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The path I’ve chosen as a teacher is one most would try to stay away from.

Teaching is not the

most lucrative profession out there. It is a career that is strictly fueled by one own passion and

motivation. As a teacher, you must combine your own personality with a strong philosophy on

why you teach to become a successful educator.

The reason I have for wanting to be an educator is simple, passion. I love the joy I get from

helping others archive what they didn’t think was possible. When I was a wrestling coach, I

would get some kids who lack confidence and I would try to turn all that nervous, negative

energy into positively strong energy. Student athletes would do a compete 180 in terms of not

only wrestling skills, but social skill as well. I remember the few adults in my life who shaped

me into the man I am today and that’s what I want for my students. Children today need role

models now more ever especially those without father figures at home. Keeping kids in engaged

is one of my gods given special abilities. I remember well what its like to be a kid and I know

how easy it is for adults to alienate kids or, make them feel unimportant. Every child will mean

the same to me I do not tolerate or advocate favoritism therefore, everyone of my students will

get the attention they deserve. I am halfway done with my field observations and I must say, it

has truly been amazing thus far. I knew technology was a factor in school nowadays however, I

didn’t realize how huge of a factor it truly was until I got there. One thing I will have to learn is

that these kids are more so my students and no so much my friends. It’s challenging sometimes

to look the other way in certain situations and be professional with the kids. Respect comes along

way with students and Ms. Rivera certainly taught me that lesson. Classroom management is also

something I’m a little uneasy about. Right now, at this moment, I feel like a classroom of twenty

students would run all over me. Classroom management is a skill I’m going to have to learn with

experience, perhaps a sub job.

Out of the different types of educational philosophy, progressivism is the one that makes the

most sense to me. I think children are naturally gifted and active learners. The main goal for me

as an educator to produce kind mannered well-functioning and lead them into society. I am

among the many adults who think the youth of America is heading down the drain. The advent of

social media has does wonders but at the same time, it has taken us backwards as a nation. Kids

that are way too young for platforms such as Tic Toc, Twitter, and Snapchat have access to it and

it’s kind of destroying their child-like innocence. Elementary student should be exploring life’s

wonders not posting about it. Students at this time now more than ever need someone to step up

and be an example for them.

Instruction will be something I will try to take and make my own. Using memorization tactics

and fun interactive actives will be my wheelhouse. For example, my fifth-grade teacher devised a

fun way to get us to learn our multiplication table. He made us skip hopscotch and every time we

skip; we would have to say the next number in the multiplication sequence. I understand that

different students learn in different ways and I will do my best to try to cater to every students’

induvial needs. My extreme work ethic will shine through when it comes to teaching my class.

Assignments will the challenge the students however, they will be well prepared for them.

The main skill I will need to move forward as an educator is experience. I consider myself

someone who can adapt to almost any environment with time. When I feel I am not strong at

something I do everything I can to focus in on it and make my strongest attribute. Explaining

how to do certain task is something I need to work on. I feel like just know so many ways to

learn but my words don’t always come out how I want them to. Articulation is a skill I hope to

master after I finish my schooling.

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