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Hidayat 2K21CSUN01071 CSE 4B


Submitted By:- Hidayat Ulla Bukhari

B.Tech CSE 4B
Submitted To – Dr. Jyoti Pruthi


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Hidayat 2K21CSUN01071 CSE 4B


1 Lab 0
2 Lab 1
3 Lab 2
4 Lab 3
5 Lab 4
6 Lab 5-8
7 Lab 9
8 Lab 10
9 Lab 11

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Hidayat 2K21CSUN01071 CSE 4B

LAB -0


Laboratory Objective: To revisit and implement C Programming Concepts
Learning Outcome: To gain familiarity with the concepts of C.

Course Outcome: CO1

Blooms Taxonomy: BT1, BT2, BT3, BT4
Write programs using the C/C++ Language
1. To swap two numbers without using a temporary variable.
2. To calculate the bill amount for an item given the quantity sold, rate, discount and tax.

Based on Decision Control

3. Program to enter any character. If the entered character is in lower case then convert it into upper
case and if it is lower case then convert it into upper case.

4. To enter a character and determine whether it is vowel or not.

Based on Switch Case:

5. Program to display a menu that offers five options: Read three numbers, calculate total, average,
display the smallest and largest value.

Based on Iterative Statements

6. To classify a number as prime or composite.

Based on Functions
7. To find the Fibonacci using recursive function.

Based on Arrays
8. To insert a number at a given location in an array.

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9. In a class there are 10 students. Each student is supposed to appear in three tests. Write a program
using 2D array to print
(a) The marks obtained by each student in different subjects.

(b) Sort the average obtained by each student.

10. Accept any two strings from the user. Display whether both the strings are equal or not. (do not
use standard functions).

Based on Structures
11. Write a program to accept a list of 10 integers in an array, pass the starting address of array in
sum function, calculate the sum of the array elements in the function and return the sum
calculated in the main function.

Based on Command Line Arguments

12. Program to add two numbers using Command Line Arguments.

1. To swap two numbers without using a temporary variable.

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2. To calculate the bill amount for an item given the quantity sold, rate, discount and tax.

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Based on Decision Control

3. Program to enter any character. If the entered character is in lower case then convert it into upper case and
if it is lower case then convert it into upper case.

4. To enter a character and determine whether it is vowel or not.

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Based on Iterative Statements

5. To classify a number as prime or composite.

Based on Functions

6. To find the Fibonacci using recursive function.

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Based on Arrays

7. To insert a number at a given location in an array.

8. In a class there are 10 students. Each student is supposed to appear in three tests. Write a program using 2D
array to print
(a) The marks obtained by each student in different subjects.

(b) Sort the average obtained by each student.

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9. Accept any two strings from the user. Display whether both the strings are equal or not. (do not use
standard functions).

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Based on Structures

10. Write a program to accept a list of 10 integers in an array, pass the starting address of array in sum function,
calculate the sum of the array elements in the function and return the sum calculated in the main function.

Based on Command Line Arguments

11. Program to add two numbers using Command Line Arguments.

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Laboratory Objective: To implement Basic system calls of UNIX Operating System

Learning Outcome: Familiarity with the use of basic calls of UNIX

Course Outcome: CO2

Blooms Taxonomy: BT1, BT2, BT3
Write programs using the following system calls of UNIX operating system
12. fork()

13. exec()

14. getpid()

15. exit()

16. wait()

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1. fork()

2. exec()

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3. getpid()

4. exit()

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5. wait()

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1. closedir()
• The closedir() function closes the directory stream associated with dirp. A
successful call to closedir() also closes the underlying file descriptor associated
with dirp. The directory stream descriptor dirp is not available after this call.
• The closedir() function returns 0 on success. On error, -1 is returned, and
errno is set to indicate the error.

2. opendir()
• The opendir() function opens a directory stream corresponding to the directory
name, and returns a pointer to the directory stream. The stream is positioned
at the first entry in the directory.
• The opendir() function return a pointer to the directory stream. On error,
NULL is returned, and errno is set to indicate the error.

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3. readdir()
• The readdir() function returns a pointer to a dirent structure representing the
next directory entry in the directory stream pointed to by dirp. It returns NULL
on reaching the end of the directory stream or if an error occurred.
• On success, readdir() returns a pointer to a dirent structure.

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The open() system call opens the file specified by pathname. If the specified
file does not exist, it may optionally be created by open()
The return value of open() is a file descriptor, a small non negative integer
that is an index to an entry in the process table of open file descriptors.

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read() function shall attempt to read n bytes from the file associated wi8th the
open file descriptor, fildes into the buffer pointed to by buf
it reads data previously written into the file.

write() function shall attempt to write nbytes from the buffer pointed to by
buf to the file associated with the open file descriptor

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The stat() function shall obtain info about the named file and write it to the
area pointed to by buf argument
Upon successful completion,0 shall be returned.otherwise -1 shall be returned

The close() fuction shall deallocate the file descriptor indicated by fildes. To
deallocate means to make the file descriptor available for return by
subsequent calls

Laboratory Objective: To implement I/O system calls of UNIX

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Write programs using the I/O System calls of UNIX operating system

1. stat()

2. close()

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Lab-5 - Lab-8
Laboratory Objective: To implement scheduling algorithms in C.
1. Implement the following scheduling algorithms in C on the given scenario:

Process Arrival Time Burst Time

P1 0 8
P2 1 4
P3 2 9
p4 3 5

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b) SJF

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d) RR

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Producer-Consumer problem

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A page replacement algorithm is required in an operating system that

employs paging to manage memory in order to determine which page has
to be replaced when a new page is received.

1. First In First Out (FIFO)

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2. Optimal Page replacement:

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3. Least Recently Used:

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