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NAME Nicholas E.

TITLE Wrong Classroom

I was Grade 2 back then and me and my sister was going to school. My
mother was there too because she is guiding us to school and we were riding a
tricycle. When we reached the school, my sister came out of the tricycle first
gently, while I came out the tricycle like a proud kid. My sister was annoyed of me
and I even make a face of her. My Mom approached me and said “Are you ready
for your school?” and I answered really loud and proud “Yes! I am ready.” “Did
you study your lessons for today’s class?” my Mom replied. “Yes! I am so smart.” I
bragged. My Mom was happy and said “Good luck for your class, son!” I hugged
her and she rode a tricycle and returned to home.

When I entered inside my school, there was supposed to have a cadet

officer to carry my bag and guide me to my designated classroom, but I’ve never
knew there was a cadet officer in the school nor seen one. I just ran to a
classroom like I didn’t care. When I entered the room, I didn’t recognize the faces
of students but I didn’t care because I don’t really have close friends in my
section. I sat down on a chair. I recognized the place of my chair in my real
classroom, and so I did sat down on the same spot in this classroom. A girl beside
me said “That is my friend’s chair”. And I simply said “Oh okay, sorry.” I can notice
the confusion of the face of this girl and all of her classmate looked on me with
confusion. I check the sign on the front of their classroom and it says “Grade 2-
Violetta”. I shook and carried my bag and ran with embarrassment. It was really
ironic that I told my mother that I am smart.

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