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Pirates! Lin Marsh a With energy! MELODY piano, J] ® KEYBOARD’ all pi- rate ship is com- ing, we know it's on its way, cap - tain wears an eye - patch, a cut = lass in his hand, seek - ing gold and sil - ver and jewels of ev - ‘ry kind, os pirate ship is com ing, we've seen it in the bay. onthe bridge be - side him, his faith - ful pi ~rates stand. a board each sail - ing ves ~ sel and take what they can find, = (© 2004 by Faber Music Lid This musicis copyright, Photocopying is ILLEGAL. skull and cross~boues on the ast, wild and noi = sy crew: - mp rate ship is com - ing "sf - ter me and yout ue Yo - ho - ho and a bot-tle of rum, pi - rates tike to have their funl 25 2 5 ie. = Yo -ho - lo on the ‘Sal- ty Breeze’ as they sail the se-ven seas.

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