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Internet Island Page 53

General idea of the article

It all started with an idea. Two like-minded friends, Keene and James, joined hands in
creating an online start-up. At the same time, they would create an online
community. Then they had this inspired whimsy and dreamed of turning the virtual
world into a real one. So they are on the lookout for a real island. As luck would have
it, a tribe chief in Fiji wanted to find someone to develop a small island called
Vorovoro. Accordingly, they struck up an immediate friendship and entered into
partnership. The tribe visited Vorovoro and helped build houses and set up clean
sources of energy. Their project produced a two-pronged benefits on Vorovoro: it has
been successfully developed and its culture has been preserved intact. The tribe also
built other tribes around the world and exerted a far-reaching influence, leaving
behind a cultural heritage of love.
Vocabulary of paragraphs a, b, c, d
1 tribe 部落 n.: a group of people, often of related families, who live together,
sharing the same language, culture, and history, especially those who do not live in
towns or cities.
The whole tribe seem to have disappeared off the face of the earth.
2 start-up 新興小公司 n.: a small business that has just been started
Start-ups are very vulnerable in the business world.
3 voting 投票 n. the activity of choosing someone or something in an election
People’s voting habits are influenced by political, social and economic factors.
4 virtual 虛擬的 adj.: something that is virtual can be done or seen using a computer
and therefore without going anywhere or talking to anyone
Some people cannot tell the difference between the virtual word and the real world.
5 remote 偏遠的 adj. far-away in distance
They live in a remote corner of Hualien, miles from the nearest shop.
6 environmentally friendly 環保的 adj.: protecting the environment
Wind power is environmentally friendly and will not produce any pollution.
7 advertise 廣告 vt.: to make something known generally or in public, especially in
order to sell it
We advertised our car in the local newspaper.
8 lease 出租 n.: a legal agreement in which you pay money in order to use a building,
piece of land, vehicle, etc for a period
He has the house on along lease.
9 donation 捐贈 n.: money or goods that are given to help a person or organization,
or the act of giving them
Every year she makes a large donation to a worthy cause.
Reading comprehension
1 What is the life-changing event for Keene?
(a) He hit the jack pot and won a million dollars.
(b) He married the girl he always wanted to.
(c) He came into inheritance of a huge fortune.
(d) He received an email from his friend Mark.
2 What did Keene and James want to do?
(a) They want to create an Internet start-up.
(b) They want to go into early retirement.
(c) They want to get rich overnight.
(d) They want to break the world’s record.
3 How did the tribe make decisions about rules?
(a) through giving orders from the top
(b) through discussion and voting
(c) through visiting the tribe members in person
(d) through drawing lots
4 What is the tribe’s innovative idea?
(a) They will turn their virtual tribe into a real one.
(b) They will make the tribe an earthly paradise.
(c) They will make the tribe a financial hub.
(d) They will study aliens in the tribe.
5 What is not true about Vorovoro?
(a) It does not have electricity or running water in some places.
(b) Some people on It had cell phones.
(c) It becomes very modern and advanced.
(d) Some people on it worked on the main islands.
6 What does it mean by “respect one’s culture”?
(a) Give a large donation of money to a community
(b) Identify oneself with the established customs and ways of thinking of a place
(c) Develop a place to make it prosperous and thriving
(d) Marry a local girl and settle down in one place
7 How much did the Tribe donate in money to Vorovoro?
(a) 53,000 (b) 26,500 (c) 10,000 (d) 40,000
Vocabulary of Paragraphs e, f, g, h
1 solar 太陽的 adj. of the sun
They are searching for intelligent life forms in other solar systems.
2 positive 正面的 adj. full of hope and confidence
If you want to succeed, you need to think positive.
3 global 全球的 adj. relating to the whole world
They have attempted to chart the global temperature variations over the last 140
Phrasal verbs with set
set about; set in; set up; set off; set free; set aside;
1 The rainy season has __________ and it will rain continuously for several weeks.

2 The suspects were at last__________ because the judge could not find any
evidence against them.

3 An atomic explosion is created by ____________ a chain reaction in the atom.

4 After dinner, Mary _________ clearing away the dishes.

5 Every month I _________ 5000 NTD for the rent.

6 The school has _________ a special class to help poor readers.

Grammar point
The usage of without 而不會
Without takes a gerund as its object
Fill in the blanks with the gerunds and one gerund may be used twice.
ceasing; seeming; changing; talking; being; having;
1 The teacher is an amicable but strict person and he is easy without ___________
2 You’ve got your retribution without __________ to wait for it.
3 If you want to succeed, you need to try without_____________.
4 He is an intelligent and resourceful person and he as a way of surmounting
obstacles without __________ to be aware of them.
5 He is not used to lying, so he confessed without __________ tortured.
6 He is a very courageous man and he can face the car accident without __________
his expressions.
7 It is only effective when it is done without __________ about it.
Sentence pattern
Dangling participial phrase
You leave out the conjunction and turn the verb into a present participle.
1 She came in while he was shouting for her, and she carried two plates of food.
= She came in while he was shouting for her, ___________ two plates of food.
2 He jumped about excitedly and protested with most solemn and desperate oaths
that he was innocent.
= He jumped about excitedly, ____________ with most solemn and desperate oaths
that he was innocent.
3 They plodded on with walking sticks and dragged themselves painfully along.
= They plodded on with walking sticks,__________ themselves painfully along.
4 Her eyes suddenly took on a piercing gleam and focused on that key.
= Her eyes suddenly took on a piercing gleam, ___________on that key.
5 Torrential rains came down and soaked everybody.
= Torrential rains came down, __________everybody.
6 In handing Jesus over to the authorities, he is doing his leader’s bidding and he
knew full well the fate he will bring on himself.
= In handing Jesus over to the authorities, he is doing his leader’s bidding,
__________ full well the fate he will bring on himself.
Reading comprehension
1 When did Keen travel to the island for the first time?
(a) June of 2006 (b) July of 2009 (c) August of 2001 (d) September of 2006
2 What did the Tribe do in Vorovoro?
(a) They built building.
(b) They planted crops.
(c) They set up clean sources of energy.
(d) All of the above
3 Where can we find the tribes?
(a) Bali (b) Italy (c) Sierra Leone (d) all of the above
4 According to this article, what is clean energy?
(a) solar power (b) coal (c) oil (d) gas
5 What is the adage that best summarizes the article?
(a) Union gives strength. (b) Caution is the better part of valor (c) Prosperity is in the
gods’ hands. (d) The devil is in the details.
6 What can the tribe members be called?
(a) misanthropists (b) philanthropists (c) tycoon (d) multimillionaire

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