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• PASTRY DOUGH- The word pate (French for dough and paste) is classically used as a descriptor
for a category of products, which are the building blocks of many traditional and
contemporary creations

• TOURRIER- This refers to a person who works at the pastry department. The care in mixing
and handling of various dough preparations usually determines the quality of the pastry
shop’s baked products.

1. PATE’ A FONCER- is known as a lining pastry which is used primarily for lining
molds pie and tarts and can be used both for sweet and savory application
2. PATE’ BRISEE-a French version of classic pie and tarts. This is the most basic of
our 5 crusts and contains only flour, butter, salt, and cold water making it great for
savory bakes. It can be used both for sweet and savory applications.
Note: A dough similar to a pie dough and Pate’ a Foncer, but contains egg in it.

3. 3.PATE’ SUCREE -   its name even means “sweet pastry” in French. Very similar to
the paté brisée  ingredient-wise, the sucrée differs slightly when it comes to method.
When making the sucrée you cream together the butter and sugar, then add the egg
and flour. Similar to pate’ brisee but further enriched with eggyolks and more sugar.
It is similar to “American short dough”
A rich sweet usually made using creaming method
4. . PATE’ SABLEE- The richest of our 5 doughs the sablée is one of the most delicious
and one of the most difficult crusts to work with. Sablée is reminiscent of a good
shortbread, both in flavor and in its rough-on-the-tongue texture
-means sandy and is often used to refer cookies/or shortbread and more often used for
dessert tarts; cookie-like and crumbly
a. Delicate, rich and crumbly due to high ratio of butter and sugar to flour
b. More tender dough that can be used a lining or base for cakes and other pastry.
5. PATE’ BRETON - - A traditional short dough from Brittany and is enriched with egg
yolk and a generous amount of butter. It is slightly salty sweet dough and makes ideal
base for tarts and cakes and can be used for cookies.


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