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Cerebellar Ataxia:

1) Introduction:

Neurcent are the building blocks of the netuous system

including the brain and spinal cord. Neurodegenerative 1.
disease is a Cam used to describe a group of conditions that
affect reines in the bulunan bram including disease such as
cerebellar atascia and Parkinson's desease.

24 Definition:

Ataxia is a dongenerative condition that affects your nervous

system. it involves problems with coordination and movement.
There are many different kinds of ataxia with varying causes a

symptames Sometimes your spinal card, this inherited condition

worsens over time and causes specific problems with
coordination. usually affecting eyes, Honds legs and mobility,

3/ types of ataxia:

* cerebellar: this type of ataxia happens because of a problem

in the cerebellum, a

part of your brain that monages how different parts of the brain
work together Sensory: your body has a built in" self-
positioning! sense, which lets your brain track where each body
part is. An excample of this is home


Know where your

hands and feet are, even if you can't see them (such as with
your eyes closed or in a


Sensory ataxia disrupts your self positioning sense.

Vestibular: this type involves a problem with

inner ears.
which are part of your sense of balance
your sense of balance disrupted, it's hard to coordinate
how you move.
24) Symtoms:

poor coordination
- walking unsteadily
-poor balance
or with the feet set wide a put
Difficulty with fine motor tasks, such as eating, writing or
buttoning a shirt
-change in speech

-A Icol intoxication (being brunk). Brain tumors (or other forms

of cancer). celiac disease.

congenital disorders (conditions you

such as Chiari malformation).

have at birth

-Concussions and traumatic brain injuries. -Degenerative brain

conditions like Parkinson's disease.

Drugs (prescription and recreational, especially medications for

epilepay any

Fatigue and stress.

Genetic Lisarters (conditions

you inherited from



have at birth that

one or both parents, such as friedreich's ataxia-telangiectasia,

Niemann-Pick Disease, Wilson's Lisease, etc...).


objectif :
The study aims to define cerebellar ataxia and it's most important
symptoms and causes, to educate citizens about its seriousness; so they
should consult a doctor before the desease develops

1) : Rare Diseases site. Spinocerebellar ataxia. Retrieved on the 9th of

January, 2022.

2): Thomas C. Weiss, Ataxia : Spinacerebellar = SCA Facts and

information, retrieved on the 9/01/2022.

3) Henry L. Paulson, the Spina cerebellar Ataxia retrieved on the


cerebellar ataxia.

4) H-C Diener 'J Dichgans

Movement disorders: official journal of the movement disorder society 2,


5) H Stolje, S Klebe, G. Petersen, J. Raethjen R. Wenzelburger, K wilt, G

Deuschl Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery psychiatry 43(3), 310-312,

- atascia refers to pear muscle control that causes. heaviness in

voluntary movements, it may cause difficulty walking,
maintaining balance, hand coordination. speech swallowing and
eye movements, atasud usually results from.

Jamage to the responsible. the cerebellum and the brainstem of the

brain contral muscle coordination. part (the cerebellum) or what is
related to it, there are medical condition that can cause. it. Atoscia,
including alcoholism, stroke, tumor, brain atrophy, multipe sclerosis,
certain medications, and gentic Lisarters. therefore treatement of
atascia Lepings on the cause. Adaptive sevices such as walking
jaids or canes, may help maintain your independence
physiotherapy, eccupational therapy, speech therapy and regular

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