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BEGD- A oroup of cls that are similar in origin, structurally similar and functionally similar consitute a tissue * Bichat coined eHistology - study Defn- They possess power of cell division. ‘Nucleus is prominent and larger = Without intercellular spaces, filles with dense cytoplasm Vacuole, present in very few, even if present, very small ()Apical(i)Intercalary(ji)Lateral meristem / \ ©)Sclerenchyma Def,features,divisions ‘aMature cells DEAD (1st Pemanenissues time) thickening greatest (lignified) A, Simple B.Complex. (a) Parenchyma —p._ >)Céllenchym Def. Distribution Def distribution(epidermis Functions, dicots), stalk of flowers. (1) Isodiametrism (ijplasmodesmata (vacuole {iv) at maturity, they retain| mechanical support ‘the capacity to divide ip NOT present in monocots. ‘cellulose, hemicellulose,pecti NO intercellular spaces Food produced if cp present. Apical meristem i divides, plant increases in lenoth known as primary gro\ Inter calary meristem present in b/w permanent tissues es Lateral Meristem + Iedivides,grows, then plant increases in width and thickness called secondary growth They divide perictinally origin (2) Primary Meristem direct descendants of the promeristem (b) Secondary * develop by the dedifferentiation of some permanent tissues e.g. cork cambium or phellogen arising from epidermal tissue system clerenchyma Fibres B Scereids/Stone cellsf gritt cells Sclerenchyma fibres Nee sheath, xylem, phloem, hypoderinic,cortex,pericycle 4 # (in puedg rnd ae uff) Rigidity, Strength ‘ranchyMacrorOstemrAstroflicho sclereids}pbased on shope argos Nymphaea NOW Some questions! ("“") iors foun ley (d) Epithelial tissue Answer Question 2. Find out incorrect sentence. (2) Pgrenchymatous tissues have intercellular spaces. (b) gollenchymatous tissues are irregularly thickened at comers. Apical and intercalary meristems are permanent tissues. (@) Meristematic tissues, in its early stage, lack vacuoles. (abet ener ote i Sam (d) vertical meristem Question 4, Which cell does not have perforated cell wall? (2) Tracheids (b) Companion cells (©) Sieve tubes (d) Vessels Answer Question 5, Intestine absorbs the digested food materials. What type of epithelial cells are responsible for that? (2) Stratified squamous epithelium (b) Columnar epithelium (©) Spindle fibres (d) Cuboidal epithelium. Let's crack NEET! Gi meristem of the root is present: [AIPMT 2003] fr adventitious roots I! the roots; fy in radicals DY only in tap roots, 2) ggffenchyma is known to develop in the: [AIPMT 2003] ore capsule of a moss pollen tube of Pinus, Roplasm of Chard + g wycelium of a gree, mould such as Aspergillus

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