this book he identifies four basic
principles of problem solving.

Four phases of problem solving according to George Polya

1. Understand the Problem
2. Devise a Plan
3. Carry out the plan
4. Look Back

Understand the problem

Learn the necessary underlying mathematical concepts Consider the terminology and notation used
in the problem: 1. What sort of a problem is it? 2. What is being asked? 3. What do the terms mean?
4. Is there enough information or is more information needed? 5. What is known or unknown?
Rephrase the problem in your own words. Write down specific examples of the conditions given in
the problem
• Look for information given
• Visualize the information
• Organize the information
• Connect the information
Devise a plan
You must start somewhere so try something. How are you going to attack the problem? Possible
strategies: (i. e. reach into your bag of tricks.) 1. Draw pictures 2. Use a variable and choose helpful
names for variables or unknowns. 3. Be systematic. 4. Solve a simpler version of the problem. 5. Guess
and check. Trial and error. Guess and test. (Guessing is OK.) 6. Look for a pattern or patterns. 7. Make
a list. Once you understand what the problem is, if you are stumped or stuck, set the problem aside
for a while. Your subconscious mind may keep working on it. Moving on to think about other things
may help you stay relaxed, flexible, and creative rather than becoming tense, frustrated, and forced
in your efforts to solve the problem.

Remember Some of the Possible Strategies

1. Draw pictures
2. Use a variable and choose helpful names for variables or unknowns.
3. Be systematic.
4. Solve a simpler version of the problem.
5. Guess and check. Trial and error. Guess and test. (Guessing is OK.)
6. Look for a pattern or patterns.
7. Make a list.
8. Work backwards.

Carry out the plan

Once you have an idea for a new approach, jot it down immediately. When you have time, try it out
and see if it leads to a solution. If the plan does not seem to be working, then start over and try another
approach. Often the first approach does not work. Do not worry, just because an approach does not
work, it does not mean you did it wrong. You actually accomplished something, knowing a way does
not work is part of the process of elimination. Once you have thought about a problem or returned to
it enough times, you will often have a flash of insight: a new idea to try or a new perspective on how
to approach solving the problem. The key is to keep trying until something works.
• Use mathematical knowledge
• Use mathematical skills
• Use logical thinking

Look back
Once you have a potential solution, check to see if it works. 1. Did you answer the question? 2.Is your
result reasonable? 3. Double check to make sure that all of the conditions related to the problem are
satisfied. 4. Double check any computations involved in finding your solution. If you find that your
solution does not work, there may only be a simple mistake. Try to fix or modify your current attempt
before scrapping it. Remember what you tried—it is likely that at least part of it will end up being
useful. Is there another way of doing the problem which may be simpler? (You need to become
flexible in your thinking. There usually is not one right way.) Can the problem or method be
generalized so as to be useful for future problems? Can it be extended?

Check solution

– Is it reasonable?

Improve on the method used

Seek alternative solutions

Extend the method to other problems

One of the first strategies that students learn when solving problems.
a flexible strategy that is often used as a starting point when solving a problem, and can be used as a
safety net, when no other strategy is immediately obvious

Example A magic square of order n is an arrangement of n2 numbers, usually distinct integers, in a

square, such that the n numbers in all rows, all columns, and both diagonals sum to the same
constant. A magic square contains the integers from 1 to n2.
The constant sum in every row, column and diagonal is called the magic constant or magic sum , M.
The magic constant of a normal magic square depends only on n and has the following value:
𝑛(𝑛2 + 1)
For normal magic squares of order n = 3, 4, 5, ..., the magic constants are: 15, 34, 65, 111, 175, 260,

Illustrative Example Fill in the small boxes with digits 1 – 9 such that each horizontal, vertical, and
diagonal line of numbers must add up to the same sum.
Understand the Problem Carry out the Plan
A 3 by 3 square has 3 rows, and 3 columns. 8 1 6
a set of nine consecutive numbers will fill the 3 5 7
nine spaces. 4 9 2

Devise a Plan : Guess and Check Look Back

List the numbers in order from least to
greatest on a sheet of paper. ( 1 to 9 )
Pick any number and Place it to the center.
Remember that the center will always be the
number mostly used as addends.
all rows , columns and 2
diagonals have sum of 15.


When is it useful to make a list? Basically, any time you have a problem that has more than one
solution, or you’re trying to solve a combination problem, it’s helpful to make a list.
Handshake Problem In a party there are 8 students. If everyone at the party shakes hands with
everyone else, how many handshakes would there be?

Understand the Problem Carry out the Plan

There are 8 students who will do the Actual handshake will be done and by
handshake recording the number of times it is done
We have to determine the number of possible
times the handshake will be done.
Let there be x1 …. X8 people
If x1 and x2 perform the handshake then
x2 and x1 will not be counted as another

There are 28 handshakes performed

Devise a Plan : Make an orderly list ( note that Look Back
there are other strategies to this type of By performing the handshake there are 28
problem ) times it will be done This is a combination
Prepare a table for number of people
performing the handshake and the number of
times it is done
Number of students Number of

The draw a picture strategy is a problem-solving technique in which students make a visual
representation of the problem.
It is an intermediate step between language-as-text and the symbolic language of mathematics. By
representing units of measurement and other objects visually, students can begin to think about the
problem mathematically
ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE. A frog fell down an abandoned well which was 21 meters deep. He found
it difficult to jump up the mud coated walls. He started his long jump up the well at six a.m. It took
him 15 minutes to jump three meters because the walls were so slippery. At the end of every 15
minute period he rested for five minutes while he sadly slipped down one meter. He continued on
at the same rate. At what time did he finally reach the top of the well.


Understand the Problem Carry out the Plan

The well was 21 metres deep. The frog
started jumping at six a.m. He jumped three
meters in fifteen minutes. He slipped down
one meter at the end of every five minute
It would take the frog 195 minutes to cover the
distance. He would reach the top of the well at
9:15 a.m
What time did the frog finally reach the top
of the well?
Devise a Plan : draw a Diagram Look Back
The student can use grid paper to draw the The first nine jumps would reach 18 meters at
movement of the frog 9:00 am with 20 minutes interval so to be able to
Students can use 25 squares of one get the top of the well the frog only needs 3
centimeter grid paper or they can draw a meters which is already 21 meters at his tenth
time line with one centimeter marks. One jump. There is no need to slip down for 1 meter
centimeter would represent one meter the
frog jumps or slips. Drawing the line will help
students to visualize the problem.
Which solution will you try? Will you draw a
line to symbolise the objects? Draw a time
line to show passing time or distance
covered? Draw a picture to stand for objects?
Use a scale drawing? Show the relationship
between things using a diagram or symbols?


The figure shows a series of rectangles where each rectangle is bounded by 10 dots
a) How many dots are required for 7 rectangles?
b) If the figure has 73 dots, how many rectangles would there be?

Understand the Problem Carry out the Plan

The rectangle is bounded by 10 dots.
The problem requires the number of dots to
get 7 rectangles
The problem also requires the number of
rectangles if there is a total of 73 dots.
In the figures given the construction follows 1
rectangle then two then 3 then four rectangles
where each rectangle is bounded by 10 dots.

a) The number of dots required for 7 rectangles is 52.

b) If the figure has 73 dots, there would be 10

Devise a Plan : Look Back

Look for a Pattern. The first nine jumps would reach 18 meters at
Form a table for each construction and 9:00 am with 20 minutes interval so to be able to
determine the number of dots for each get the top of the well the frog only needs 3
construction meters which is already 21 meters at his tenth
jump. There is no need to slip down for 1 meter
Eliminating Possibilities is a strategy in which students remove possible answers until the correct
answer remains.
This is a problem-solving strategy that can be used in basic math problems or to help solve logic

In the game of football, a team can score either a touchdown for six points or field goal for three
points. If a team only scores touchdowns or field goals but does not get any extra points (no points
for an extra kick) what scores cannot be achieved if the team scored under 30 points?


There is a finite set of possible answers.

The score can be 1 through 29.
The score must be a multiple of 3 or 6.
Find all of the possible answers and then narrow down the list according to the criteria in the


The strategy of eliminating possibilities can be used in situations where there is a set of possible
answers and a set of criteria the answer must meet.
First, list the possible scores.
Then eliminate scores that were not possible. the multiples of six are not possible, crossed them
out. The multiples of three are not possible so crossed them out.
What were left with are all of the possible scores.


First, list the numbers 1 through 29, because the problem states that the score was less than 30.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Next, eliminate answers that are not possible solutions. Work through each criteria to find the
Any multiple of six would be a possible score of the game. If the team only scored touchdowns, they
could score 6, 12, 18, 24 and so on. Therefore, all multiples of six should be eliminated.

1 2 3 4 5 * 7 8 9 10 11 * 13 14 15 16 17 * 19 20 21 22 23 * 25 26 27 28 29

Any multiple of three would be a possible score of the game. If a team scored only field goals, they
could score 3, 6, 9, and so on.
Therefore, all multiples of three should be eliminated.
1 2 * 4 5 * 7 8 * 10 11 * 13 14 * 16 17 * 19 20 * 22 23 * 25 26 * 28 29
The answer to the problem is that the following scores could not be the score of the game:

1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29

The scores that would not be possible in this game are listed.
1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29

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