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Ma Ling is a Chinese girl and she loves drawing but

she is very poor and she hasn’t got a brush.
Ma Ling draws her pictures on the ground.
She draws them with a stick.
One day she closes her eyes and she says three
“I want a brush! I want a brush! I want a brush!”
2. Ma Ling opens her eyes and there in front of her is
an old man.
He has got a long white beard and he is holding a
The old man says:
“This brush is for you.”
“For me?”
“Yes, it’s for you. Take it. It is yours.”
“It’s mine?”
“Yes, it’s yours. It’s for you.”
3. Ma Ling takes the brush and she looks at it.
It is a beautiful brush.
She wants to say “Thank you”.
But the old man isn’t there!
Ma Ling looks in front of her - he isn’t there.
She looks to the right - he isn’t there.
She looks to the left - he isn’t there.
She looks behind her - he isn’t there.
Ma Ling finds a piece of paper.
“What can I draw?”
4. Then she sees a rooster so she draws a rooster.
“Here’s its head.
Here’s its handsome hat.
Here’s its bright eye.
Here’s its proud neck.
Here’s its strong body.
Here are its long, strong legs.
And here are its long tail feathers.”
Suddenly, the picture begins to move.
The rooster is standing up on the paper!
It is a real rooster.
Then it jumps off the paper and it runs away!
“Wonderful! It’s a magic brush. What can I draw
5. “I know, a hen.
Here’s its red hat and here’s its head.
Here’s its bright eye.
Here’s its fat neck and fat body.
Here are legs and its feet.”
Suddenly, the picture begins to move.
The hen is standing up on the paper.
It is a real hen!
Ma Ling picks up the hen and goes to a little
6. The woman is in the house, she is very poor.
She hasn’t got any hens.
Ma Ling says:
“This hen is for you.”
“For me?”
“Yes, it’s for you. Take it. It is yours.”
“It’s mine?”
“Yes, it’s yours. It’s for you.”
The hen lays an egg.
The poor old woman is very happy.
7. Then Ma Ling sees an old man.
He is trying to cut some sticks.
But his axe is very old.
Ma Ling draws an axe: a new, shiny, sharp axe.
Suddenly, the axe begins to move.
There it is, on the paper.
Ma Ling takes the axe to the old man.
“ This axe is for you.”
“For me?”
“Yes, it’s for you. Take it. It is yours.”
“It’s mine?”
“Yes, it’s yours. It’s for you.”
The old man cuts the sticks.
He is very happy.
8. Then Ma Ling sees a farmer.
He needs food for his little child.
Ma Ling draws a cow: a big, strong cow.
“Here’s its small head and big gentle eye.
Here’s its short, strong neck and its long, strong body.
Here are its short, strong legs.”
Suddenly, the cow begins to move.
It stands up on the paper and then it jumps on the
ground and it begins to grow, bigger and bigger and
Ma Ling takes the cow to the farmer.
“This cow is for you.”
“For me?”
“Yes, it’s for you. Take it. It is yours.”
“It’s mine?”
“Yes, it’s yours. It’s for you.”
The cow gives a lot of milk.
The farmer is very happy.

Everybody in the village knows Ma Ling.

She draws things for all the poor people.
9. One day two soldiers come to the village.
“Where is Ma Ling?”
The people in the village say:
“She is there. She is our wonderful girl.”
“Are you Ma Ling?”
“The king wants you. Come with us.”
“The king wants a picture.”
“No, I won’t come.
I won’t draw a picture for the king.
He has got a palace, and soldiers, farms and
horses, and a lot of money, no I won’t come!”
10. The two soldiers take Ma Ling to the king.
The king is in the garden.
“Are you Ma Ling?”
“Have you got your brush.”
“Draw me a tree. Draw a tree for me. Draw me a
tree full of golden coins.”
“No, no I won’t. I won’t draw a tree. I won’t draw
a tree full of golden coins.”
“Draw me a tree. Draw a tree for me. Draw a tree,
full of golden coins.”
“No, no I won’t. I won’t draw a tree. I won’t draw
a tree full of golden coins.”
“Put her in prison!”
11. Ma Ling is in prison.
What can she do?
Ma Ling draws a key, a big key for the door of the
She puts the key in the lock.
She turns the key.
She opens the door.
She looks into the corridor.
She sees some soldiers.
She walks slowly and quietly down the corridor.
Suddenly, the soldiers see her.
“Hey, you stop. Come back, come back!”
Ma Ling begins to run the soldiers begin to run.
What can she do?
12. Ma Ling draws a horse.
She jumps on the horse and the horse begins to
The soldiers and the king jump on their horses
and they begin to run.
Ma Ling’s horse is very fast but the king and the
soldiers get nearer and nearer and nearer.
What can Ma Ling do?
13. Ma Ling draws a hole.
She throws the hole on the ground behind her.
The hole grows bigger and bigger and bigger.
The king and all the soldiers and their horses run
into the hole.
14. Ma Ling walks slowly back home to her
The people are very happy.
They love Ma Ling.

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