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Regenerative endodontics
A way forward

Anibal Diogenes, DDS, MS, PhD; Nikita B. Ruparel, DDS, MS, ABSTRACT
PhD; Yoav Shiloah, DDS, MBA; Kenneth M. Hargreaves,
DDS, PhD Background and Overview. Immature teeth are sus-
ceptible to infections due to trauma, anatomic anomalies,
and caries. Traditional endodontic therapies for immature

mmature teeth are at risk of developing pulpal ne- teeth, such as apexification procedures, promote resolution
crosis due to trauma, caries, and anatomic variations of the disease and prevent future infections. However, these
such as dens evaginatus and dens invaginatus.1-4 procedures fail to promote continued root development,
Dental trauma occurs with an incidence that varies leaving teeth susceptible to fractures. Regenerative end-
from 2.6% to 35% in patients undergoing cranioskeletal odontic procedures (REPs) have evolved in the past decade,
development.5-7 Up to one-half of these traumatized being incorporated into endodontic practice and becoming
teeth may undergo pulpal necrosis, but only 8.5% will a viable treatment alternative for immature teeth. The au-
exhibit signs and symptoms of disease.8 Dental anoma- thors have summarized the status of regenerative end-
lies also represent a common etiology leading to pulpal odontics on the basis of the available published studies and
necrosis in immature permanent teeth.4 Dens evaginatus provide insight into the different levels of clinical outcomes
and dens invaginatus are the most common anomalies expected from these procedures.
associated with this clinical manifestation.4 Full radicular Conclusions. Substantial advances in regenerative end-
maturation occurs up to 3 years after the eruption of a odontics are allowing a better understanding of a multitude
tooth in the oral cavity,9 and the loss of pulp vitality of factors that govern stem cell–mediated regeneration and
during this period arrests further root development. repair of the damaged pulp-dentin complex. REPs promote
These teeth traditionally have been treated with apexifi- healing of apical periodontitis, continued radiographic root
cation procedures by using either long-term calcium development, and, in certain cases, vitality responses.
hydroxide treatment10,11 or immediate placement of a Despite the clinical success of these procedures, they appear
mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) apical plug.12 to promote a guided endodontic repair process rather than
Although these treatments often result in the resolution a true regeneration of physiological-like tissue.
of signs and symptoms of disease, they provide little Practical Implications. Immature teeth with pulpal
to no benefit in restoring normal pulpal defenses and necrosis with otherwise poor prognosis can be treated with
nociception and, more importantly, continued root REPs. These procedures do not preclude the possibility of
development.13 Thus, immature teeth remain with thin apexification procedures if attempts are unsuccessful.
fragile dentinal walls, increasing susceptibility to frac- Therefore, REPs may be considered first treatment options
tures and lower survival rates.14,15 for immature teeth with pulpal necrosis.
Tooth loss in patients still undergoing cranioskeletal Key Words. Guided tissue regeneration; revasculariza-
development has devastating consequences that include tion; endodontic therapy; stem cells; outcome assessment;
altered maxillary and mandibular bone development; regenerative endodontics.
JADA 2016:147(5):372-380
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interference with pronunciation, breathing, and masti- This was an important demonstration in the field of
cation; and a severe detrimental psychosocial effect.16,17 regenerative endodontics because it established that these
Because implants are contraindicated in growing young procedures were, in fact, stem cell–based procedures. The
patients because of continued craniofacial development, realization that autogenous stem cells can be delivered
tooth replacement is not possible until the age of clinically into root canals without the need for ex vivo
maturity (usually older than 18 years). As an alternative stem cell expansion propelled researchers and clinicians
technique, regenerative endodontic procedures (REPs) to consider principles of tissue engineering to improve
are intended to promote tooth survival and the function treatment protocols and to develop the next generation
of previously thought hopeless teeth. In this review, we of procedures.
will focus on discussing the historical background and
the present and future directions of these clinical TRANSLATIONAL STUDIES
procedures. The balance between adequate disinfection and stem cell
survival, proliferation, and differentiation represents an
important initial barrier to overcome. The resolution of
The emergence of regenerative endodontics was catalyzed infection and the disease process remains the primary
in the early 2000s with the publication of 2 remarkable goal of any endodontic procedure. However, it has
case reports.18,19 However, this field has its roots in the become obvious that the philosophy of disinfecting the
seminal work by Dr. Ostby in the early 1960s that aimed root canal by using methods typically advocated in
to evaluate the role of the apical blood clot in the healing traditional root canal therapy had to be modified to
of apical periodontitis and pulp repair.20,21 Regenerative attain a biocompatible disinfection strategy. To maintain
endodontics also relied on contributions from important the physical integrity of the already thin dentinal walls of
studies in dental trauma, which provided evidence that immature teeth, investigators have advocated chemical
the dental pulp in immature teeth often remains vital debridement as the primary means of disinfection. To
despite substantial traumatic injuries such as intrusions this end, investigators in many translational studies have
and avulsions.22-24 This remarkable regenerative potential focused efforts on establishing the biological basis for
is highlighted in cases of replantation of avulsed imma- clinical protocols that could achieve both disinfection
ture teeth with evidence of reestablishment of vitality and optimum regenerative potential.4,27 For example,
responses and lack of signs and symptoms of dis- sodium hypochlorite remains the most used disinfectant
ease.23,25,26 In these cases, clinical success relies heavily on in endodontics.30 However, its use at full concentration
the reestablishment of a blood supply to the ischemic but of 6% denatures crucial growth factors in dentin31 and
uninfected dental pulp tissue, followed by reinnervation results in residual detrimental effects greatly affecting
from sensory axons likely recruited from the apical re- stem cell attachment, survival, and differentiation po-
gion. This healing process of a previously necrotic dental tential.32-35 These deleterious effects largely can be avoi-
pulp in traumatic injuries is crucial for reattaining normal ded with the use of a 1.5% concentration of sodium
pulpal function after trauma. The term revascularization hypochlorite followed by 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic
has emerged from these observations in dental trauma- acid.35,36 Furthermore, results from elegant studies have
tology despite the different application and goals.4 Pulpal demonstrated that ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid pro-
revitalization is another commonly used term in the motes the release of growth factors embedded in dentin,
scientific literature. However, for the sake of this review, including vascular endothelial growth factor and trans-
we simply will address these procedures collectively as forming growth factor beta-1 among others that are
REPs. Results from numerous published reports known to participate actively in regenerative processes
demonstrate that these procedures often lead to resolu- such as angiogenesis and stem cell proliferation, migra-
tion of apical periodontitis and signs and symptoms of tion, and differentiation, respectively.37-39
inflammation, radiographic evidence of continued root Along these lines, it was obvious that the effects of
development and apical narrowing, and restoration of intracanal medicaments be tested on the survival and
vitality responses.4,27,28 These published cases establish maintenance of stem cells. A triple antibiotic formulation
that REPs address the unmet need of promoting normal consisting of ciprofloxacin, metronidazole, and minocy-
physiological development and responses in immature cline first was tested in vitro against bacteria isolated
teeth with pulpal necrosis. from carious lesions and from endodontic infections
In most REPs, clinicians rely on creating bleeding in primary teeth.40 The investigators found that no
from the apical region that passively fills the canal space bacteria could be recovered after treatment with 100
and forms a blood clot. However, it was not until 2011
that investigators in a clinical study demonstrated that
the influx of apical blood into disinfected root canals ABBREVIATION KEY. MTA: Mineral trioxide aggregate.
was accompanied by a clinically significant transfer of NSRCT: Nonsurgical root canal therapy. REP: Regenerative
mesenchymal stem cells into the root canal system.29 endodontic procedure.

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micrograms per milliliter of each antibiotic (300 mg/mL of endodontic therapies traditionally has been evaluated
of mixture).40 Next, investigators carried out studies to on the basis of lack of signs and symptoms of disease,
test the efficacy of triple antibiotic paste in eradicating such as pain, swelling, or sinus tracts, and radiographic
bacteria from infected dentin. They found that there criteria of healing.10,11,53 REPs, on the other hand, rely on
were no recovered cultivable bacteria at 48 hours, and comparably efficient chemical disinfection followed by
they found evidence of significant drug penetration into the stem cell–mediated growth of a reparative tissue that
dentin.40 In REPs, the use of the triple antibiotic paste promotes continued root development and reestablish-
and its modified versions, such as exclusion of minocy- ment of pulpal functions such as nociception and im-
cline, known as double antibiotic paste, or the addition mune competency. This paradigm shift in treatment
of cefaclor, were introduced by initial published case approach also requires a shift in assessment of clinical
reports.19 The drugs were mixed with water, saline, outcomes.54,55 Last, the success of these procedures must
or propylene glycol until a thick creamy mixture was be evaluated by 3 stakeholders: patients and their legal
formed. In these case reports, there was no attempt to guardians, clinicians, and researchers.
deliver a specific concentration of the drugs deliberately. Patient-based outcomes. The needs and desires of
Instead, the investigators mixed the drugs until they patients might not always align with the preset criteria
achieved a certain physical consistency (approximately of success laid out by clinicians and researchers. There
1 gram per milliliter) that clinicians deemed suitable. At is an ever-increasing need to focus on outcomes that
this concentration, however, the triple antibiotic paste are meaningful to patients because they are the primary
appeared to have long-lasting deleterious effects on stem stakeholders in their own health and must participate
cell survival through both direct and indirect mecha- in treatment decisions.56 However, even in the context of
nisms.41,42 This undesirable effect can be avoided greatly long-established therapies such as conventional nonsur-
by the use calcium hydroxide as an intracanal medica- gical root canal therapy (NSRCT), there is often a
ment41,42 or the use of these pastes in lower concentra- disconnect with patient-centered outcomes. For example,
tions (less than 1 milligram/mL); these lower from a patient perspective, the resolution of pain may be
concentrations retain the desirable antibacterial or anti- the most important criterion for successful NSRCT.
biofilm effect.43-46 Therefore, there have been substantial However, for most clinicians, success also means healing
advances in understanding how to adapt disinfection of a periapical lesion, if present.57 Other patient-centered
protocols to the new reality of stem cell–based therapies. outcomes may include tooth survival in the mouth and
In addition to studies on biocompatible disinfection, acceptable esthetics. These patient-centered outcomes
many other frontiers in regenerative endodontic research are also relevant for REPs (Figure 1).
are being investigated. These involve tissue engineering Investigators used standardized treatment protocols
strategies that include the evaluation of suitable scaffolds, in a study to compare REPs directly with apexification
growth factors, and harvested stem cells to be used in procedures by using the long-term application of calcium
pulp-dentin regeneration.47 Many of the advances from hydroxide or by using MTA as an apical plug.15 REPs and
translational research have been evaluated in a clinical MTA plug apexification procedures were equally effec-
setting, including the use of platelet-rich plasma,48,49 tive in resolving signs and symptoms of disease (that is,
platelet fibrin,50 and a gelatin hydrogel51 as scaffolds in pain, swelling, or sinus tract) in 100% and 95% of all
patients. In addition, a groundbreaking clinical trial is patients, respectively, whereas apexification procedures
being conducted in Japan.52 This trial involves harvesting with the use of calcium hydroxide were significantly
stem cells from a donor site, followed by ex vivo less effective (77%). Investigators in another retrospective
expansion, sorting, and maintenance of these cells in a study did not include standardization of treatment
good manufacturing practice facility, followed by auto- protocols and found REPs to promote healing in 79%
genic transplantation into a recipient tooth to promote of patients treated, whereas apexification procedures
the regeneration of the once lost functional pulp-dentin promoted healing in 100% of the patients; however, this
complex. These elegant studies highlight the status difference was not significant.58 In a prospective study,
and sophistication of REPs. investigators found that both MTA apexification and
REPs promoted healing in 100% of patients.51 Further
CLINICAL OUTCOMES OF REPs evidence of successful outcomes can be found in case
Resolution of infection and the signs and symptoms of series and retrospective patient cohort studies. Despite
inflammation leading to apical periodontitis and resto- significant variations in etiology, inclusion and exclusion
ration of lost function remains the primary goal of any criteria, and clinical protocols, results from these
endodontic therapy. Traditional endodontic therapies studies51,58 demonstrate that both procedures can resolve
(nonregenerative procedures) achieve this goal by pro- the signs and symptoms of disease in approximately 90%
moting disinfection followed by a fluid-tight or bacteria- of patients successfully, without marked difference in
tight seal of the root canal system and delivery of a resolution of symptoms between REPs and apexification
high-quality coronal restoration. The clinical outcome procedures.

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Survival of the tooth is

another important
outcome. An ideal treat- Scientist-Based
ment, from the patient’s Outcomes Histologic
perspective, is one that evidence
prolongs the functional of complete
life of an asymptomatic regeneration
tooth. The survival of
a permanent tooth is Clinician-Based
Outcomes • Radiographic healing
particularly important in • Radiographic root development
young patients undergo- • Positive vitality responses
ing continued cranioske-
letal development • Resolution of disease
because implants are Patient-Based (absence of swelling, drainage, and pain)
contraindicated at this Outcomes • Tooth survival and function
stage. Although results • Tooth esthetics
from various studies
demonstrate the func-
tional survival of mature Figure 1. Trilevel outcome assessment pyramid. Regenerative endodontic procedures must be assessed and
teeth treated with con- evaluated in a systematic manner, acknowledging that there are different levels of possible outcomes that carry
ventional NSRCT,60,61 far different meanings for patients, clinicians, and scientists. The patient-centered outcomes represent the base of
this pyramid, symbolizing the fundamental importance of achieving healing, reestablishment of function, and
less is known about the patient satisfaction.
effect of either apex-
ification or REPs on tooth
survival. REPs promoted 100% survival in a study period Clinician-based outcomes. As mentioned, clinician-
of 18 months, which was comparable with the 95% survival based outcomes involve radiographic signs of healing;
promoted by MTA apexifications, both being superior however, unique to REPs, clinicians also evaluate for
to the 77% survival achieved in calcium hydroxide– continued root development by means of radiographic
mediated apexification procedures.15 Another retrospec- examination and responses to pulp sensitivity. Initially,
tive study in which the investigators directly compared investigators in case reports and case series relied
the survival of REPs and apexification (MTA apical plug) on reporting the nonquantitative assessment of root
procedures failed to demonstrate differences between the development, often using a dichotomous dependent
treatment alternatives.58 Nonetheless, investigators have measure (that is, yes or no),74 in addition to qualitative
shown that REPs arrest the disease process and promote descriptions of radiographic findings.75 In 2009, study
retention of teeth with otherwise poor prognosis.4,27 investigators published a new methodology to quan-
Factors affecting the long-term survival of these teeth titate changes in root width and length13 and further
require further investigation by means of randomized refined and revised it in a later study.76 It allows
clinical trials to compare REPs with MTA apexification for the digital alignment of nonstandardized radio-
as the criterion standard during long follow-ups. graphs obtained at different recall visit times in pa-
There have been esthetic concerns with REPs that result tients undergoing cranioskeletal growth. It allows the
in coronal staining in certain cases.62-64 This coronal unbiased measurement of changes in root development
staining has been identified as being the result of triple detected by means of conventional 2-dimensional
antibiotic paste in which minocycline stains the dentin, periapical radiographs. With use of this methodology,
prior intracoronal bleeding, or the coronal placement of teeth treated with REPs showed a significantly greater
MTA.63,65-69 This expected staining can be minimized by percentage of increase in root length and width.
occluding the dentinal tubules with a dental adhesive if This finding later was confirmed in another retro-
either triple antibiotic paste or MTA is used.62 Alterna- spective study in which the investigators reported
tively, other bioceramic materials, such as Biodentine gains in root length (14.9%) compared with teeth
(Septodont), Bioaggregate (Pearson Dental), and Endo- treated by means of either MTA apexification (6.1%)
Sequence Bioceramic Root Repair Material putty (Brass- or calcium hydroxide apexification (0.4%).15 They
eler), are biocompatible and are osteoinductive when also reported that the REPs produced a significantly
exposed to mesenchymal stem cells70-73 while showing greater percentage of increases in root width (28.2%)
minimal to no color change.67 Thus, tooth discoloration as compared with that in teeth treated by means of either
an adverse event of REPs largely can be avoided if non- MTA apexification (0.0%) or calcium hydroxide
staining medications and restorative materials are used. apexification (1.5%).

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Figure 2. A. A 12-year-old boy sought care for intraoral buccal swelling and sinus tract associated with tooth no. 29. B. Clinical examination revealed
a talon cusp (dens evaginatus) on the occlusal aspect of the tooth. Clinical findings led to the diagnosis of pulpal necrosis with chronic apical abscess.
C. A preoperative radiograph revealed a large apical radiolucency traced with a gutta-percha point through a sulcular sinus tract, an immature root
with a large pulp canal space, and thin dentinal walls. The tooth was treated by means of a regenerative endodontic procedure by using a mixture of
ciprofloxacin, metronidazole, and minocycline (triple antibiotic paste) as an intracanal mixture for 40 days. Incision and drainage also was performed
at this visit. At the second visit, after removal of the intracanal medicament and evoked bleeding, a 3-millimeter piece of absorbable wound dressing
(CollaPlug, Integra LifeSciences) was placed at the level of the cementoenamel junction and restored with a 3-mm layer of mineral trioxide aggregate
and light-cured glass ionomer (Fuji II LC, GC America). At the 4-year recall visit, the patient was asymptomatic and demonstrated positive response to
electric pulp testing for tooth no. 29. Radiographic examination revealed complete apical closure, as well as clinically significant gain in root length
and width with narrowing of the pulp canal space as seen in the periapical radiograph (D) and small-volume cone-beam computed tomography in the
coronal (E) and sagittal (F) views. Photographs and radiographs courtesy of Dr. Yoav Shiloah, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio,
San Antonio, TX.

Further evidence of continued root development is only closure of the apex with no gain in root length or
available in a prospective randomized clinical trial in width. Although the lack of radiographic root develop-
which the investigators compared 2 different protocols of ment in absence of disease does not constitute a treatment
REPs with MTA apexification procedures.51 In this study, failure, future studies with appropriate sample sizes are
REPs promoted the gain in root length (12% increase) needed to find prognostic factors for root development.
and width (13% increase), whereas no changes were Positive responses to pulpal sensitivity tests are
detected in the MTA apexification group.51 Investigators interpreted as evidence favoring the presence of a vital
in other studies with similar methodologies also reported pulp.78 Clinicians routinely use these tests as adjuvants in
changes in radiographic root structure but failed to the diagnosis of pulp status. Investigators have reported
detect statistical significance, possibly because of limited positive sensitivity responses to either cold or electric
sample size or large variability of responses.58,77 pulp tests in approximately 60% of all published cases.4
Various degrees of radiographic root development Nociception is an important surveillance mechanism
have been observed in most published studies. The factors that protects tissues against actual or potential damage.
that modulate this varied response are largely unknown The reestablishment of nociception in these teeth must
because correlation with factors such as tooth type, eti- be seen favorably because it suggests the presence of a
ology, sex, or age has not been established.15,58 Thus, vascularized tissue with normal physiological responses.
although REPs predictably promote healing of apical Furthermore, primary afferent neurons in the dental
periodontitis in more than 90% of the cases,4,15,51,58,74 pulp are equipped to sense microbial antigens, partici-
radiographic root development is far less predictable. pating in the inflammatory process evoked by invading
Figures 2 and 3 provide examples of varied root devel- microorganisms.79,80 They modulate the immune reac-
opment. Figure 2 presents a case that shows excellent gain tion by the release of neuropeptides with vasoactive
in root length and root width along with complete apical properties that increase immune cell recruitment and
closure, whereas Figure 3 presents a case that shows vascularity, localizing areas of insult to microabcesses

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Figure 3. A 10-year-old boy had trauma of tooth no. 8 with an uncomplicated crown fracture and moderate intrusive luxation. The tooth had pulpal
necrosis and symptomatic apical periodontitis approximately 6 months after injury. A. A preoperative periapical radiograph revealed a moderately
immature root with an apical radiolucency and inflammatory root resorption. The tooth was treated with a regenerative endodontic procedure by using
a mixture of ciprofloxacin and metronidazole (double antibiotic) as an intracanal medicament for 1 month. At the second visit, after medicament
removal and evoked bleeding, the access was restored with a 3-millimeter layer of mineral trioxide aggregate placed at the cementoenamel junction
over the blood clot, followed by a base layer of glass ionomer and a composite restoration. At the 3-year recall visit, the patient was asymptomatic, and
the tooth responded to electric pulp testing with evident resolution of the apical radiolucency, arrestment of the resorptive process, and thickening of
the apical one-third with apical closure detected on a periapical radiograph (B). At the 6-year recall visit, the tooth remained asymptomatic with positive
responses to electric pulp testing and evidence of apical closure seen on the periapical radiograph (C) and small-volume cone-beam computed to-
mography in the coronal (D), axial (E), and sagittal (F) views. Radiographs and computed tomographic scans courtesy of Dr. Tyler Lovelace, University of
Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX.

within the dental pulp.81 Also, trigeminal neurons in- unknown. Mesenchymal stem cells delivered into root
crease odontoblastic differentiation and dentinogenesis.82 canals in REPs may be capable of releasing potent soluble
Lastly, trigeminal neurons harbor an important sub- factors that attract nearby neurons to reinnervate the
population of mesenchymal stem cells along their axonal newly formed tissue, possibly participating in the
projections that participate in tooth formation. The role reparative process.83
of the perineuronal mesenchymal stem cells in post- Clinicians rely on the preestablished criteria of
development repair or regeneration remains largely radiographic continued root development and vitality

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responses to evaluate clinical outcomes further. Although CONCLUSIONS

these dependent measures add valuable information that Substantial advances in regenerative endodontics are
can be used to determine whether further interventions allowing for a better understanding of a multitude of
are needed, their meaning to patients and their guardians factors that govern stem cell–mediated regeneration and
is not entirely clear because their expectation is that the repair of the damaged pulp-dentin complex. REPs are
tooth is pain free and functional. The clinician-centered valuable adjuvants to the treatment and retention of
criteria, which often are used to evaluate REPs, are not immature teeth with pulp necrosis with an otherwise
directly applicable to apexification procedures because poor prognosis. Despite the clinical success of these
root development and vitality responses are not expected. procedures, they appear to promote a GER process
Scientist-based outcomes. Outcomes that are not rather than a true regeneration of physiological-like tis-
related directly to the clinical manifestation of the treated sue. For greater regenerative potential to be met, in-
tooth but that address a specific question that requires vestigators must perform much more research and
scientific methodology in its evaluation should be cate- development. Translational research is crucial in making
gorized as scientist-based outcomes. These are equally these procedures more predictable while pushing the
important outcomes because they tend to, through sci- boundaries of future procedures that are likely to involve
ence, move the field forward leading to substantial future the direct clinical manipulation of scaffolds, growth
advances in care. Histologic evaluation of teeth that were factors, and stem cells. n
treated previously with REPs but later extracted because
of recurring trauma and fractures suggests that the newly Dr. Diogenes is an associate professor, Department of Endodontics,
formed tissue does not resemble the lost dental pulp.84-86 University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, 7703 Floyd Curl
Dr., San Antonio, TX 78229, e-mail Address corre-
This is the best example of a scientist-based outcome spondence to Dr. Diogenes.
because it has strong scientific merit, but it does not Dr. Ruparel is an assistant professor, Department of Endodontics, Uni-
necessarily interfere with consideration of the rate of versity of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX.
Dr. Shiloah is an adjunct professor, Department of Endodontics, Uni-
healing and continued root development seen in cases versity of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX.
treated with REPs. Dr. Hargreaves is a professor and the chair, Department of Endodontics,
There is considerable debate about the use of the term University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX.
regeneration because existing scientific evidence from Disclosure. None of the authors reported any disclosures.
histologic studies suggests that the procedures allow for
repair instead.87 This is both a semantic and a biological Endodontics is published in collaboration with the American Association
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